Tag Archives: desires



Before I began my ministry journey I was well on a personal voyage of self and faith. Growing up in a traditional middle-class family life was fairly predictable. But if I thought life was conventional then faith and religion was far more planned and unsurprising. Week after week I attended church knowing what to expect from any given Sunday worship experience. This was not to say my church was “dead” or boring; in fact that would be the farthest thing from the truth. The church of my childhood, and youth, was home to amazing families, weekly visitors, dynamic teachers, vibrant praise and worship and most of all a commitment to allow the Holy Spirit to move freely during the service. Still, despite this freestyle approach, week after week without any intentional planning Sunday more or less always felt the same. Consequently as the church marched on living in a steady expectation of what worked, felt and seemed right, I also found my spiritual appetite, more or less, mirroring the church. In a phrase, I became content to live spiritually predictable.

One Sunday morning, in the mid-90’s, a particular service forever changed the identity of my childhood church; and though there was no expectation for that service to unfold as it later did the events that followed led to many changed lives for years to come. For close to seven years, the Holy Spirit revolutionized the church from the pulpit to the pew and from the pew to the community; and what was once a place of worship with predictability became a center of praise, healing and ministry that knew few boundaries.  While lives were changed, marriages restored, people healed and ministries launched I still stayed on the sidelines and watched from afar, though remained faithfully present. With each life changing testimony I knew the people whose lives were changed. They were part of our spiritual family and the miraculous brought joy to us all.  Still, my joy for God’s gracious healing and outpouring never translated to my personal pursuit of such changes in my own life.

As the years have passed I have been able to reflect on those experiences and my unwillingness to personally encounter God’s outpouring. Once the Holy Spirit finished moving, as he did those seven years, I remained with many in my church. And while they had been set free, and delivered, from their trials I found myself beginning to wrestle with the personal issues of pride, rejection, insecurity and fear. I too wanted to be “set-free” but also remain at a distance. Why was I unwilling to upset my desire for spiritual predictability in favor of the supernatural unpredictability of God?

It came down to a simple truth: I was unwilling to change from the old comfortable “self” and embrace a new, rebuilt and redesigned man living in the new humanity of Jesus! When such a sobering reality set in I was shaken to the point where I even asked if I was really saved? Of course I knew, deep within, I had accepted and received Jesus’ gracious invitation but in my desire to maintain a spiritually predictable existence I had missed out on the intimate hunger for God’s supernatural to change my life. Not only had I witnessed the Holy Spirit but I did my best to avoid Him which resulted in my adoption of other-Biblical views on salvation, grace and mercy. Salvation, for me, became going to church, tithing, being the best moral person I could be, wearing a cross and identifying myself with fellow Christians. But when I began to wrestle with “self”, having avoided the Holy Spirit, I discovered that salvation, grace and mercy could only be understood with the Holy Spirit! So as I returned to the Bible, for my answers, it suddenly became very clear: THE MARK OF A SAVED LIFE IS THE ALTERED LIFE.

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One of the trademarks of God’s encounter, and visitation, is that He has altered you deep within. If you still hunger for the old life, or crave the old appetites it is illogical to talk about being born-again when you are still juggling yourself. This is not to say even the altered man will not face temptations however when we are born again the Spirit of God makes the alteration visible and livable in your ordinary of life. When we live life firmly rooted in His Holy Spirit we complete, through Him, the amazing adjustment that is the evidence we are truly a saved soul, redeemed person and transfigured life.

“Because of this decision we don’t evaluate people by what they have or how they look. We looked at the Messiah that way once and got it all wrong, as you know. We certainly don’t look at him that way anymore. Now we look inside, and what we see is that anyone united with the Messiah gets a fresh start, is created new. The old life is gone; a new life burgeons! Look at it! All this comes from the God who settled the relationship between us and him, and then called us to settle our relationships with each other. God put the world square with himself through the Messiah, giving the world a fresh start by offering forgiveness of sins. God has given us the task of telling everyone what he is doing. We’re Christ’s representatives. God uses us to persuade men and women to drop their differences and enter into God’s work of making things right between them. We’re speaking for Christ himself now: Become friends with God; he’s already a friend with you.” (2 Cor. 5:17 MSG)

Grace and Peace



Let-Go-and-Let-GodThe other day I was sitting in my living room speaking with a mature Christian woman, in age and spiritual journey, about life and how we tend bring things to God but seldom let go. Jokingly she said to me, I’m a pessimist and when I give things to God I want to always take them back. Honestly I, and most others, am not too different from this woman. A casual scan through the pages of history, and the Bible, will reveal a many persons who had a hard time letting go.  Perhaps they were possessions, a secret desire, an insatiable lust for power, wealth, sex or maybe it was our nearest belongings such as a loved one or birthright? Whatever the reason may be we are easily the people who say, for pious appearance sake, we will give it to the Lord…but in reality we still have both hands firmly clasped on what we presuppose to value most.

WHAT ABOUT THE PEOPLE WHO LET GO? There is an extraordinary passage, in the Bible, about a man who let go named Abraham. Through a series of circumstances, challenges and tests of faith Abraham followed the call of God up Mt. Moriah to turn his closest possession loose, his son Isaac. In the moments preceding Abraham’s sacrificial journey God’s command was direct with little room for debate and parsing of words: “He said, “Take your dear son Isaac whom you love and go to the land of Moriah. Sacrifice him there as a burnt offering on one of the mountains that I’ll point out to you.” (Genesis 22:2 MSG)

Did you notice the direct nature of God in speaking with Abraham? Take now…not later. I find it a little unsettling when we debate with God once He has clearly told us to let go of a certain circumstance or situation. Even when we receive confirmation that God has spoken to us, in a certain matter, we often do our best to find excuses for not seeing the issue through at once. But this was not the attitude or disposition of Abraham. In fact, no matter how challenged and difficult it was for him to make preparations Abraham knew, within his spirit, his ascension to the apex of Mt. Moriah was where he would encounter God in a new and revelatory way by letting go.

“And Abraham rose up early in the morning, … and went unto the place of which God had told him” (v. 3). If you are a parent then you know how difficult the emotional, physical and mental challenge that warred within Abraham must have been and yet the Scriptures speak not of Abraham’s struggle but of his astonishing simplicity and faith! REMEMBER when God speaks to us He is not asking our “flesh” to make sense of the request or command. Just the opposite! When God is speaking he bypasses our sympathies and personal insights by targeting our personal relationship with Him. It is in your journey up “Mt. Moriah” you will confront self or trust in obedience to Him. The very nature of self always hinders our obedience to God; but our faith in Him (God), and indwelling of the Holy Spirit, can supersede the natural by allowing us to let go and truly trust the divine hand and purpose of God in the circumstance.
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A FINAL THOUGHT ON ABRAHAM (A MAN WHO LET GO AND TRUSTED GOD) Abraham did not choose the sacrifice. In fact, multiple times we read Abraham never chose the circumstances in which God would prove His covenant promise, love and blessing. Therefore, let us take a life lesson from the journey of Abraham and always guard our self against self-chosen sacrifice or even the “Mt. Moriah” of our selecting. If you have journeyed long enough, with Jesus, then you have experienced or met people where God has made their cup sweet with grace; and even bitter to draw us into communion with Him. We must be prepared to face the real twists and turns of outrageous fortune while daily living in touch with Him. When you are faced with a trial, circumstance or an event, to hard to bear, call on God! In a time of great need let go and resist the urge to take it back. God is always working for His highest ends until His purpose and man’s purpose finally become one.

Grace and Peace



jm_200_NT2.pd-P20.tiff“Jesus looked him hard in the eye—and loved him! He said, “There’s one thing left: Go sell whatever you own and give it to the poor. All your wealth will then be heavenly wealth. And come follow me.” (Mark 10:21 MSG)

I am not a perfectionist. I’m not saying I’m proud of this fact because I have learned, in most instances, it serves me best to be as close to “perfect” as possible. Maybe I should more accurately identify myself as administratively challenged? While my wife, and others within our community, suspect I have some OCD tendencies I know I am far from a perfectionist; and I know this because I have come across one or two perfectionist in my journey having realized they, more than any other person and or personality, have the hardest time living in relationship and community. But why? Is the Kingdom stacked against the perfectionist? Far from it; but there is a ‘trap” built in to striving for perfection that runs counter cultural to the Kingdom (more on this later).

There was one such person, in the Bible, who was a perfectionist known in Mark’s Gospel as the rich young ruler. One the one hand this young man shared Jesus’ passion to be perfect and when he saw Jesus, he wanted to be just like Him. Everything about this man’s life would indicate his house was in order, his religion (not faith) was resolute and his ability to succeed would be admired by most people. Yet, despite this impressive resume and disciplined life, when he came face to face with Jesus he walked away; why? Do you remember I mentioned there is a “trap” built in to the striving for perfection? Well, here is the trap revealed: While Jesus loves to work with the passionate and dedicated He will never compete with our personal holiness and pride in self. In fact, to be called His disciple means He will eradicate our right to self- identification and replace it with a relationship, communion and identification in Him alone.

Many people struggle with Jesus’ words from Luke 14:25-33 when He says, “Anyone who comes to me but refuses to let go of father, mother, spouse, children, brothers, sisters—yes, even one’s own self!—can’t be my disciple. Anyone who won’t shoulder his own cross and follow behind me can’t be my disciple. “Is there anyone here who, planning to build a new house, doesn’t first sit down and figure the cost so you’ll know if you can complete it? If you only get the foundation laid and then run out of money, you’re going to look pretty foolish. Everyone passing by will poke fun at you: ‘He started something he couldn’t finish.’ “Or can you imagine a king going into battle against another king without first deciding whether it is possible with his ten thousand troops to face the twenty thousand troops of the other? And if he decides he can’t, won’t he send an emissary and work out a truce. “Simply put, if you’re not willing to take what is dearest to you, whether plans or people, and kiss it good-bye, you can’t be my disciple.” Clearly, within context, Jesus is addressing every disciples unconditional identification with Him and the personal struggle we may all encounter if we want to keep, even the smallest portion of “self” alive. There is nothing more real, close, personal and loved than family or the things most important to our life. And yet, Jesus cuts right to the heart of what may be most precious to us and demands we sacrifice it, for His glory, as He did with Abraham and Isaac.

Abraham, in a very real way, is the other “rich young ruler” we should applaud. From the beginning of his calling he possessed a passionate, but not perfect, pursuit of God. He left his family, while also inviting others with him on his journey. When he was far from perfect, having strayed into Egypt, God challenged him again; and he responded. Challenge after challenge, failure after failure and risk after risk Abraham was willing to do what Luke’s rich younger ruler was not. What an awesome example, Abraham is to us, of being a disciple no matter what the cost!

“The man’s face clouded over. This was the last thing he expected to hear, and he walked off with a heavy heart. He was holding on tight to a lot of things, and not about to let go.” (Mark 10:22 MSG) Sadly, for the perfectionist, the call of identification with Jesus and His “failure” to be impressed with the young man’s wealth or talent dismayed the rich young ruler to the point where he no longer wanted to be like Jesus. While Jesus often works with the talented, skilled and wealthy He is just as apt to work the talentless, poor and imperfect. Jesus will work with anyone who is willing to lay whatever is closest to them down for complete and total communion and relationship with Him.
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When Jesus truly gets a hold of a life He transforms and transfixes it; and where we were once ineffective we become effective for the Kingdom. If we are pliable our ‘softness’ can be transformed into His strength. Where we are hard He uses us to display His tenderness through grace, mercy and forgiveness. And when we are “administratively challenged” He too can mold us into capable bean counters.

Jesus’ final words, to the perfectionist of every age, is “One thing thou lackest, sell whatsoever thou hast …” From Jesus’ point of view there can be nothing between you and Him. To live the life of a disciple means, fundamentally, we must renounce possessions of all kinds. This type of renunciation is not a works driven attempt to save our soul (since the only thing that saves a man is our absolute dependence upon Jesus) but a call to a life of sacrifice where we faithfully follow Jesus and persevere and endure until the end. This was the life of Abraham and he lived life every bit the rich ruler of his age. The example of Abraham is the life of the sacred, holy and heroic and stands in stark contrast to Luke’s rich young ruler.

Jesus’ invitation to us all is “Come, and follow Me.” Are we prepared to journey with Him no matter what the cost?

Grace and Peace