Tag Archives: Suffering


joy-in-woundsIn 1961 a book titled A Grief Observed hit the shelves written by the author NW Clerk. In reality NW Clerk was none other than CS Lewis and his written work later laid the foundations for the stage play, and movie, Shadowlands. The entire premise of Lewis’ A Grief Observed deals with how a person reconciles unimaginable grief, in the loss of a loved one, with the goodness of God.  For Lewis this was not a work of fiction but fact.  The circumstances, thoughts, opinions and even personal life were intimately tied to the loss of his beloved wife Joy. In A Grief Observed Lewis writes, “We were promised sufferings. They were part of the program. We were even told, ‘Blessed are they that mourn,’ and I accept it. I’ve got nothing that I hadn’t bargained for. Of course it is different when the thing happens to oneself, not to others, and in reality, not imagination.” 

For the Christian, of whom Lewis professed to be, there seems to be a mysterious relationship between suffering and joy. Furthermore in this unique bond we discover to be identified with Jesus, and His Redemption, also brings a certain measure of pain. (Read CS Lewis’ The Problem of Pain) While we may agree, and acknowledge, that suffering is an unfortunate by-product of a fallen world this does not mean that life is meant to be lived without joy. It is at the crossroads of pain and God’s goodness we live beyond the superficial pleasure of money and personal comfort to discover lasting joy, that fills and revives the spirit within, comes only with an intimate relationship in Jesus.

St. Paul while is prison, and experiencing the suffering of a first century jail, wrote the church at Collosae of his joy,in the pain, by saying, “I want you to know how glad I am that it’s me sitting here in this jail and not you. There’s a lot of suffering to be entered into in this world—the kind of suffering Christ takes on. I welcome the chance to take my share in the church’s part of that suffering. When I became a servant in this church, I experienced this suffering as a sheer gift, God’s way of helping me serve you, laying out the whole truth.” (Colossians 1:24 MSG)

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Grace and Peace


GOD IS GOOD, A HIDING PLACE IN A TIME OF TROUBLE (He recognizes and welcomes anyone looking for help)

call-on-godThis past weekend I was part of an amazing group discussion, with my faith community, on the power of prayer and how God can change our lives once we fully submit to Him. What sparked our conversation was a testimony, we viewed as part of series of teachings by Pastor Jim Cymbala (Brooklyn Tabernacle), that helped us see the real power in and behind prayer. This particular testimony was of a man, who lived at the very height of his craft. His talent brought him overnight fame, fortune and instant access to everything the world has to offer. Through a series of circumstances this young many quickly lost his way and ended up broke, homeless, lost, and spiritually unreachable to any hope of the Gospel message transforming his life. As his state of affairs worsened he found himself at death’s door and somewhere in the deep recess of his memory he recalled a woman who once told him, Call on the Lord in your time of trouble and He will hear you. (Psalm 50:15 / Nahum 1:7)  In an instant the barrage of insanity, regret, anger, fear and hurt, that plagued him, lifted and though he was still very sick the clarity of God’s Word came alive within his soul. His journey and recovery would still be an ongoing process but today this man lives as a remarkable miracle of God’s restorative power despite the circumstances, trials or tribulations.

Personally I find it counter-productive and, worse yet, Biblically unsupportable when Christians encourage the belief that the character of God’s goodness, grace, mercy and love can also, in some way, share equal place with His being the author of suffering, pain and preordained sin.

Suffering, pain and the problem of evil is a reality every generation has lived with from the fall of Adam. Yet, despite this reality one can not logically conclude God is the author of such vices. St. Peter tells us, Friends, when life gets really difficult, don’t jump to the conclusion that God isn’t on the job. Instead, be glad that you are in the very thick of what Christ experienced. This is a spiritual refining process, with glory just around the corner.” (1 Peter 4:13 MSG)

If we are going to live in Him (Jesus) and willfully serve His purposes than the evils of this fallen world will, by default, take us through a multitude of experiences that are meant to pull us away from Kingdom living. In spite of this difficult journey God is still able, and more than willing, to make us useful in His hands. But in the struggle too many people attribute the problem of evil to God’s failure in one of two ways. The first way we blame God sounds something like, I can’t deal with this problem, Why would God allow this to happen? The second way we assign blame God sounds like, Well, this is very unfortunate but after all it’s God’s will.  

STOP LOOKING AT THE PROBLEM OF EVIL THROUGH ORDINARY EYES. Though Jesus was made like man, knew temptation as we do and experienced the struggle we may experience He was not an ordinary man. Jesus always saw, lived and ministered life with Kingdom power and perspective. Therefore, in the suffering, lack, hurt and evil He too saw pain through Kingdom eyes. The circumstances surrounding a fallen world bring with it suffering. But the circumstances of suffering can also be a place where God exhibits the supernatural in the lives of those who call on Him in their time of trouble. It is in the supernatural the Kingdom bursts into our fallen reality and we begin to experience the tastes a of glorious future, a renewed Earth and restored lives.

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THERE IS GREAT NEWS! In any time of trouble call on Him! When we set aside and stamp out our personal ambitions we are preparing and positioning ourselves for transformation and transfiguration. In sharing with Christ’s sufferings we learn how any circumstance is going to be used for God’s glory. Therefore, when we call on Him, we can all have the confidence of knowing He has girded us through the trial and in our time of need He will hear our prayer.

“Spread for me a banquet of praise, serve High God a feast of kept promises, And call for help when you’re in trouble — I’ll help you, and you’ll honor me.” (Psalm 50:15 MSG)

Grace and Peace



hopko1-272x300“I want you to know how glad I am that it’s me sitting here in this jail and not you. There’s a lot of suffering to be entered into in this world—the kind of suffering Christ takes on (Col. 1:24 MSG)

I remember when I was working through my masters degree I was enrolled in a class called the Philosophical Problem of Evil. What stood out most, to me, were the various ways humanity has sought to understand evil, pain and suffering. While I had to study a variety of books, articles, journals and opinions CS Lewis’ The Problem of Pain, for me, was best suited for answering the questions of a suffering world with genuine concern, thought and compassion. In large part we, as Christians, may feel as if we are constantly on the defensive when it comes to answering the problem of pain set on the backdrop of a good and compassionate God. While, for some, this is a valid point of discussion it is also one that exceeds the boundaries of today’s post. Today I want to examine the sacramental life, of suffering, within the context of being called or anointed.

Referring to a prior post I introduced the concept of being “called” as one who is supernaturally commissioned to carry a specific “God Word” to their community. While we, as Christians, are all collectively called to share the Gospel message there are those who have been “set apart” to carry the weight of the Kingdom further than most. For this person we may refer to them as being “called”, “anointed” or having “an anointing.” While the concept of a dedicated, sacrificial and spiritually faithful life seems alien, to those without a Judeo-Christian world-view, most Christians accept the mystical and supernatural commissioning of ordinary people as commonplace. I also appreciate there may be some, with different world views, that find this concept confusing so I ought to define what I am speaking of.

Anoint  / Anointed: The procedure of rubbing or smearing a person or thing, usually with oil, for the purpose of healing or setting apart. The Hebrew verb mashach (noun, messiah) and the Greek verb chrio (noun, christos) are translated “to anoint.” From ancient times the priests and kings were ceremonially anointed as a sign of official appointment to office, and as a symbol of God’s power upon them. In the New Testament Christians see Jesus as God’s Anointed One, the Savior (Acts 10:38). The same symbolism as in the OT is employed in this usage: God’s presence and power are resident in the anointing. Likewise, the Christian is anointed by God (2 Cor. 1:21; 1 John 2:27) for the tasks of ministry.[1]

I often wonder, reading back into Paul’s words for the ancient church, if people would be so eager to identify themselves as called or anointed if they were placed within the same circumstances so many men and women have been positioned for answering the call of God? Within the Western Church USA we tend to glamorize everything. Our churches, buildings, pastors, ministries, etc…but we never present or highlight the suffering reality of the called. Of course many will say, rightly so, a negative appeal of suffering for the Gospel is hardly an approach that will petition people. Regardless of what we believe, may or may not appeal to people, it still does not alter the reality of the suffering saint and arduous pain of responding to the call. Returning to Paul’s writings he never considered “his calling” a negative weight rather he said, “I welcome the chance to take my share in the church’s part of that suffering. When I became a servant in this church, I experienced this suffering as a sheer gift, God’s way of helping me serve you, laying out the whole truth.”

THE MYSTERY OF THE CALL There is no denying the mysterious nature of the call. Why does God call some and not others? I’m not sure. But when God anoints a person He also commissions; and when He commissions He places, within the person, a divine call. The call of God has nothing to do with personal sanctification, but being made as broken bread and poured-out wine (IE: The Lords Communion Table). Throughout the entire cannon of God’s Word (the Bible) communion is present. Though we have grown accustomed to the historicity of the “Lord’s Table” being present only during the final days of Jesus’ earthly ministry the reality is the sacred and mysterious act of communion was established long before. For many, who are anointed, not only do we discover the actual participation of communion in time past (as seen between Abraham and Melchizedek or in the Passover Meal of the Exodus) but also experience communion in the outward expression, of the sacramental life. (Read the accounts of the prophets)

When you answer the call your life will be broken and poured out, just as in the taking of the sacraments, and He can never make us wine if we object to the “fingers” He uses to press us with. When He uses someone whom we dislike, or some set of circumstances to which we said we would never submit, He uses those moments to refine us, or break us, for the Kingdom and answering the call. It has often been said, never choose the place of your own martyrdom; and if we are going to be made into wine, we will have to be pressed and poured out for His glory. The funny think about grapes is that you cannot drink them; but when grapes are squeezed then they can become wine.

To answer the call will not be easy… but it is rewarding. Suffering and pain are a part of life, for those “in Him” and not in Him. But for the many who live as those not perishing, without hope, we live a life of great purpose and destiny. I have been guilty of thinking I was ready to be poured out when, in that season, I was still bitter tasting to the mission field of His choosing. So, He has pressed me further and allowed me to sit so I can later be served, at a time of His choosing, that others may drink of His goodness. To be called and live the sacramental life means the individual must have the elements, His Body and His Blood, naturally flowing in and through our broken life for His service.

Keep right with the Father and let Him have His perfect way in your life. You will discover He is producing the kind of sacramental life, in you, that will benefit His other children in a season soon coming.

Grace and Peace


[1] Mitchell, M. (2003). Anoint, Anointed. In C. Brand, C. Draper, A. England, S. Bond, E. R. Clendenen & T. C. Butler (Eds.), Holman Illustrated Bible Dictionary (C. Brand, C. Draper, A. England, S. Bond, E. R. Clendenen & T. C. Butler, Ed.) (70). Nashville, TN: Holman Bible Publishers.

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