Tag Archives: Discipline



Over the many Olympic years the awarding of the bronze, silver and gold medals have been the featured climax at the end of every event. With the best three finalist standing on a podium, of distinction, they are awarded their placement, with a medal. Collectively the world watches as nations flags are raised to the sound of the first place winner’s national anthem. Often the camera will capture the emotions of the athletes, parents and crowd while the apex of achievement is witnessed for a few brief minutes. These are the “magical” moments often remember and celebrated because we recognize the remarkable achievement of the athlete. In that moment, everyone watching shares in the joy, pride and honor of being connected, through the athlete, to their nation. Honestly I find such moments emotionally stirring and think of the sacred Olympians, not of Greek mythology, but Biblical faith who have stood courageous for the King and the Kingdom without the medal, fan-fair or anybody noticing. These are the epic men and women, of faith, who achieved the great accomplishment over self.

While our modern day Olympic athletes are certainly at the top of their sport few will ever experience the sensational achievement the finalists will feel.  And for us, the viewing audience, most will never relate to their experiences. Yet, for the Christian, daily we encounter our personal competitions of endurance, tests of spiritual, physical and mental strength and strains of rivalry against a world that is very much our adversary.  Even though the Olympic games develop the highest levels of competition there is a respect, and sense of fair play, each athlete exhibits while knowing their competition is still their adversary.  While focused on winning the final reward what every athlete wants is to also defeat their competition and leave no room for a comeback or surprise upset. Likewise it is this way with the disciple of Jesus. We have a real adversary and unlike the spirit of the Olympics there is no sense of fairness and respect from him. Routinely Satan will use every trick, trap and unfair challenge to hinder you from completing the race you were destined to run and furthermore see to it that, if he is able, make sure you never experience the podium of victory.

So what guarantees victory for the modern day Olympian or today’s Christian? Again borrowing from the athlete’s journey their commitment to their sport has virtually, over time, consumed them to the point where they are no longer recognizable outside of the chosen path they are on.  In short, there is no longer any remnant of the individual conceit as they are enveloped with that which they are committed to.

By God’s creative design we are all fashioned with individuality and unique personalities that separate us from one another.  Likewise we are created with a great capacity for God; but in our disobedience (sin) to the Creators design and intent our individuality betrays our divine goals by substituting alternatives that, by their nature, keep us from getting at God. Jesus remains the only way to deliver us from sin and therefore, deliverance from ourselves from individuality. How is this accomplished? Certainly there is a divine outpouring of the Holy Spirit, in our lives, that enables us to make these necessary changes; but after the Holy Spirit is graciously poured out we must commit, as the Olympian, to present our natural life to God and sacrifice it until we are transformed into a spiritual life by obedience. In short the journey for the disciple is to no longer be seen as ourselves but as His!

While Satan, our adversary, often appeals to the nature of self, God focuses less on the natural and peers directly into the development of our spiritual life. When we live, prepare and compete, committed to His divine training, God’s prescribed order runs right across our natural life. Of course we admire the testimonies of triumph, over great adversity, and most of all we gain great encouragement from athletes that overcame those who told them, they can’t do it! When they heard deflating words they pressed through, all the harder, to succeed. And so it is with God and His disciples. God will not force the task of discipline on us. Like as expert coach He will wait for our commitment to discipline ourselves and then He will give us the tools necessary to overcome and win.
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If we are waiting for God to silence the critics, the well-meaning but misinformed or adversaries then we may find ourselves waiting a long time since He asks us, YOU bring every thought and imagination into captivity…you do it! Of course, this is a difficult challenge and I would not want you to think that in some way I am representing a merciless and uncompassionate God; because He is longsuffering, concerned, full of mercy and grace daily. But do not mistake His tenderness for moral weakness or His mercy for blatant ignoring of our undisciplined manners. When we face the strong challenges of doubt, fear and the desire to quit resist the urge to say, Lord, I suffer from struggling thoughts.’ Stop listening to the oppression of your individuality, and get emancipated by living in the new humanity of Jesus!

“If the Son shall make you free, …” What St. Paul means to convey in Galatians. 2:20 is he is no longer his own though he still has an individual race to run and call to fulfill. When Paul says he has“ been crucified with Christ,” he reminds himself and his readers his natural individuality has been broken and his personality is now merged with Jesus’. As with our current Olympians remember they did not come to their moment of contending, and excellence, by accepting anything other than giving themselves entirely to their sport. So while we may marvel at their achievement remember we are not those who run to gain a fading crown, or temporary medal, but we run so as to be united with Jesus and free indeed: free in essence, free from the inside and free from self. If you insist on contending for a prize then run your race to be identified with Jesus. This race, completed, with place you on the greatest podium of victory imaginable!

“Jesus said, “I tell you most solemnly that anyone who chooses a life of sin is trapped in a dead-end life and is, in fact, a slave. A slave is a transient, who can’t come and go at will. The Son, though, has an established position, the run of the house. So if the Son sets you free, you are free through and through.” (John 8:36 MSG)

Grace and Peace




I love chips! Any type of crunchy, salty, spicy or sour chip I just seem to crave them. It, for me, is the ultimate “bad” food temptation I seldom try to resist. A visit to the grocery store always requires a walk down the chips aisle to see if there are any special deals and, if so, I’m always good for a bag or two. It’s easy to crave what we know is not good for us. Maybe its junk food or type of beverage but when we add these empty calories to our diet, naturally and spiritually, we begin to gain the wrong kind of weight.

Every person has a taste for what they like and don’t like. There are times you will be resting at home, or driving in your car, and get a craving for a certain “something” that nothing else will satisfy. Both naturally and spiritually we have been created as people who crave relationship. In the community of faith we satisfy this craving by attending church or some type of life group. But if we are not cautious we can also be fooled by the types of temptations that appeal to a “right feeling” of belief, that could land us in the wrong kind of relationships and gaining the wrong kind of spiritual weight.

Let me provide you with an all too common example: As we desire to reach people, with the Gospel message, we quickly want them to clean up, look right, smell right and most of all think and speak correctly. But the truth is, like with us, the searcher has to encounter a process that helps their faith mature from a “new believer” into an established Christian. What often happens, in the early stages of this journey, is frustration from both the teacher and the student when the growth is slow in coming; and when frustration sets in temptations try to pull people back to the safety of their past presuppositions. What is supposed to happen? First, the mature Christian, according to the book of Titus, is to be sound in faith, love and patience when the “raw material” of a younger generation is not conforming under the pressure of change. Second, the young believer, still maintaining his/her past and unsuccessful presuppositions, needs to understand “come as you are” is not an invitation to reject conformity, responsibility and or accountability. The Conclusion? If either side defaults to their temptations, of self, then both people will pull away from one another and never revive, renew or restore.

Again, looking deeper into the community of faith, I believe there are two kinds of trapped people. The first trapped group are those locked in the “inside of the church.” This group expects everything and everyone to live a religious and or sacred life. Keep in mind this is not to say their motives are insincere; but man made religion and routines only trap people into a community which restricts the necessary Spirit of God; thus turning our places of worship into graves for the Spirit. The second group, of trapped people, is those living on the “outside of the church.” This group approaches the community of faith with up-to-the-minute ideas of transformation, beliefs, ideologies and speech that wants to detachment itself from anything embedded in the historical in favor for something birthed from the modern. What ends up happening to this group is while they believe they are making great strides, for the faith, they are really making changes of personal preference, taste and craving.  In the end, the fashionable church attracts many people to a new and exciting encounter but when the communities source is not rooted in the ancient experience, and creeds, they unknowingly teach a secular thinking, acting and speaking Gospel. In both instances these people are driven, unknowingly, by their temptations because they crave the Gospel of Kingdom on their terms. Did you catch that? THEY CRAVE JESUS’ MESSAGE ON THEIR TERMS.

So what is the solution? Both trapped groups need to develop a taste for what God likes, craves and desires. What does God like and crave? Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father in heaven is perfect.” (Matthew 5:48) It may sound like a tall order but what do we think Jesus’ words are really challenging us with? Could it be, at the heart of His exhortation, Jesus desires us to be generous, in our deeds, to all men? Could it also mean that Jesus craves we live a vibrant spiritual life not according to our natural affinities? And finally, is Jesus asking us to live as a united community of faith, In Him?

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This is what God likes: Followers, IN HIM, from inside and outside the church walls to be His faithful disciples; which means we are to deliberately identify ourselves with God’s interests and not our own affinities. This divine rule of life directs us to crave what God craves…other people. “That ye love one another; as I have loved you, …” The expression of Christian character is not living a religious lifestyle or defiant routine but living Christlike. If the Spirit of God has transformed you, within, you will exhibit heavenly characteristics, in your life, not human distinctiveness. “The secret of a Christian is that the supernatural is made natural in him by the grace of God, and the experience of this works out in the practical details of life.” (Chambers)

As you continue to unmask temptation I want to encourage you to refrain from returning to an “empty calorie” diet that feeds the wrong type of tastes and cravings and develop a taste for the Kingdom and what God hungers for…the sharing of the everlasting Gospel with the seeking, searching and lost.

Grace and Peace





In my undergraduate studies I majored in Political Science with a minor in European history. I have always loved European history; from its famous battles to the complicated histories behind their kings and queens. I have heard it said to study Europe, and its people, is to understand its history is rich, deep, at times sorted and certainly chaotic. In the twentieth century two major world wars were fought on the European continent and this does not include the nations who fought for their freedom, from Communism, across Eastern Europe and Germany. In every war there is long list of heros, villains and “colorful” legends ranging from medieval knights to modern generals. One of these “colorful” legends was General George S. Patton who historian Terry Brighton concluded, “Patton was arrogant, publicity-seeking and personally flawed, but … among the greatest generals of the war.”  Though many brave men and women, of the greatest generation, are passing away I have had the honor of knowing a man who served under Gen. Patton’s command. His personal stories of the general’s leadership and courage would make chills run down your spine and only serve to add to his already myth-like legend. Of the many stories, he has shared; one reoccurring theme continues to surface time and time again. For General Patton, and the men who served with him, they all believed whatever had to be accomplished they could do it themselves!

How does this relate to us today? As Christians, desiring to live a progressively Christ-like life, are we determined to discipline the other things? St. Paul encourages the early church, and therefore the church in every generation, to “Bring into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ.” (2 Cor. 10:5) Here we read yet another aspect of the hard work that comes with the nature that pursues Jesus. Again St. Paul says, “I take every project prisoner to make it obey Christ.” So, again I ask, how much of our Kingdom work has never been disciplined? Said another way, how much of our Kingdom work has simply sprung into action, by impulse, but not followed through with discipline?

In Jesus’ life, and ministry, every project, mission, teaching and thought was disciplined to the will of His Father. Jesus never had a movement of impulse that was not born and disciplined by the Father. “The Son can do nothing of Himself.” If St. Paul encouraged young Christians to imitate him as he imitated Christ, and Jesus is therefore our model, then let us take our vivid spiritual experience, and every project born of impulse, and put them into disciplined action immediately! Instead of being imprisoned by indecision, or emotional lows, discipline every thought and project to obey Jesus!
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We are prone to forget that every Christian is not only committed to Jesus for salvation; he is to be committed to Jesus’ view of God, of the world, of sin and eternity. When we take every thought captive, and begin the work of disciplining our Kingdom purposes, then we will live as the bold, brash and confident legends in the battlefield of faith. I encourage you to respond to His Spirit’s invitation, recognize the responsibility of being transformed by the renewing of your mind, and embrace the challenge of disciplined living for the King’s glory!

Grace and Peace