Tag Archives: lifestyle


The fear of skeletons in the closet make the conversations that surround adultery and sexual practices off limits for most. For a variety of different reasons many people, especially within the Christian culture, either choose to ignore the dangers of an over-sexualized society or embrace it as normal and necessary.

Culture is culture, for better or for worse, and when the culture is divided among so many rules, regulations, opinions and acceptances the sacrificial lamb ends up being truth. Since the concepts and practices of truth have become relative everything from business to family and even the most intimate places of a person are shielded behind the rights of individual philosophy.

This, in part, is why the culture is what it is. For generations the belief, practice and acceptance of a Biblical world-view used the source material of the Bible. Sadly, as we have embraced alternative facts we have allowed our culture to be re-platformed on other truths with devestating consequences. Our business practices have become more corrupt, politics more divisive, families more divided and intolerance combined with hate have become the new normal.

Unfortunately a Biblical world-view is not enough to maintain the personal integrity of an individual. Even Scripture reveals our greatest hero’s of faith were deeply flawed in keeping their lives consistent with the Word of God. The Bible, and a Biblical world-view, is the GOLD STANDARD for life, blessing, success, fulfillment, joy, purpose, etc…and anything less is fools gold. The challenge remains, from Biblical times to today, every individual must choose to accept God’s best or man’s alternative.

A Biblical world-view never tells the reader you can’t rather it instructs us to incorporate a lifestyle of ‘best practices’  and the consequences of ignoring truth. Likewise the Biblical world-view provides ample evidences, backed by the character of God, of what a life will look like IF we follow the Word of the Lord consistently and practically.

As I am studying truth, and the dangers of lust, I am drawn to a passage from Proverbs (see below). Before Solomon even discusses the dangers of adultery he opens with the wise counsel that comes from Godly parents. Scripture reminds us to honor our parents; but for some their parents refused to live an honorable and Godly life.

So, should you take advice from you parents? Here again Solomon addresses from whom you take your advice: Parents who believe and live in the TRUTH of GOD’S WORD.

It is possible to honor the place and position / authority of your parents without incorporating their misplaced truth when it does not line up with Scripture. However, when your parent(s) have demonstrated a lifestyle of honoring God by living according to His Truth, and they share with you wisdom on any issue, you are best to listen carefully.

The individual that falls into sexual error is one who first ignores the truth that was imparted to them from Godly counsel; as a result of ignoring truth they have lost their foundation and drifted into dangerous waters of error that will eventually destroy everything.

I believe we must have an open and honest conversation about sex and culture but it must begin with an understanding of God’s Truth. Thankfully there are still many people who can attest to living a Godly lifestyle and it’s time we listen so we can pass on God’s Truth to the next generation without fear or shame!

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Grace and Peace – JOSHUA

More Advice About Avoiding Adultery

My son, obey the command of your father, and do not disregard the teachings of your mother. Fasten them on your heart forever.
Hang them around your neck. When you walk around, they will lead you. When you lie down, they will watch over you. When you wake up, they will talk to you because the command is a lamp,
the teachings are a light, and the warnings from discipline are the path of life to keep you from an evil woman and from the smooth talk of a loose woman.

Do not desire her beauty in your heart. Do not let her catch you with her eyes. A prostitute’s price is ⌊only⌋ a loaf of bread, but a married woman hunts for ⌊your⌋ life itself. Can a man carry fire in his lap without burning his clothes?

Can anyone walk on red-hot coals without burning his feet?
So it is with a man who has sex with his neighbor’s wife.
None who touch her will escape punishment.
People do not despise a thief who is hungry when he steals to satisfy his appetite, but when he is caught, he has to repay it seven times. He must give up all the possessions in his house.

Whoever commits adultery with a woman has no sense.
Whoever does this destroys himself. An adulterous man will find disease and dishonor, and his disgrace will not be blotted out,
because jealousy arouses a husband’s fury. The husband will show no mercy when he takes revenge. No amount of money will change his mind. The largest bribe will not satisfy him.

GOD’S WORD Translation. (1995). (Pr 6:20–35). Grand Rapids: Baker Publishing Group.



“Ye are they which have continued with Me in My temptations.” (Luke 22:28)

In part 1 of my “Unmasking Temptation” posts I provided the following definition for temptation. Temptation is a suggested short cut to the realization of the highest call that we are all to aim for. Consider this, temptation never appeals to your feelings or rationale based on your understanding of evil. Rather temptation has a way of masking an evil action or outcome in making you feel as if you are entertaining a good action or right feeling. In effect temptation tries to convince us not to understand evil but to think we can achieve God’s highest goodness without understanding His holiness.

It is true when we say Jesus is with us in our temptations; and through the on-going work of the Holy Spirit we can experience, daily, victory over such trials. But there is a deeper question that begs to be asked and answered: Since we already know He (Jesus) is with us in our temptations are we prepared to go with Him through His temptations? Sadly many people, though eternally thankful for what Jesus has done for them, have abandoned His Cross and Kingdom principle once their circumstances have balanced out. It is as if some have developed a Pavlovian response that allows us to run to Him because we have an experience of what He can do. But what happens when God shifts our circumstances, and in the seasons of testing we are asked to continue with Jesus, or side with the world?

RESEARCH IS A WONDERFUL THING! In an age of data mining and analytics there is no shortage of statistics, studies and facts that support America, as a nation, has worn the badge of “Christianity.” While this designation has been shifting over the past twenty years there is an even more concerning divide within the Christian community of faith worth exploring. Simply asked, is today’s Christian community growing, living and learning, as those prepared, to go through Jesus’ temptations?

“From that time many of His disciples went back and walked no more with Him.”  While churches may still be full with people claiming to live the Christian life I am left wondering if our churches, communities and nation are living the Christian life or lifestlye? Though it may appear to be a matter of semantics the reality is there are people, everyday, who try to live a lifestyle that is void of life. Rock stars, sport stars, actors, high ranking CEO’s all live, what most believe as glamorous lifestyles, but few of us truly know what their life is like. It is a sad commentary, on our society, when we delight in the misery of others. Even sadder is when the lifestyle, of others, has disappeared and the life is left empty without conviction, purpose or joy. Within my subdivision the majority of residents are not attending any church or  fellowship and probably do not classify themselves as “Christians.” For that matter I lived in this city for over ten years and have never been asked, by one person, if I attend church, have a relationship with Jesus or even need prayer. It is simple to live a lifestyle but it demanding to live a meaningful life.
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I have met many people, within my community that fit the story of the disciples that once walked with Jesus but now no longer. Why? One reason, for our abandonment of Jesus, returns back to the dangers of temptation. The same temptations of Jesus continued throughout His earthly life, and they will continue throughout the life of the Son of God in us. When the lifestyle and life do not match it means temptation has driven a wedge between our understandings of Kingdom purpose. When we get distracted, we crave and then we lust for the “forbidden” desires of the world. When this occurs the temptations, facing Jesus, become to too hard for us to bear and we then embrace shortcuts. RELY ON THE HOLY SPIRIT and allow Jesus to bring you through His temptations. Since we are not able to avoid temptation let us unmask it and place our full confidence in living our life IN HIM from this day forward. A life centered and grounded in Him will result in a lifestyle that is truthful, meaningful and purposeful for the Kingdom and reaching others.

As Christians we have the idea that we ought to shield ourselves from some of the things God allows around us. Never! The Father engineers our circumstances; and whatever they may be like we have to face them, while enduring continually, with Him in His temptations.

“They are His temptations, not temptations to us, but temptations to the life of the Son of God in us.” (Chambers)

Grace and Peace