Tag Archives: sympathy



Growing up I was never much of a pure athlete. Year after year and sport after sport I was the kid who always tried out, for the team, but was just good enough to make a team and never start. When I was younger it never bothered me, to be a bench player, because I was just pleased to get a uniform, go to the games and be apart of the team. Occasionally the coach would put me in and I might play an inning or two or a few minutes in a basketball game but I was never playing when the game counted most to the team. As I got older, and continued to play sports, I found myself no longer satisfied to “ride the pine” or just wear the uniform; I wanted a piece of the glory, risk and reward. Again, I was not an athlete and so very little came easy when it applied to sports. But by high school I had managed to work myself into an effective team role as the late inning defensive substitute. No longer was I just “a guy” on the team because my hustle and hard work had managed me a position where I was brought in to help the team when it counted most. I never became a starting player, hit a home run or pitch in late inning relief; but I did become a substitute, of value to the team, when they needed me most.

Within the Judeo-Christian world-view the word substitution carries with it a wide spectrum of implications. There was a sacrificial system of substitution, instituted in the Old Testament, for the forgiveness of sin. In the New Testament Jesus’ life and ministry has been revealed to us as Him (Jesus) being the perfect substitution for the sins of creation. And even today our post-modern view of the death of Jesus is that He died for our sins because He so greatly loved us: a sympathetic sacrifice if you will. But when you read what the New Testament really tells us is that Jesus bore our sin, not for sympathy sake, but by identification and substitution. He was made to be sin.

Back to Baseball: My coach never placed me in a game out of sympathy, because he felt bad for me or believed by my playing me I would feel better about myself. No! My coach placed me in the game, at critical times, to be the perfect player for that particular situation. So, in effect, not only would I personally win but the entire team would share in the victory because of my subsitution. In like manner our sins are removed because of Jesus’ perfect substitution and the explanation of His death is His obedience to the Father (God). Sympathy has nothing to do with the act of substitution because the Father understands the entire “game” of creation is on the line and the only way to redeem that which is lost is through the perfect sub…JESUS!

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“Because of this decision we don’t evaluate people by what they have or how they look. We looked at the Messiah that way once and got it all wrong, as you know. We certainly don’t look at him that way anymore. Now we look inside, and what we see is that anyone united with the Messiah gets a fresh start, is created new. The old life is gone; a new life burgeons! Look at it! All this comes from the God who settled the relationship between us and him, and then called us to settle our relationships with each other. God put the world square with himself through the Messiah, giving the world a fresh start by offering forgiveness of sins. God has given us the task of telling everyone what he is doing. We’re Christ’s representatives. God uses us to persuade men and women to drop their differences and enter into God’s work of making things right between them. We’re speaking for Christ himself now: Become friends with God; he’s already a friend with you. How? you ask. In Christ. God put the wrong on him who never did anything wrong, so we could be put right with God.” (2 Cor. 5:21 MSG)

Grace and Peace



redemption_series_graphic“In Christ. God put the wrong on him who never did anything wrong, so we could be put right with God.” (2 Corinthians 5:21 MSG)

I’m not trying to be clever, cute or intentionally controversial but something curious happened to me as our faith community has studied the book of Revelation. While Revelation deals with many eschatological and prophetic themes it often wraps them within the idea of covenant relationship, fidelity and a return to an Edenic state.  As I was sharing with my faith family the events surrounding Jesus’ second coming, and His union to a “faithful bride”, I also began to revisit how I have commonly viewed sin and redemption and asked, is there a better way?

By asking such an “out of the box” question I was not challenging God’s prescribed order of events and means by which He restores all things. Rather, like with most things, when I don’t have a clear understanding I turn to spiritual mentors, writings on the topic, opinions and most of all God’s Word to see if I am thinking God thoughts or just well intentioned but misleading opinions? Everyone struggles with what St. Paul called a “thorn in the flesh” whether it be a specific sin or the burdens of the sin nature. Furthermore, we know our remedy has and is always securely placed through the atoning work of Jesus. Yes, despite this truth, sin doesn’t just disappear from our lives and cease to exist. In fact, the sin nature is very much alive, in the world around us, and by default we are surrounded by many elements that attempt to revive the old nature within us.

For over 37 years I have tried to conquer sin, through spiritual pilgrimage, fasting, prolonged prayer, counseling, public confession and begging but it wasn’t until I revisited sin from a different paradigm I was able to better understand His work of redemption. So, here is the first paradigm shift on sin: Sin is a fundamental relationship; it is not a wrong doing, it is a wrong being of deliberate and absolute independence from God.

When you consider the Judeo-Christian world-view its approach to sin doesn’t just deal with specific sins but the very nature of sin itself. This type of worldview therefore places the Bible (God’s revealed Word) as a historical record, prophetic promise, covenant agreements and guidelines for a life that is willing to not just treat the branches or leaves, of the “sin tree”, but is willing to bore down deep to the roots. In considering the ministry of Jesus the first thing He confronted, in humanity, was the heredity of sin and not the specific sins they may have been struggling with. Jesus’ words to the woman caught in adultery went deeper than the sexual sin by confronting the very heart of the sin nature. Which is why Jesus said to her, Go, your sins (plural) are forgiven and sin no more. “The revelation of the Bible is not that Jesus Christ took upon Himself our fleshly sins, but that He took upon Himself the heredity of sin that no man can touch. God made His own Son to be sin that He might make the sinner a saint.” (Chambers)

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Here too we are not just focusing on the action, of sacrifice, but in the act of relationship in which Jesus rehabilitated humanity and returned us back to where God designed us to be. This is why I experienced great frustration in dealing with personal sin by using actions or works to cure my problems. What I needed was what we all need: To break relationship with sin and enter into a faithful relationship with Jesus. Everyone is invited to enter into union with God on the grounds of who Jesus is and what He has done.

Not to long ago I had a rose bush that in its first year bloomed such marvelous flowers. But each year this bush produced less and less until finally it looked as it was going to die. Noticing it was sick I tried a variety of cures only to see marginal change and a worsening of the situation. Eventually I even tried to cure the soil conditions around this bush but this too had little effect. Finally, in one last attempt I uprooted the rose bush and planted it elsewhere. Next spring it came back to life and each year it has grown stronger and stronger with very little need for my direct attention. Like my rose bush many people are desperately trying to redeem their lives, through works and well-intentioned Biblical actions, when what is needed is a literal break with the old sin relationships and engaging in a new intimate relationship with Jesus. Redemption is God’s ‘bit,’ and is absolutely finished and complete! But communion and relationship is a two-way street so consider looking at sin and redemption through a new paradigm; and you may find yourself treating the root of sin is more rewarding than examining the leaves.

Grace and Peace