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redemption_series_graphic“In Christ. God put the wrong on him who never did anything wrong, so we could be put right with God.” (2 Corinthians 5:21 MSG)

I’m not trying to be clever, cute or intentionally controversial but something curious happened to me as our faith community has studied the book of Revelation. While Revelation deals with many eschatological and prophetic themes it often wraps them within the idea of covenant relationship, fidelity and a return to an Edenic state.  As I was sharing with my faith family the events surrounding Jesus’ second coming, and His union to a “faithful bride”, I also began to revisit how I have commonly viewed sin and redemption and asked, is there a better way?

By asking such an “out of the box” question I was not challenging God’s prescribed order of events and means by which He restores all things. Rather, like with most things, when I don’t have a clear understanding I turn to spiritual mentors, writings on the topic, opinions and most of all God’s Word to see if I am thinking God thoughts or just well intentioned but misleading opinions? Everyone struggles with what St. Paul called a “thorn in the flesh” whether it be a specific sin or the burdens of the sin nature. Furthermore, we know our remedy has and is always securely placed through the atoning work of Jesus. Yes, despite this truth, sin doesn’t just disappear from our lives and cease to exist. In fact, the sin nature is very much alive, in the world around us, and by default we are surrounded by many elements that attempt to revive the old nature within us.

For over 37 years I have tried to conquer sin, through spiritual pilgrimage, fasting, prolonged prayer, counseling, public confession and begging but it wasn’t until I revisited sin from a different paradigm I was able to better understand His work of redemption. So, here is the first paradigm shift on sin: Sin is a fundamental relationship; it is not a wrong doing, it is a wrong being of deliberate and absolute independence from God.

When you consider the Judeo-Christian world-view its approach to sin doesn’t just deal with specific sins but the very nature of sin itself. This type of worldview therefore places the Bible (God’s revealed Word) as a historical record, prophetic promise, covenant agreements and guidelines for a life that is willing to not just treat the branches or leaves, of the “sin tree”, but is willing to bore down deep to the roots. In considering the ministry of Jesus the first thing He confronted, in humanity, was the heredity of sin and not the specific sins they may have been struggling with. Jesus’ words to the woman caught in adultery went deeper than the sexual sin by confronting the very heart of the sin nature. Which is why Jesus said to her, Go, your sins (plural) are forgiven and sin no more. “The revelation of the Bible is not that Jesus Christ took upon Himself our fleshly sins, but that He took upon Himself the heredity of sin that no man can touch. God made His own Son to be sin that He might make the sinner a saint.” (Chambers)

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Here too we are not just focusing on the action, of sacrifice, but in the act of relationship in which Jesus rehabilitated humanity and returned us back to where God designed us to be. This is why I experienced great frustration in dealing with personal sin by using actions or works to cure my problems. What I needed was what we all need: To break relationship with sin and enter into a faithful relationship with Jesus. Everyone is invited to enter into union with God on the grounds of who Jesus is and what He has done.

Not to long ago I had a rose bush that in its first year bloomed such marvelous flowers. But each year this bush produced less and less until finally it looked as it was going to die. Noticing it was sick I tried a variety of cures only to see marginal change and a worsening of the situation. Eventually I even tried to cure the soil conditions around this bush but this too had little effect. Finally, in one last attempt I uprooted the rose bush and planted it elsewhere. Next spring it came back to life and each year it has grown stronger and stronger with very little need for my direct attention. Like my rose bush many people are desperately trying to redeem their lives, through works and well-intentioned Biblical actions, when what is needed is a literal break with the old sin relationships and engaging in a new intimate relationship with Jesus. Redemption is God’s ‘bit,’ and is absolutely finished and complete! But communion and relationship is a two-way street so consider looking at sin and redemption through a new paradigm; and you may find yourself treating the root of sin is more rewarding than examining the leaves.

Grace and Peace



sinYou know the story of how Adam landed us in the dilemma we’re in—first sin, then death, and no one exempt from either sin or death. That sin disturbed relations with God in everything and everyone, but the extent of the disturbance was not clear until God spelled it out in detail to Moses. So death, this huge abyss separating us from God, dominated the landscape from Adam to Moses. Even those who didn’t sin precisely as Adam did by disobeying a specific command of God still had to experience this termination of life, this separation from God. But Adam, who got us into this, also points ahead to the One who will get us out of it.” (Romans 5:1214 MSG)

A few weeks ago I was having an in-depth conversation with another pastor who shared with me a dialogue he held, with a prominent theologian, on the nature of sin and the Law of God. Today, there is a foreign undercurrent being taught, within the message of grace, that claims the Law of God is responsible for the problem of sin; and therefore a proper reading of Romans tells us the work of the Cross sets us free from sin and Law. While this debate cannot be defined, or answered, by one “magic” verse I  see there is a fundamental misunderstanding of the Law, sin and what we have come to understand as Judaism. Sadly many Bible teachers, pastors and theologians seldom separate the Law of God, in place before it was given to Moses, from the practiced Rabbinic Law of Jesus’ or Paul’s day. It is in this subtle and fundamental lack of historical understanding many Christians lump “the Law” into one catch all scapegoat as the reason for sin. Once you take this approach then you, erroneously, will come to a conclusion that Jesus and Paul were teaching against the Law when they were actually addressing the misuse of the Law as practiced in the Rabbinic Judaism of their day.

IT’S NOT A LAW PROBLEM, IT’S A SIN PROBLEM. The Bible does not say that God punished the human race for one man’s sin; but that the disposition of sin, viz., my claim to my right to myself, entered into the human race by one man, and that another Man took on Him the sin of the human race and put it away (Heb. 9:26)—an infinitely profounder revelation.” (Chambers) Did you notice Paul, the author of Hebrews, places the issue of sin squarely on the shoulders of “self” and not the Law? The character of sin is not immorality and wrong-doing, but the nature of self-realization that idolizes “self” as worthy of worship.

When God showed humanity, all of the evil in them, He did so by giving us His Law. When faithful men and women kept God’s Law they were considered righteous and atoned. Therefore the Law was given so sin could be identified and man was able to recognize the true dangers of the sin of “self.” Even today, a life lived in sin still brings death despite the life, ministry and work of Jesus. Sin is and has always been the true danger not God’s Law! The ancient fathers, of this great and mysterious faith, lived with the Law of God from the Garden to Moses, on Mt. Sinai, and even to us today. Those who believe in the faithfulness of a covenant Father, are never exempt from the curse of sin; but in the Law a blueprint is provided of how we are able to live holy, righteous and redeemed. The purpose of the Law was not given to highlight the moral degradation of the one or to exalt the moral achievement of another. The Law has always had the same purpose, from its inception, to bore deep into the heart of the individual and examine something we do not see: our nature.

Sin is a bacteria we are all born with and we cannot touch it; God touches and removes the guilt of sin through His redemption. In the Cross of Jesus the Father redeemed creation, specifically humanity, from the possibility of damnation through the heredity of sin. God nowhere holds a man responsible for having the heredity of sin. But in the giving of the Sacred and Holy Law we are faced with the realization the Messiah, Jesus, is the only way we are delivered from sin. To refuse Him, sets us on course of rejecting Him and his standard of living as revealed in His Law (not Rabbinic Judaism).
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Did Jesus release us from committing adultery? Coveting? Murder? Lying? Idolatry? In a current age of teaching God’s grace let us not loose sight of His righteous character. Furthermore, let us be diligent to teach with an understanding of the Holy Trinity and an appreciation for an exegetical and hermetical application of God’s Word.

In the pursuit of His mercy and grace let us not condemn His Law. Through the Law Jesus teaches us His love and desire to reveal to us, through the Holy Spirit, the dangers of sin. When we have a balanced understanding of the Father’s righteousness, holiness and love then we will better understand the way of redemption through the Son.

Grace and Peace



WhyDo you remember the country music song, Thank God for Unanswered Prayers? In this typical and sappy tune the singer looks back at his prayers God chose not to respond to. As the song goes the singer wishes he could have married another sweetheart but looking at his current wife and family he is thankful God didn’t answer his prayer and allowed him to marry the woman who was his wife.

The other day I was driving with my daughter, who is six years old, and she asked me a litany of questions. While most of her questions were to be expected from a young inquisitive mind there were inquiries that bordered on years ahead of her current age. As she continued to ask I chose not to answer, some of her questions, for the simple reason I knew she was incapable of understanding the full wisdom of what I knew.

Throughout my spiritual journey I have been like my daughter asking God a series of questions with the expectation He was going to provide me with an answer I would find agreeable and or understand. In particular there was not a single night of prayer when I didn’t remind God I wanted an answer to a pressing question of “why?” As my personal frustration mounted I continued to press God for an answer only to be greeted with further silence; and this is not to say God was not answering other prayers, but in this single question He remained silent.  Eventually I stopped asking and for the first time, in a long while, I finally had peace about the question even though I still didn’t have an answer.

When we are walking with Him there will be times He will choose not to speak; and this is not because He can’t or won’t but because we are incapable of understanding the fullness of His answer. Let me ask you, what if I had answered my daughter’s most pressing question with the extensiveness of my insight and understanding? Would she have understood the answer? Too often we believe we are capable of understanding God and when He doesn’t answer our question we should be thankful for Him choosing not to answer. In the sacredness of divine mystery there are some things better left unanswered, for a season, until He chooses to finally reveal all things. If, in His silence, we remain trusting He can bring peace and understanding in the most unexpected ways.
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One last story. Sixteen years ago I responded to the call of God and it was then He planted a small seed of vision in my life. It was not until many years later did that seed of “the call” grow into a fragile sapling of commission. Today the sapling of commission is a young tree of mission and ministry that must weather the storms of life. Throughout the process there were times I knew exactly what God was asking of me and at other times I had to trust in the seedling days of vision. Wherever you may be in your walk trust His call and commission even in the days of silence and you may be surprised how and when He chooses to speak.

Grace and Peace



hopko1-272x300“I want you to know how glad I am that it’s me sitting here in this jail and not you. There’s a lot of suffering to be entered into in this world—the kind of suffering Christ takes on (Col. 1:24 MSG)

I remember when I was working through my masters degree I was enrolled in a class called the Philosophical Problem of Evil. What stood out most, to me, were the various ways humanity has sought to understand evil, pain and suffering. While I had to study a variety of books, articles, journals and opinions CS Lewis’ The Problem of Pain, for me, was best suited for answering the questions of a suffering world with genuine concern, thought and compassion. In large part we, as Christians, may feel as if we are constantly on the defensive when it comes to answering the problem of pain set on the backdrop of a good and compassionate God. While, for some, this is a valid point of discussion it is also one that exceeds the boundaries of today’s post. Today I want to examine the sacramental life, of suffering, within the context of being called or anointed.

Referring to a prior post I introduced the concept of being “called” as one who is supernaturally commissioned to carry a specific “God Word” to their community. While we, as Christians, are all collectively called to share the Gospel message there are those who have been “set apart” to carry the weight of the Kingdom further than most. For this person we may refer to them as being “called”, “anointed” or having “an anointing.” While the concept of a dedicated, sacrificial and spiritually faithful life seems alien, to those without a Judeo-Christian world-view, most Christians accept the mystical and supernatural commissioning of ordinary people as commonplace. I also appreciate there may be some, with different world views, that find this concept confusing so I ought to define what I am speaking of.

Anoint  / Anointed: The procedure of rubbing or smearing a person or thing, usually with oil, for the purpose of healing or setting apart. The Hebrew verb mashach (noun, messiah) and the Greek verb chrio (noun, christos) are translated “to anoint.” From ancient times the priests and kings were ceremonially anointed as a sign of official appointment to office, and as a symbol of God’s power upon them. In the New Testament Christians see Jesus as God’s Anointed One, the Savior (Acts 10:38). The same symbolism as in the OT is employed in this usage: God’s presence and power are resident in the anointing. Likewise, the Christian is anointed by God (2 Cor. 1:21; 1 John 2:27) for the tasks of ministry.[1]

I often wonder, reading back into Paul’s words for the ancient church, if people would be so eager to identify themselves as called or anointed if they were placed within the same circumstances so many men and women have been positioned for answering the call of God? Within the Western Church USA we tend to glamorize everything. Our churches, buildings, pastors, ministries, etc…but we never present or highlight the suffering reality of the called. Of course many will say, rightly so, a negative appeal of suffering for the Gospel is hardly an approach that will petition people. Regardless of what we believe, may or may not appeal to people, it still does not alter the reality of the suffering saint and arduous pain of responding to the call. Returning to Paul’s writings he never considered “his calling” a negative weight rather he said, “I welcome the chance to take my share in the church’s part of that suffering. When I became a servant in this church, I experienced this suffering as a sheer gift, God’s way of helping me serve you, laying out the whole truth.”

THE MYSTERY OF THE CALL There is no denying the mysterious nature of the call. Why does God call some and not others? I’m not sure. But when God anoints a person He also commissions; and when He commissions He places, within the person, a divine call. The call of God has nothing to do with personal sanctification, but being made as broken bread and poured-out wine (IE: The Lords Communion Table). Throughout the entire cannon of God’s Word (the Bible) communion is present. Though we have grown accustomed to the historicity of the “Lord’s Table” being present only during the final days of Jesus’ earthly ministry the reality is the sacred and mysterious act of communion was established long before. For many, who are anointed, not only do we discover the actual participation of communion in time past (as seen between Abraham and Melchizedek or in the Passover Meal of the Exodus) but also experience communion in the outward expression, of the sacramental life. (Read the accounts of the prophets)

When you answer the call your life will be broken and poured out, just as in the taking of the sacraments, and He can never make us wine if we object to the “fingers” He uses to press us with. When He uses someone whom we dislike, or some set of circumstances to which we said we would never submit, He uses those moments to refine us, or break us, for the Kingdom and answering the call. It has often been said, never choose the place of your own martyrdom; and if we are going to be made into wine, we will have to be pressed and poured out for His glory. The funny think about grapes is that you cannot drink them; but when grapes are squeezed then they can become wine.

To answer the call will not be easy… but it is rewarding. Suffering and pain are a part of life, for those “in Him” and not in Him. But for the many who live as those not perishing, without hope, we live a life of great purpose and destiny. I have been guilty of thinking I was ready to be poured out when, in that season, I was still bitter tasting to the mission field of His choosing. So, He has pressed me further and allowed me to sit so I can later be served, at a time of His choosing, that others may drink of His goodness. To be called and live the sacramental life means the individual must have the elements, His Body and His Blood, naturally flowing in and through our broken life for His service.

Keep right with the Father and let Him have His perfect way in your life. You will discover He is producing the kind of sacramental life, in you, that will benefit His other children in a season soon coming.

Grace and Peace


[1] Mitchell, M. (2003). Anoint, Anointed. In C. Brand, C. Draper, A. England, S. Bond, E. R. Clendenen & T. C. Butler (Eds.), Holman Illustrated Bible Dictionary (C. Brand, C. Draper, A. England, S. Bond, E. R. Clendenen & T. C. Butler, Ed.) (70). Nashville, TN: Holman Bible Publishers.

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Still, I want it made clear that I’ve never gotten anything out of this for myself, and that I’m not writing now to get something. I’d rather die than give anyone ammunition to discredit me or impugn my motives. If I proclaim the Message, it’s not to get something out of it for myself. I’m compelled to do it, and doomed if I don’t! If this was my own idea of just another way to make a living, I’d expect some pay. But since it’s not my idea but something solemnly entrusted to me, why would I expect to get paid? So am I getting anything out of it? Yes, as a matter of fact: the pleasure of proclaiming the Message at no cost to you. You don’t even have to pay my expenses! (1 Cor. 9:15-18 MSG)

St. Paul is truly a giant, among men and women, of our shared Christian faith. How counter-cultural was Paul? How entirely opposed to Western Christianity was his ministry focus? His words, to the church of Corinth, will seldom be preached on Christian TV or from most pulpits and despite his humility his critics, and there are many today, want to eradicate his letters from the cannon of God’s Word. Of the many things we may debate, regarding Paul’s letters, there is one area, in the life of Paul, that stands without question: His passion for following the call of God! But why was Paul so committed to his calling?

We quickly forget, or reject, the sacred, holy and supernatural touch of God in our lives. Today, we live in a society that likes to uncover everything and reveal the hidden secrets of anything. Furthermore, when it comes to God, critics often do their best to discredit the supernatural and try their very best to explain it until it is void of any power. But the true call of God cannot be manufactured in the same way we create a modern image to idolize; and despite the best efforts of critics the sacred, holy and heroic calling can not be disregarded.

St. Paul’s encounter, on the Damascus road, was supernatural and it forever set him on a journey of following “the call” despite his personal cost. While we often look at Paul’s supernatural encounter, as the genesis of his call, his real heroic pursuit of God came in the immediate years of obscurity in Arabia. Little is written and less is known of these years but when Paul emerged, much later, a calling to preach the everlasting Gospel had developed within his core and his mission field was very different than his contemporaries.

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Woe is unto me, if I preach not the gospel!” Paul understood the call of God, and there was no competitor for his strength, affection and purpose. If a man or woman is called of God, they are called to live the life that is sacred, holy and heroic. The called man, or woman, is the person that must respond to the invitation of communion and relationship with the Father, Son and Spirit.

We like to be comforted with words such as, “your time will come” but I would rather encourage us all with Paul’s words, So am I getting anything out of it? Yes, as a matter of fact: the pleasure of proclaiming the Message. For all who answer the call I thank and commend you for living the sacred, holy and heroic life. Press on, run your race, persevere and proclaim the everlasting Gospel to every nation, tribe and people. Follow the call! There is no sacrifice to great…there is destiny in your soul that will not let go, look ahead and continue the fight!

Grace and Peace



jm_200_NT2.pd-P20.tiff“Jesus looked him hard in the eye—and loved him! He said, “There’s one thing left: Go sell whatever you own and give it to the poor. All your wealth will then be heavenly wealth. And come follow me.” (Mark 10:21 MSG)

I am not a perfectionist. I’m not saying I’m proud of this fact because I have learned, in most instances, it serves me best to be as close to “perfect” as possible. Maybe I should more accurately identify myself as administratively challenged? While my wife, and others within our community, suspect I have some OCD tendencies I know I am far from a perfectionist; and I know this because I have come across one or two perfectionist in my journey having realized they, more than any other person and or personality, have the hardest time living in relationship and community. But why? Is the Kingdom stacked against the perfectionist? Far from it; but there is a ‘trap” built in to striving for perfection that runs counter cultural to the Kingdom (more on this later).

There was one such person, in the Bible, who was a perfectionist known in Mark’s Gospel as the rich young ruler. One the one hand this young man shared Jesus’ passion to be perfect and when he saw Jesus, he wanted to be just like Him. Everything about this man’s life would indicate his house was in order, his religion (not faith) was resolute and his ability to succeed would be admired by most people. Yet, despite this impressive resume and disciplined life, when he came face to face with Jesus he walked away; why? Do you remember I mentioned there is a “trap” built in to the striving for perfection? Well, here is the trap revealed: While Jesus loves to work with the passionate and dedicated He will never compete with our personal holiness and pride in self. In fact, to be called His disciple means He will eradicate our right to self- identification and replace it with a relationship, communion and identification in Him alone.

Many people struggle with Jesus’ words from Luke 14:25-33 when He says, “Anyone who comes to me but refuses to let go of father, mother, spouse, children, brothers, sisters—yes, even one’s own self!—can’t be my disciple. Anyone who won’t shoulder his own cross and follow behind me can’t be my disciple. “Is there anyone here who, planning to build a new house, doesn’t first sit down and figure the cost so you’ll know if you can complete it? If you only get the foundation laid and then run out of money, you’re going to look pretty foolish. Everyone passing by will poke fun at you: ‘He started something he couldn’t finish.’ “Or can you imagine a king going into battle against another king without first deciding whether it is possible with his ten thousand troops to face the twenty thousand troops of the other? And if he decides he can’t, won’t he send an emissary and work out a truce. “Simply put, if you’re not willing to take what is dearest to you, whether plans or people, and kiss it good-bye, you can’t be my disciple.” Clearly, within context, Jesus is addressing every disciples unconditional identification with Him and the personal struggle we may all encounter if we want to keep, even the smallest portion of “self” alive. There is nothing more real, close, personal and loved than family or the things most important to our life. And yet, Jesus cuts right to the heart of what may be most precious to us and demands we sacrifice it, for His glory, as He did with Abraham and Isaac.

Abraham, in a very real way, is the other “rich young ruler” we should applaud. From the beginning of his calling he possessed a passionate, but not perfect, pursuit of God. He left his family, while also inviting others with him on his journey. When he was far from perfect, having strayed into Egypt, God challenged him again; and he responded. Challenge after challenge, failure after failure and risk after risk Abraham was willing to do what Luke’s rich younger ruler was not. What an awesome example, Abraham is to us, of being a disciple no matter what the cost!

“The man’s face clouded over. This was the last thing he expected to hear, and he walked off with a heavy heart. He was holding on tight to a lot of things, and not about to let go.” (Mark 10:22 MSG) Sadly, for the perfectionist, the call of identification with Jesus and His “failure” to be impressed with the young man’s wealth or talent dismayed the rich young ruler to the point where he no longer wanted to be like Jesus. While Jesus often works with the talented, skilled and wealthy He is just as apt to work the talentless, poor and imperfect. Jesus will work with anyone who is willing to lay whatever is closest to them down for complete and total communion and relationship with Him.
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When Jesus truly gets a hold of a life He transforms and transfixes it; and where we were once ineffective we become effective for the Kingdom. If we are pliable our ‘softness’ can be transformed into His strength. Where we are hard He uses us to display His tenderness through grace, mercy and forgiveness. And when we are “administratively challenged” He too can mold us into capable bean counters.

Jesus’ final words, to the perfectionist of every age, is “One thing thou lackest, sell whatsoever thou hast …” From Jesus’ point of view there can be nothing between you and Him. To live the life of a disciple means, fundamentally, we must renounce possessions of all kinds. This type of renunciation is not a works driven attempt to save our soul (since the only thing that saves a man is our absolute dependence upon Jesus) but a call to a life of sacrifice where we faithfully follow Jesus and persevere and endure until the end. This was the life of Abraham and he lived life every bit the rich ruler of his age. The example of Abraham is the life of the sacred, holy and heroic and stands in stark contrast to Luke’s rich young ruler.

Jesus’ invitation to us all is “Come, and follow Me.” Are we prepared to journey with Him no matter what the cost?

Grace and Peace



Ed GungorMy dog’s name is Frank. He is a little, white-haired  terrier of some kind. He may be small but he lives large in the Gungor family. He thinks he’s one of us and he has the job of “protector. If you came to my door right now and we were trying to talk, Frank would be a force to reckon with. He’d be freaking out that a “stranger” is at the door. And his bark is unnerving. He doesn’t have the highpitched “arf-arf-arf” of the tiny dogs—it’s more a midtoned “rarf, rarf, rarf.” And he would just keep on barking until I yelled, “QUIET! Go to your kennel!” at least a couple of times. Then he’d reluctantly shut it down and stroll towards his kennel, stopping every few feet to look back, grumbling under his breath. Frank leads an everyday, small dog’s life. He’s never been on TV; he’s never won “best of show;” and there

are only a few people in the world that could actually pick him out of a crowd or a photo. He gets up around the same time every day, runs outside to do his business, comes back in to get some chow and water, plays with a few of his squeaky toys and then settles in for his mid-morning nap. That’s about the best it gets on any given day. Oh…he has his moments of thrill—the occasional ride in the car with the window down, the surprise visit from a drop-by friend with their dog, but for the most part Frank’s life is predictable. But he’s cool with that. He seems very comfortable in his own fur. I, like Frank, have a pretty predictable, everyday life. Except for the occasional, “Hey, don’t I know you…”  from someone unfamiliar, there are only a few people who could actually pick me out in a photo. I got up this morning, had some time with God, paid my bills, answered emails, prayed with a friend who was rushing off his young son to the hospital (he was dehydrated from a really bad flu), ran a few errands and did some blogging. For the most part, my daily life is…well…daily. True, I have a bump or two of excitement and opportunity from time to time, but, all in all, my life (like Frank’s and most of the rest of us) is lived out in a zone called ordinary.

But I’m not nearly as settled about it as Frank. Truth is, I’ve always struggled with being everyday-ish—almost like it’s a sign that my life doesn’t really matter. I keep thinking if I mattered there should be more bing-batta-bing going on. And I want to matter. Otherwise, what’s the point? The billion-dollar question is how—how does one come to matter? And, then, if that question can be answered, how do we know when we do matter—how does one measure such things?

America is a hero culture. Prominence rules. Inconspicuous means insignificant. We tend to think only those who stick out are worthy of adulation. So, the stick-out beautiful, stick-out rich, stick-out talented, fairytale people are the only ones who matter—and they are our idols; our American idols. Somehow, these values tell us stick-out proves worth. If people don’t stick out; if they are average, ordinary;
they are cellophane. Nobody notices cellophane.“The obviously well kept secret of the ‘ordinary’ is that it is made to be a receptacle of the divine…” – Dallas Willard

We live in a world that insists one must be way beyond ordinary to matter. If that is the case, a lot of us are losers. But something in me doesn’t want to accept that. There’s something in me that finds the notion of insignificance as scary as suicide. I want to make a mark on this rock. I think God is the author of that longing. However, I think most of us are mixed up about this whole enterprise of “significance.” I think we struggle with the who-am-I-in-the-scheme-of-things question, plus, we misjudge whether or not we do
matter because consciously (or unconsciously) we have bought into the myth that prominence is the only sign of significance. So, if we are not “famous” or pastoring thousands, it breeds hopelessness in us.
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From the American point of view, being “ordinary” means we are just “another one of those,” which signifies we are nothing in particular—thus proving we have little value. But something in us silently screams with deadening agony at that notion. This is why each of us, from the smallest child to the oldest adult, wants to be different; outstanding in some way; unique, extraordinary. Even the fifteen minutes of fame that Andy Warhol said everyone would someday have in our modern media-world is a welcome commodity if it protects us from the status of being a “nobody.” But here’s a provocative thought: it appears that the beachhead for God’s life spilling into the world is through the dreaded ordinary. When you study the scripture and the lives of the saints throughout history, it is as if “ordinary” is the chosen habitation of the eternal. Consider Jesus. He was born in a manger (you can’t get more ordinary than that). He grew up in a small village with a bad reputation and grew up in the home of a carpenter. Jesus, it turned out, became a blue-collar worker. He did this to be with us, to be one of us—to bring the life of the eternal into the world through the ordinariness of life. The message Christ followers refer to as the “gospel” is to be more than a ticket to “make the cut” when we die. The gospel is a call to allow Jesus Christ to heal, empower, and inform the individual human experience. And in the interaction that occurs with the Savior, ordinary people encounter a life that is greater than just human life—it has the quality of eternity. Amazingly, God’s life does not destroy ordinary, everyday human life; it actually fulfills and empowers it. Dallas Willard writes, “The obviously well kept secret of the ‘ordinary’ is that it is made to be a receptacle of the divine, a place where the life of God flows.”

On this view, being basic, ordinary, and merely human (with human limitations, blind spots, and all the rest) is absolutely the best thing that could have ever happened to us. That’s because our unspectacular traits are the perfect springboards for the Divine. It
turns out that small is the new big.“It appears that the beachhead for God’s life spilling into the world is through the dreaded ordinary.”

For more information on Pastor Ed Gungor or CMI Global (which I am ordained through) click below.

Sanctuary Church

CMI Global



It was the summer of 1997 and I was tossing and turning, in bed, just hours before I would walk down the wedding aisle. My final restless night was filled with worry, doubt, concern and excitement about the biggest transition of my young life. Almost twenty years later, and still happily married, I have had the opportunity to counsel many couples before their wedding and find myself telling them time and time again, you are never really ready to be married. After you have prayed, counseled and made your decision you just need to GO! I often chuckle when I observe people attempt to over plan their life. Often this type of person desires to have their income at a certain level, living in a certain neighborhood, planning enough trips and vacations, etc…and then, all of the sudden, a monkey wrench! Maybe it’s a baby, a temporary set-back, or a life-changing circumstance but “the plan” now has to be adjusted. Planning is great! In my family we live on a budget, have a yearly plan and even try to set some goals for four to five years out; but we have also shared in enough life to leave room for transformation. It is easy to imagine that we can get to a place where we are complete and ready, but preparation is not suddenly accomplished, it is a process steadily maintained and often adjusted with minor tweaks and, at times, major changes.

There was a time, long ago, when the sense of sacrifice appealed to a young Christian. Humanly speaking, the one thing that attracted us to Jesus was our sense of the heroic and being a part of narrative that special, sacred and mysterious. It was this inner working (by the Holy Spirit) that compelled us to be bold, courageous and go! But that has changed, especially over the past twenty years, with today’s modern church method attempting to reach people who are not longer seeking the mysterious and heroic. Despite the churches size, technology and budget today’s American Church experience, in large part, has managed to provided the seeking and searching with a perfectly planned and sterile environment that encourages a worldview that says, “what I (the church) can you do you.”  And something sacred has been lost in translation. (More on this later)

Community can be a funny thing. I live in a sub-division where I pay a monthly fee for certain community services. By the “letter of the law” I am apart of my community because I pay dues; but even though I am apart of the community it is still possible for me to live with limited relationships and connection to the events, and lives, of my subdivision. Likewise, this same dynamic can exist in a church community when we only view this habitat of faith as a place to “pay our dues” followed by an expectation of the community providing us a service. I would like to challenge our thinking as to how we really view the community of faith with a great moment is US history.

A young, optimistic and confident President Kennedy once challenged Americans to reconsider not what their county could do for them but what they could do for their country. Perhaps no truer secular words summed up a consecrated creed for the sacred community. What we have lost, within the message of the Church USA, is the sense of what I call the Sacred Holy Heroic. I mentioned earlier the unique church experience where our worship services, along with support ministries, are so programmed that they actually are designed to manage your expectations. I have sat in countless planning meetings where the entire service is planned down to the very second and nothing occurs without it being planned our predetermined. One such successful and popular church pastor / planter proudly said he hoped a visitor would experience the exact same service in any of their satellite churches.

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The “go” of preparation is to let the Word of God inspect deep within and force us to answer the call and commission of heroic sacrifice. If we are to enter into the narrative of the mysterious, sacred and historical Christian faith then we must also be willing to allow the Holy Spirit to detect, in us, the nature that will never work in His service. No one but God can detect that nature in us. While we may be tempted to plan every last detail, in preparation to go; we must also understand, like with marriage, we are never fully ready. But, in all of our planning, if we leave room for His Spirit to guide us we will join in the Holy invitation of true community and fellowship (Biblical Koinonia).

Once we understand the holy invitation is one of heroic participation and sacrifice we will no longer get trapped by a selfish or self-serving Gospel but live courageous and bold for the selfless and sacrificing Gospel. Planning is good, preparation is great; but never over plan and prepare, in such a way, where the Spirit is disinvited and the mystery of the sacred holy heroic is lost. If you pack away your lights, building, designer jeans and programs, and welcome people to join in the mystery, then you may just discover who is really in your true community and hungry for the message of the sacred, holy and heroic.

Grace and Peace




I love chips! Any type of crunchy, salty, spicy or sour chip I just seem to crave them. It, for me, is the ultimate “bad” food temptation I seldom try to resist. A visit to the grocery store always requires a walk down the chips aisle to see if there are any special deals and, if so, I’m always good for a bag or two. It’s easy to crave what we know is not good for us. Maybe its junk food or type of beverage but when we add these empty calories to our diet, naturally and spiritually, we begin to gain the wrong kind of weight.

Every person has a taste for what they like and don’t like. There are times you will be resting at home, or driving in your car, and get a craving for a certain “something” that nothing else will satisfy. Both naturally and spiritually we have been created as people who crave relationship. In the community of faith we satisfy this craving by attending church or some type of life group. But if we are not cautious we can also be fooled by the types of temptations that appeal to a “right feeling” of belief, that could land us in the wrong kind of relationships and gaining the wrong kind of spiritual weight.

Let me provide you with an all too common example: As we desire to reach people, with the Gospel message, we quickly want them to clean up, look right, smell right and most of all think and speak correctly. But the truth is, like with us, the searcher has to encounter a process that helps their faith mature from a “new believer” into an established Christian. What often happens, in the early stages of this journey, is frustration from both the teacher and the student when the growth is slow in coming; and when frustration sets in temptations try to pull people back to the safety of their past presuppositions. What is supposed to happen? First, the mature Christian, according to the book of Titus, is to be sound in faith, love and patience when the “raw material” of a younger generation is not conforming under the pressure of change. Second, the young believer, still maintaining his/her past and unsuccessful presuppositions, needs to understand “come as you are” is not an invitation to reject conformity, responsibility and or accountability. The Conclusion? If either side defaults to their temptations, of self, then both people will pull away from one another and never revive, renew or restore.

Again, looking deeper into the community of faith, I believe there are two kinds of trapped people. The first trapped group are those locked in the “inside of the church.” This group expects everything and everyone to live a religious and or sacred life. Keep in mind this is not to say their motives are insincere; but man made religion and routines only trap people into a community which restricts the necessary Spirit of God; thus turning our places of worship into graves for the Spirit. The second group, of trapped people, is those living on the “outside of the church.” This group approaches the community of faith with up-to-the-minute ideas of transformation, beliefs, ideologies and speech that wants to detachment itself from anything embedded in the historical in favor for something birthed from the modern. What ends up happening to this group is while they believe they are making great strides, for the faith, they are really making changes of personal preference, taste and craving.  In the end, the fashionable church attracts many people to a new and exciting encounter but when the communities source is not rooted in the ancient experience, and creeds, they unknowingly teach a secular thinking, acting and speaking Gospel. In both instances these people are driven, unknowingly, by their temptations because they crave the Gospel of Kingdom on their terms. Did you catch that? THEY CRAVE JESUS’ MESSAGE ON THEIR TERMS.

So what is the solution? Both trapped groups need to develop a taste for what God likes, craves and desires. What does God like and crave? Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father in heaven is perfect.” (Matthew 5:48) It may sound like a tall order but what do we think Jesus’ words are really challenging us with? Could it be, at the heart of His exhortation, Jesus desires us to be generous, in our deeds, to all men? Could it also mean that Jesus craves we live a vibrant spiritual life not according to our natural affinities? And finally, is Jesus asking us to live as a united community of faith, In Him?

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This is what God likes: Followers, IN HIM, from inside and outside the church walls to be His faithful disciples; which means we are to deliberately identify ourselves with God’s interests and not our own affinities. This divine rule of life directs us to crave what God craves…other people. “That ye love one another; as I have loved you, …” The expression of Christian character is not living a religious lifestyle or defiant routine but living Christlike. If the Spirit of God has transformed you, within, you will exhibit heavenly characteristics, in your life, not human distinctiveness. “The secret of a Christian is that the supernatural is made natural in him by the grace of God, and the experience of this works out in the practical details of life.” (Chambers)

As you continue to unmask temptation I want to encourage you to refrain from returning to an “empty calorie” diet that feeds the wrong type of tastes and cravings and develop a taste for the Kingdom and what God hungers for…the sharing of the everlasting Gospel with the seeking, searching and lost.

Grace and Peace





“Ye are they which have continued with Me in My temptations.” (Luke 22:28)

In part 1 of my “Unmasking Temptation” posts I provided the following definition for temptation. Temptation is a suggested short cut to the realization of the highest call that we are all to aim for. Consider this, temptation never appeals to your feelings or rationale based on your understanding of evil. Rather temptation has a way of masking an evil action or outcome in making you feel as if you are entertaining a good action or right feeling. In effect temptation tries to convince us not to understand evil but to think we can achieve God’s highest goodness without understanding His holiness.

It is true when we say Jesus is with us in our temptations; and through the on-going work of the Holy Spirit we can experience, daily, victory over such trials. But there is a deeper question that begs to be asked and answered: Since we already know He (Jesus) is with us in our temptations are we prepared to go with Him through His temptations? Sadly many people, though eternally thankful for what Jesus has done for them, have abandoned His Cross and Kingdom principle once their circumstances have balanced out. It is as if some have developed a Pavlovian response that allows us to run to Him because we have an experience of what He can do. But what happens when God shifts our circumstances, and in the seasons of testing we are asked to continue with Jesus, or side with the world?

RESEARCH IS A WONDERFUL THING! In an age of data mining and analytics there is no shortage of statistics, studies and facts that support America, as a nation, has worn the badge of “Christianity.” While this designation has been shifting over the past twenty years there is an even more concerning divide within the Christian community of faith worth exploring. Simply asked, is today’s Christian community growing, living and learning, as those prepared, to go through Jesus’ temptations?

“From that time many of His disciples went back and walked no more with Him.”  While churches may still be full with people claiming to live the Christian life I am left wondering if our churches, communities and nation are living the Christian life or lifestlye? Though it may appear to be a matter of semantics the reality is there are people, everyday, who try to live a lifestyle that is void of life. Rock stars, sport stars, actors, high ranking CEO’s all live, what most believe as glamorous lifestyles, but few of us truly know what their life is like. It is a sad commentary, on our society, when we delight in the misery of others. Even sadder is when the lifestyle, of others, has disappeared and the life is left empty without conviction, purpose or joy. Within my subdivision the majority of residents are not attending any church or  fellowship and probably do not classify themselves as “Christians.” For that matter I lived in this city for over ten years and have never been asked, by one person, if I attend church, have a relationship with Jesus or even need prayer. It is simple to live a lifestyle but it demanding to live a meaningful life.
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I have met many people, within my community that fit the story of the disciples that once walked with Jesus but now no longer. Why? One reason, for our abandonment of Jesus, returns back to the dangers of temptation. The same temptations of Jesus continued throughout His earthly life, and they will continue throughout the life of the Son of God in us. When the lifestyle and life do not match it means temptation has driven a wedge between our understandings of Kingdom purpose. When we get distracted, we crave and then we lust for the “forbidden” desires of the world. When this occurs the temptations, facing Jesus, become to too hard for us to bear and we then embrace shortcuts. RELY ON THE HOLY SPIRIT and allow Jesus to bring you through His temptations. Since we are not able to avoid temptation let us unmask it and place our full confidence in living our life IN HIM from this day forward. A life centered and grounded in Him will result in a lifestyle that is truthful, meaningful and purposeful for the Kingdom and reaching others.

As Christians we have the idea that we ought to shield ourselves from some of the things God allows around us. Never! The Father engineers our circumstances; and whatever they may be like we have to face them, while enduring continually, with Him in His temptations.

“They are His temptations, not temptations to us, but temptations to the life of the Son of God in us.” (Chambers)

Grace and Peace




Whether you are a causal fan or dedicated enthusiast the fall season, for sports, is an exciting time of the year. Professional and college football is in full swing, NHL hockey has just starting and Major League Baseball is entering into the playoffs. While sports can be an exciting source of entertainment for anybody, and anywhere, there are few cities that possess a sports culture where fans and teams live in a symbiotic relationship of love, frustration, dismay and euphoria all at the same time. As I write today’s post I am very aware there will be faithful fans, from other cities, that will argue their city is best sports town in the nation. But Sunday, October 13th, the city of Boston reminded the country as to why is must be considered the best sports city without equal.

Sunday afternoon began with the opening kick-off between the New England Patriots and New Orleans Saints, in what some billed, as the big national afternoon “Game of the Week.” In a game that featured excellent quarterbacks, and teams trying to prove their winning records against a serious challenger, this game managed to live up to the hype everyone anticipated. Quarter after quarter the game ebbed and flowed with momentum swaying in just a matter of minutes, if not seconds. Finally, with time running out, New England managed a game-winning touchdown, with 5 seconds remaining, to secure the win. Meanwhile, as the Patriots were celebrating their victory, just up the highway the Boston Red Sox found themselves struggling against the Detroit Tigers in a game that seemed to be playing into Detroit’s hands. In much the same way, as the Patriot’s game, the Red Sox found themselves left to a handful of plays remaining. Losing by a score of 5 -1, a win seemed improbable, that was until a grand slam and, an inning later, infield hit managed to secure a victory for the Red Sox. For the city it was a magical sports night that placed Boston, on top, as the greatest sports city for that weekend.

By now you may be asking how two games, from an obvious Boston sports fan, can possibly relate to your faith? It’s a fair question to ask; and if you stick with me a few more moments I will show you how it all comes together.

Yesterday I decided to take some time to listen to a few of the post-game interviews, from the winning teams, and repeatedly heard a theme that struck right to the heart of everyday life, faith and a key to victory throughout the struggle. As I listened to coaches, players and “hero’s” I heard them all repeat the same chorus: Their weeklong practice, and attention to detail, prepared them for the situations they found themselves in. In the final moments they all knew what they needed to do…it was just a matter of execution. Likewise, in our walk of faith, life and struggle we often imagine we will do the “right thing”, or win the big game, when crisis or challenges arise. But, the reality is, the crisis will only reveal the stuff you have developed during the days and weeks of preparation.

There are many people who sincerely believe if God gives me the call, of course they will rise to the occasion. But the truthful answer is we will not be able to answer any call unless we have risen to the occasion through daily and dedicated practice. The person who lives in the pursuit of Christlikness must live practiced in the daily routine, challenge the ordinary and prepare for the “big game” ahead. Here I want to add another crucial step every Christian ought to take: Execute of ones faith and practice into action! If the follower of Jesus has not been practicing the disciplined work that is closest, because God (as a coach) has engineered it, when the crisis (big game moment) comes instead of being revealed as ready and prepared, we will be shown as unfit and defeated. CRISIS ALWAYS REVEALS CHARACTER!

So how does the Christian practice knowing the “big game” is coming? One key routine we must daily exercise is our worshipping the Father. Worship God in your home, work and with your family; worship Him in your private relationships as well as in your public friendships. Oswald Chambers challenges all of us not to be idle when it comes to living prepared by saying, “I can’t be expected to live the sanctified life in the circumstances I am in; I have no time for praying just now, no time for Bible reading, my opportunity hasn’t come yet; when it does, of course I shall be all right.’ No, you will not. If you have not been worshipping as occasion serves, when you get into work you will not only be useless yourself, but a tremendous hindrance to those who are associated with you.”

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Grace and Peace


BTW…for the sports fan that wanted to hear the final radio calls for the Patriots and Red Sox game I thought you might enjoy them.

Patriots Final Call

Patriots Final Call Video

Red Sox Final Call



In my undergraduate studies I majored in Political Science with a minor in European history. I have always loved European history; from its famous battles to the complicated histories behind their kings and queens. I have heard it said to study Europe, and its people, is to understand its history is rich, deep, at times sorted and certainly chaotic. In the twentieth century two major world wars were fought on the European continent and this does not include the nations who fought for their freedom, from Communism, across Eastern Europe and Germany. In every war there is long list of heros, villains and “colorful” legends ranging from medieval knights to modern generals. One of these “colorful” legends was General George S. Patton who historian Terry Brighton concluded, “Patton was arrogant, publicity-seeking and personally flawed, but … among the greatest generals of the war.”  Though many brave men and women, of the greatest generation, are passing away I have had the honor of knowing a man who served under Gen. Patton’s command. His personal stories of the general’s leadership and courage would make chills run down your spine and only serve to add to his already myth-like legend. Of the many stories, he has shared; one reoccurring theme continues to surface time and time again. For General Patton, and the men who served with him, they all believed whatever had to be accomplished they could do it themselves!

How does this relate to us today? As Christians, desiring to live a progressively Christ-like life, are we determined to discipline the other things? St. Paul encourages the early church, and therefore the church in every generation, to “Bring into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ.” (2 Cor. 10:5) Here we read yet another aspect of the hard work that comes with the nature that pursues Jesus. Again St. Paul says, “I take every project prisoner to make it obey Christ.” So, again I ask, how much of our Kingdom work has never been disciplined? Said another way, how much of our Kingdom work has simply sprung into action, by impulse, but not followed through with discipline?

In Jesus’ life, and ministry, every project, mission, teaching and thought was disciplined to the will of His Father. Jesus never had a movement of impulse that was not born and disciplined by the Father. “The Son can do nothing of Himself.” If St. Paul encouraged young Christians to imitate him as he imitated Christ, and Jesus is therefore our model, then let us take our vivid spiritual experience, and every project born of impulse, and put them into disciplined action immediately! Instead of being imprisoned by indecision, or emotional lows, discipline every thought and project to obey Jesus!
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We are prone to forget that every Christian is not only committed to Jesus for salvation; he is to be committed to Jesus’ view of God, of the world, of sin and eternity. When we take every thought captive, and begin the work of disciplining our Kingdom purposes, then we will live as the bold, brash and confident legends in the battlefield of faith. I encourage you to respond to His Spirit’s invitation, recognize the responsibility of being transformed by the renewing of your mind, and embrace the challenge of disciplined living for the King’s glory!

Grace and Peace




In yesterday’s post I mentioned the popular movie, A River Runs Through It, as a setting and principle for the power, purpose and origin of the Christian’s true source of everlasting authority. In keeping with this week’s “movie theme” there is another film, far more obscure, that also tackles some challenging questions facing every person in life. This film is titled: The Fountain.

The Fountain is a 2006 American romantic drama that blends elements of fantasy, history, religion, and science fiction. The film consists of three story lines, in which the actors play different sets of characters who may or may not be the same two people: a modern-day scientist and his cancer-stricken wife, a conquistador and his queen, and a space traveler in the future who hallucinates his lost love. The story lines—interwoven with use of match cuts and recurring visual motifs—reflect the themes of love and mortality.” (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Fountain)

For every seeker, searcher and even Christian the questions of mortality and eternity sit fixed, like a star in the distant horizon, that catches the heart of every eternal explorer. As Christians we too are on an eternal quest searching for the lover of our soul and He, in turn, is adopting sons and daughters into His Holy family and Kingdom. However, contrary to the old saying, “All roads lead to Rome” not all streams lead to life eternal with the great I AM. The enemy of all creation, Satan, through great deception and cunning has echoed a comfortable lie that reassures the searcher of waters of refreshing wherever they desire to drink. As a result, with the right balance of additives, our culture and world has become addicted to a substitute while believing they are drinking to their eternal health. Again, we look to the words of Jesus when He said, “The water that I shall give him, life eternal, shall be in him a well of water (everlasting).” (John 4:14)

“The picture Our Lord gives is not that of a channel but a fountain. ‘By being filled,’ and the sweetness of vital relationship to Jesus will flow out of the saint as lavishly as it is imparted to him. If you find your life is not flowing out as it should, you are to blame; something has obstructed the flow. Keep right at the Source, and—you will be blessed personally? No, out of you will flow rivers of living water, irrepressible life.” (Chambers)

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Is there anything between you and Jesus? Is there anything that dilutes your belief in Him? If not, Jesus says, out of you will flow rivers of living water. Jesus’ very words are not a statement of maybe but a blessing passed on and continually flowing. Again Chambers encourages us to “Keep at the Source, guard well your belief in Jesus Christ and your relationship to Him, and there will be a steady flow for other lives, no dryness and no deadness!”

Have we become too cold or indifferent to no longer expect the extravagant promises of God that tells us out of the believer, spiritual rivers of life are going to flow? Don’t let the misdirection’s of the enemy give you a substitute source or pollute your mighty river. Refuse to let the Source (The Father, Son and Spirit) be blocked by saying, ‘I will be content with this.’ And never look at yourself from the standpoint of—‘Who am I?’ In the history of God’s great plan you will always find that it has started from the obscure, unknown and ignored but always ended with the steadfastly tried and true to Jesus as I AM.

Grace and Peace



A_river_runs_through_it_cover“A RIVER RUNS THROUGH IT”

Some time ago there was critically well-received movie titled, A River Runs Through It. Though, at the time, I was too young to appreciate the movie’s message I have now come to understand some of the truths the author sought to convey. Borrowing from a review of this novel the following was said, “A River Runs Through It” concerns the Macleans, a Presbyterian family during early 20th century Montana whose opinions of life are filtered through their passion for fly fishing. The novella is presented from the point of view of older brother Norman who goes on one last fishing trip with his rowdy and troubled younger brother Paul in an attempt to help him get his life on track.  It may not sound like much when we think of fly-fishing, nature and a time, in America, long past. But when I watched this movie, again, some simple but profound Biblical truths emerged I would like to encourage you to consider.

Central to the novel, and of course the film, is a great and mighty river. This pristine river immediately gives you a sense of refreshing and cooling we can almost taste without ever being there.  If you take the time to consider the genesis of any river this natural stream, of nature and beauty, touches places of which its source knows nothing. Perhaps the river began with a melting snow on top a high mountain? Or maybe the river sprang forth from within the earth’s depths? One thing is certain, within the natural order of the things, the river’s source never knows how far, wide, deep and long it will journey and who it will bring life to.

Though often ignored, disregarded and deemed “expired” there is another river source that is always aware of its paths and the lives it desires to touch, refresh and bring everlasting life. Jesus says if we have received of His fullness, however small the visible measure of our lives, out of us will flow the rivers that will bless to the uttermost parts of the earth. If you examine the system of levees, up and down the Mississippi River, you know the “mighty Mississippi” is victoriously persistent and overcomes all natural barriers. For a while the Mississippi may go its steady course until it comes to an obstacle that has halted its advance. However, given enough time the persistent river will make its way around, or through, the obstacle and continue its life giving purpose.

In our great walk of faith, with the Biblical Jesus, the Father has always used “obstacles” to refine your life and build up your strength so you can press forward with Kingdom purpose. Perhaps some obstacles seem too large or have been in place too long for you to have any hope of pressing through or moving around them? If this is you, as it is with me in my current season, then let me remind us to keep paying attention to the Source from which the river is born! The river of the Spirit of God overcomes all obstacles; including the ones in your life today! Never set the focus of your vision on the obstacle or on the difficulty. “The obstacle is a matter of indifference to the river which will flow steadily through you if you remember to keep right at the Source. Never allow anything to come between yourself and Jesus Christ, no emotion, or experience; nothing must keep you from the one great sovereign Source.” (Chambers)
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Perhaps you feel as if your once mighty river has stalled, feeling stagnant or worse, drying up? God rarely allows us to see how great a blessing we are, even in the delayed seasons. If you believe in Jesus, you will find that God has nourished, in you, mighty torrents of blessings for others. It is a only a matter of time before the obstacle is removed and “Rivers of Living Water” flow freely again! (John 7:38)

Stay encouraged, remain faithful and always trust in Him as the source.

Grace and Peace


REPOST from Jeannette Johnian’s Blog “Continue to Climb”: IN THE MIDST OF “DELUSIONAL” MEN


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Years ago there was a young man in our fellowship that decided he was going to venture out and start his own business. Throughout his being a part of our community my husband had encouraged and supported this man in his endeavors. In spite of the fact that others considered him socially awkward my husband saw a man in need of affirmation and fellowship. One day this man came to our home offering his professional services and after some consideration we had to decline. The moment my husband let him know we were not interested his demeanor changed. Obviously offended he decided he was going to tell my husband what he really thought of our community and his pastor. Sitting in our living room he looked straight at my husband and said, “When are you going to realize you are delusional?”  He went on to question the call of God, in my husbands life, and “exhorted” him to give up.

Why did this man think my husband was delusional? Was it because our community was not in the hundreds or thousands? Could it be my husband did not fit a certain mold for today’s pastor or leader? Was it that my husband never managed a successful business or served as an executive in a fortune 500 company? It was obvious his words, spoken from hurt and rejection, were meant to humiliate.

Since the month of October is pastor appreciation month I thought I would give a big shout out to all the men and women who have been told they are “delusional” for following the call of God.

Just this past week I was in Kalamazoo attending a conference with pastors from around the country. During one of the breakout sessions I heard the stories of men and women who have given their lives to serve God and others. As these servant-leaders shared their stories, with authenticity and transparency, tears starting streaming down my face. But, why was I crying? In each story there was a common denominator that spoke to a deep place within my spirit. What touched me were the hearts of shepherds who are willing to give anything and everything to answer the call of God.

Story after story I heard the familiar burden of true shepherds. These are the unknown soldiers, serving in the trenches, who cannot abandon the call to serve. Many of these men ,according to western church thinking, fall into the category of delusional, unsuccessful, ill-equipped and failures. But I would suggest the following:

  • These are the men who have prayed and pleaded, before God’s throne, for our families. Would any person selflessly do this?
  • These are the men who study God’s Word so, above all else, our souls prosper. Is that not worth more than gold?
  • These are the men, with the eyes of a shepherd, who see us wandering before we realize we have strayed. Are not their words of counsel and wisdom worth paying attention too?
  • These are the men who in spite of adversity, disappointment and hardship endure to the end. Shouldn’t we encourage and support them along the way?
  • These are the men who give of their own limited funds to help you pay your bills when your in need. Did you know that?
  • These are the men that rejoice with you when your child is born, you get a job promotion and your children marry. Ask yourself, when was the last time you rejoiced for your pastor?
  • These are the men who will admit they are far from perfect and, at times, will make imperfect decisions. Are they not worthy of our mercy and patience?
  • These are the men that, when the phone rings at 5:30 am, are willing to get out of bed and meet with you as well as minister to your need.Would we do the same?
  • These are the men that, when they are on vacation, will always answer your distressing phone call and never let it go to voice mail. Are we on call 24-7?
  • These are the men that sacrifice their lives, and family needs, for a salary that rarely covers their living expenses. Would we do the same?

After I complied my short, but by no means exhaustive, list I would like to say THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU for having the same courage as Noah, to build an ark without one convert or sign of rain. To have the faithfulness of Abraham, the humility of David, the boldness of Elijah, the tears of Jeremiah, the courage of Daniel, the vision of Nehemiah and Ezra, the thankfulness of the Apostles, the strength of Paul and the persistence of John.

Thessalonians 5: 12 – 13 says: “And now, friends, we ask you to honor those leaders, who work so hard for you, who have been given the responsibility of urging and guiding you along in your obedience. Overwhelm them with appreciation and love.

Grace and Peace




Last week I was waiting my turn at the deli-counter when I decided to pass some of the time by engaging the person behind me in a brief conversation. As we both waited for our turn our conversation quickly moved from topic to topic and eventually rested on what each of us does for a vocation. At first I was quick to tell the man what I do, vocationally, but as our conversation went on I found myself feeling as if I had to exaggerate who and what I do. By exaggerating I mean I began to walk the fine line of lying and “enhancing” the truth. Thankfully, before I dug too deep of a hole for myself our turns came up and we placed our orders and said good-bye. The walk from the deli-counter to the car seemed like the green mile and all the way the Holy Spirit convicted me by asking, Why did you do that? Why were you embarrassed? Were you ashamed?” Honestly, I had to answer the Holy Spirit with “all of the above” and while I had entered similar situations with the boldness of a lion I sheepishly shrank, like a mouse, in the shadow of man’s approval. Sitting in my car, in the grocery parking lot, I appealed to Jesus with a confession of failure.

Every time you venture out, in life, you will find something in your commonsense circumstances that flatly contradicts your faith. Common sense is not faith and faith is not common sense. When I was speaking with this other man my commonsense was screaming for me to obfuscate the facts, dodge the question and embellish the truth because the reality was embarrassing, lack-luster and small in relation to what this man was doing. This encounter, at the local deli, became another amazing learning lesson of grace and mercy that reminded me; I can trust Jesus where my common sense cannot see Him?

How ‘bout you? Can you venture heroically on Jesus’ truths when the facts of your life and or ministry shout to you, Use your commonsense and tell a lie? I thought back to last week’s deli encounter and asked myself, Why did I feel shame? In part the answer came back to a sobering reality that revealed I lacked the faith to believe that God does not need my success to validate Him. Great or small the Father will not let me run dry, without outlook or hope. In that moment of struggle between commonsense and faith I was meant to go through the test trusting Him and not sinking back into something lower such as self. Even though I failed that test I am thankful for the Father’s love, for me, that allows my faith to be tried and tested.
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If I had not experienced the encounter at the deli, that evening, then I would not have been aware of my personal conflict between faith and self. What is your faith up against today? Your test will either prove that your faith is right or it will reveal you are still trusting yourself. “Blessed is he whosoever shall not be offended in Me.” The point of today’s blog is for you and me is to place our total confidence in Jesus. Believe steadfastly on Him and all you come up against will develop your faith. As long as we are on this earth we will continually face the testing of our faith. May God keep us in fighting trim shape and always trusting in Him!

“Said I not unto thee, that if thou wouldest believe, thou shouldest see the glory of God?” (John 11:40).

Blessings – JOSHUA



“Peace I leave with you, My peace I give unto you.(John 14:27)

Today’s society, without the revelation of the Holy Spirit, views the very concept of peace with its own particular brand of logic and wisdom based on spiritual ignorance. However when we are awakened by the Holy Spirit, to the reality of our decaying world, then we become responsible to speak the truth of Jesus’ rescue plan and the only true and lasting peace for all creation: the peace of Jesus.

The facts of life, in every generation and throughout human history, remain true: Inner peace is impossible unless it is received from Jesus! It is even on this point far to many Christian’s confuse His peace with the peace of the old way of thinking and they attempt to mingle the logic of the world with the wisdom of the Kingdom. When Jesus speaks of peace, He brings it on His terms and by His righteousness. Jesus’ words have been and remain Spirit and life not condemnation and death. What message of peace have you tired to communicate with others? The peace of Rome? (this world’s system) or the peace of the Kingdom of Heaven? For that matter let me ask an even stronger question, Have you ever received the peace Jesus speaks of? Your immediate answer, like mine, should be YES! But honestly, when we stop and think about the question we must also reflect on our own words, actions, beliefs and personal walk with Him. Jesus’ words, “My peace I give unto you”— is a peace which comes from looking into His face and realizing His holiness as well as His mercy and grace.

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If the peace of the Holy Trinity has eluded your life then you are living out of sync with the Father. The peace of Jesus has never meant absence of trial, tribulation or adversity. But the peace of the Father does mean you must never lean on your own understanding or rationalize life’s events by your own logic. To search out the peace of Jesus, and be lead by His Spirit, means for you to shift the focus away from yourself and set your eyes upon Jesus.

Look to Jesus now in the immediate matter disturbing you and press in to receive from Him His peace! When you surrender He will be a gracious blessing of peace in and through you. Don’t try to worry out the circumstances and risk obliterating His peace in your life and the life of others. Truthfully, we get disturbed because we have not been considering Him. Lay all the fear and concern before Him and in the face of difficulty, sadness and sorrow, hear Him say—“Let not your heart be troubled.”Because Jesus has brought you His peace.

Blessings – JOSHUA