Tag Archives: Apologetics



“And now, saith the Lord, that formed me from the womb to be His servant.” (Isaiah 49:5)

What do you like to do during your downtime? Watch TV? Invest in a hobby? Read a book? There is not a single person, I know, that doesn’t appreciate a little relaxing time. For my wife, her idea of relaxing is sitting on the beach and reading a book; while in my downtime I like to follow my favorite sports team (New England Patriots), play a game or also read a book. In the almost twenty years of marriage Jeannette and I have built a rather large library ranging from the Shakespeare and Homer to Andrew Murray and NT Wright and while our reading list is wide-ranging we often find ourselves returning to a few favorites. By far my preferred author is CS Lewis and The Problem of Pain, Mere Christianity, Till We Have Faces and many other titles have challenged the way I understand the world and the people I am surrounded by.

There are those, within the Christian community of thought, that either love CS Lewis or express deep concern for what they believe is an apologetic for un-orthodox positions of Christian doctrine.  I once had a conversation with another Christian who refused to read any of Lewis’ works because she assumed he advocated universalism. When I attempted to explain Lewis’ unmistakable words, on matters of salvation, she continued to believe he and his writings were heresy and therefore there was no dislodging her presuppositions on Lewis that day. The reason I injected the polarizing person of Lewis, it today’s post, is because there are also others, within Christian thought, that reject any other person as “saved” if they are Roman Catholic, Anglican or Orthodox.

This frightening fracturing, of the Christian faith, is partly to blame for what some perceive as an incoherent Gospel message. And if you believe these divisions are only reserved for the historical orthodox community you may be shocked to discover Protestant denominations are equally quick to turn on Pentecostals, or other non-denominational communities, because they do not adhere to a specific set of affirmations and or creeds. The purpose of today’s post is not to “peel back every layer of the onion” because I recognize this debate has been ongoing for centuries. Rather I want to bring us back to a reality we have all experienced and live with: “The first thing that happens after we have realized our election to God, in Christ Jesus, is the destruction of our prejudices and our narrow-minded notions; we are turned into servants of God’s own purpose.” (Chambers) The reason the Father created humanity was to glorify God and enjoy Him forever. The curse of sin has switched the human race on to another tack, but sin has never altered God’s purposes. When we are “born again” we are to become “In Him” people and brought into the realization of God’s great purpose for the human race: You are created for God! He made you and positioned you, where you are at, to testify of Him. This realization of appointment, for most, is the most joyful fulfillment on earth once we appreciate our remarkable role in His restorative purposes.

I have come to understand, and appreciate, God is working on the hearts of all who truly love and desire Him. In His loving guidance He deals with our spiritual nature to channel our hearts to beat after the single heart of Him and not to the rhythms of the world. The love of God and the nature of Almighty (Pantokrator) God is focused, and introduced into us, in John 3:16—“God so loved the world …”

While I personally may have differing doctrinal views, from others, I am able to identify God has masterfully placed “In Him” people where I may never travel. We have to maintain our soul open to the fact of God’s restorative purpose, and not muddle it with our own intentions. The purpose for which the missionary is created is that he may be God’s servant, one in whom God is glorified. When we realize that, through the salvation of Jesus, we are made perfectly fit for God we will finally understand why the Father has sown seed in many fields.  He demands absolute integrity from His servants, because He has put into them the very nature of God; and so let us all be cautious, in criticizing others in this great community, lest we forget God’s purpose for redemption, reconciliation and restoration.

This is not a call for ecumenism, as some have come to define it, universalism or Unitarian theology. But this is a call to unite all “In Him” people and celebrate our diversity, while maintaining our orthodox fundamentals uncompromised, to carry forth the essential teaching of the everlasting Gospel to the nations.  CS Lewis wrote, “There are three things that spread the Christ life to us; baptism, belief, and that mysterious action which different Christians call by different names – Holy Communion, the Mass, the Lord’s Supper.”[1]   If Lewis is correct, which I believe his statement is also Biblically supportable, then there are IN HIM people sown throughout the world and across many historical and rich traditions of the Christian faith. Let us rejoice together and magnify the name of Father, Son and Spirit as we testify His message of redemption, reconciliation and restoration!

 Grace and Peace


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[1] CS Lewis, Mere Christianity (New York: Harper Collins, 2003)62.



There is a running joke in my family that I have a crush on theologian NT Wright. Anytime we are in a conversation and a certain truth is mentioned I interject and say “NT Wright says”…It causes quite a stir, eyes start rolling and the laughing begins. All joking aside I don’t have a crush on NT Wright but it wasn’t until I heard NT lecture on the book of Romans that my understanding of the message of the Kingdom of God started to invade my stinking thinking.

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Let me explain, as he expounded on the scriptures, I had read over and over again, it was like dots being connected and suddenly I started to see the totality of the message of the Kingdom of God.  My spirit leaped within me and when I heard statements like  “the new age had broken into the midst of this present age” and “we are called to be truly human after the model of the Messiah”,it was as if I was born again, again.The Kingdom message has radically reordered how I see myself, unbelievers, the body of Christ and specifically all that God has done in and through Jesus Christ. I have laughed, cried and mourned as my life is being challenged with the most extraordinary message in the world.I recently had a conversation with a friend on the topics of forgiveness, restoration, God’s judgement and justices. As I sat and listened statements like these were said:

  • I will forgive but won’t forget.
  • I believe in reconciliation but not necessarily the need for restoration.
  • I am not the judge and God will judge those who have hurt me.

I found myself agreeing with each of these statements. After all, I had said and heard them throughout the years.
Hours after the conversation Kingdom thoughts started to invade my “stinking thinking”.  “What if God’s judgement is executed by an outpouring of love? Jeannette, will you be happy? What if justice comes in the way of blessing? What if Kingdom reconciliation is only seen in restoration? What if true forgiveness means covering over an offense as if it has never happened?

Suddenly, I remembered the story of Jonah he went to preach reconciliation to Nineveh, they repented and God restored them. Then the Bible says, it displeased Jonah exceedingly, and he became angry. What? The man of God brings the word of reconciliation and it angers him to see God’s justice. God, challenged Jonah’s stinking thinking. You can read it here;http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Jonah+4%3A1-11&version=NIV

You may be saying this is Bible 101. Perhaps it is but honestly ask yourself have you wrestled with these kinds of questions? If God is creator and judge of all and we are His people, are we not to reflect his true character. Is HE not calling us to live in the  present as it will be when the Kingdom is fully restored? I believe He is and as we allow the Kingdom to burst into our lives, families and communities of faith we are proclaiming the story of our God.




I love chips! Any type of crunchy, salty, spicy or sour chip I just seem to crave them. It, for me, is the ultimate “bad” food temptation I seldom try to resist. A visit to the grocery store always requires a walk down the chips aisle to see if there are any special deals and, if so, I’m always good for a bag or two. It’s easy to crave what we know is not good for us. Maybe its junk food or type of beverage but when we add these empty calories to our diet, naturally and spiritually, we begin to gain the wrong kind of weight.

Every person has a taste for what they like and don’t like. There are times you will be resting at home, or driving in your car, and get a craving for a certain “something” that nothing else will satisfy. Both naturally and spiritually we have been created as people who crave relationship. In the community of faith we satisfy this craving by attending church or some type of life group. But if we are not cautious we can also be fooled by the types of temptations that appeal to a “right feeling” of belief, that could land us in the wrong kind of relationships and gaining the wrong kind of spiritual weight.

Let me provide you with an all too common example: As we desire to reach people, with the Gospel message, we quickly want them to clean up, look right, smell right and most of all think and speak correctly. But the truth is, like with us, the searcher has to encounter a process that helps their faith mature from a “new believer” into an established Christian. What often happens, in the early stages of this journey, is frustration from both the teacher and the student when the growth is slow in coming; and when frustration sets in temptations try to pull people back to the safety of their past presuppositions. What is supposed to happen? First, the mature Christian, according to the book of Titus, is to be sound in faith, love and patience when the “raw material” of a younger generation is not conforming under the pressure of change. Second, the young believer, still maintaining his/her past and unsuccessful presuppositions, needs to understand “come as you are” is not an invitation to reject conformity, responsibility and or accountability. The Conclusion? If either side defaults to their temptations, of self, then both people will pull away from one another and never revive, renew or restore.

Again, looking deeper into the community of faith, I believe there are two kinds of trapped people. The first trapped group are those locked in the “inside of the church.” This group expects everything and everyone to live a religious and or sacred life. Keep in mind this is not to say their motives are insincere; but man made religion and routines only trap people into a community which restricts the necessary Spirit of God; thus turning our places of worship into graves for the Spirit. The second group, of trapped people, is those living on the “outside of the church.” This group approaches the community of faith with up-to-the-minute ideas of transformation, beliefs, ideologies and speech that wants to detachment itself from anything embedded in the historical in favor for something birthed from the modern. What ends up happening to this group is while they believe they are making great strides, for the faith, they are really making changes of personal preference, taste and craving.  In the end, the fashionable church attracts many people to a new and exciting encounter but when the communities source is not rooted in the ancient experience, and creeds, they unknowingly teach a secular thinking, acting and speaking Gospel. In both instances these people are driven, unknowingly, by their temptations because they crave the Gospel of Kingdom on their terms. Did you catch that? THEY CRAVE JESUS’ MESSAGE ON THEIR TERMS.

So what is the solution? Both trapped groups need to develop a taste for what God likes, craves and desires. What does God like and crave? Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father in heaven is perfect.” (Matthew 5:48) It may sound like a tall order but what do we think Jesus’ words are really challenging us with? Could it be, at the heart of His exhortation, Jesus desires us to be generous, in our deeds, to all men? Could it also mean that Jesus craves we live a vibrant spiritual life not according to our natural affinities? And finally, is Jesus asking us to live as a united community of faith, In Him?

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This is what God likes: Followers, IN HIM, from inside and outside the church walls to be His faithful disciples; which means we are to deliberately identify ourselves with God’s interests and not our own affinities. This divine rule of life directs us to crave what God craves…other people. “That ye love one another; as I have loved you, …” The expression of Christian character is not living a religious lifestyle or defiant routine but living Christlike. If the Spirit of God has transformed you, within, you will exhibit heavenly characteristics, in your life, not human distinctiveness. “The secret of a Christian is that the supernatural is made natural in him by the grace of God, and the experience of this works out in the practical details of life.” (Chambers)

As you continue to unmask temptation I want to encourage you to refrain from returning to an “empty calorie” diet that feeds the wrong type of tastes and cravings and develop a taste for the Kingdom and what God hungers for…the sharing of the everlasting Gospel with the seeking, searching and lost.

Grace and Peace





“Ye are they which have continued with Me in My temptations.” (Luke 22:28)

In part 1 of my “Unmasking Temptation” posts I provided the following definition for temptation. Temptation is a suggested short cut to the realization of the highest call that we are all to aim for. Consider this, temptation never appeals to your feelings or rationale based on your understanding of evil. Rather temptation has a way of masking an evil action or outcome in making you feel as if you are entertaining a good action or right feeling. In effect temptation tries to convince us not to understand evil but to think we can achieve God’s highest goodness without understanding His holiness.

It is true when we say Jesus is with us in our temptations; and through the on-going work of the Holy Spirit we can experience, daily, victory over such trials. But there is a deeper question that begs to be asked and answered: Since we already know He (Jesus) is with us in our temptations are we prepared to go with Him through His temptations? Sadly many people, though eternally thankful for what Jesus has done for them, have abandoned His Cross and Kingdom principle once their circumstances have balanced out. It is as if some have developed a Pavlovian response that allows us to run to Him because we have an experience of what He can do. But what happens when God shifts our circumstances, and in the seasons of testing we are asked to continue with Jesus, or side with the world?

RESEARCH IS A WONDERFUL THING! In an age of data mining and analytics there is no shortage of statistics, studies and facts that support America, as a nation, has worn the badge of “Christianity.” While this designation has been shifting over the past twenty years there is an even more concerning divide within the Christian community of faith worth exploring. Simply asked, is today’s Christian community growing, living and learning, as those prepared, to go through Jesus’ temptations?

“From that time many of His disciples went back and walked no more with Him.”  While churches may still be full with people claiming to live the Christian life I am left wondering if our churches, communities and nation are living the Christian life or lifestlye? Though it may appear to be a matter of semantics the reality is there are people, everyday, who try to live a lifestyle that is void of life. Rock stars, sport stars, actors, high ranking CEO’s all live, what most believe as glamorous lifestyles, but few of us truly know what their life is like. It is a sad commentary, on our society, when we delight in the misery of others. Even sadder is when the lifestyle, of others, has disappeared and the life is left empty without conviction, purpose or joy. Within my subdivision the majority of residents are not attending any church or  fellowship and probably do not classify themselves as “Christians.” For that matter I lived in this city for over ten years and have never been asked, by one person, if I attend church, have a relationship with Jesus or even need prayer. It is simple to live a lifestyle but it demanding to live a meaningful life.
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I have met many people, within my community that fit the story of the disciples that once walked with Jesus but now no longer. Why? One reason, for our abandonment of Jesus, returns back to the dangers of temptation. The same temptations of Jesus continued throughout His earthly life, and they will continue throughout the life of the Son of God in us. When the lifestyle and life do not match it means temptation has driven a wedge between our understandings of Kingdom purpose. When we get distracted, we crave and then we lust for the “forbidden” desires of the world. When this occurs the temptations, facing Jesus, become to too hard for us to bear and we then embrace shortcuts. RELY ON THE HOLY SPIRIT and allow Jesus to bring you through His temptations. Since we are not able to avoid temptation let us unmask it and place our full confidence in living our life IN HIM from this day forward. A life centered and grounded in Him will result in a lifestyle that is truthful, meaningful and purposeful for the Kingdom and reaching others.

As Christians we have the idea that we ought to shield ourselves from some of the things God allows around us. Never! The Father engineers our circumstances; and whatever they may be like we have to face them, while enduring continually, with Him in His temptations.

“They are His temptations, not temptations to us, but temptations to the life of the Son of God in us.” (Chambers)

Grace and Peace




For we have not an high priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities; but was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin. (Hebrews 4:15)

Ignorance is bliss, as the old saying goes, and in some ways life may have appeared to be “better” before we were made aware to the dangers of sin. A few weeks ago I was having lunch with a close friend, and member of our faith community, when he shared with me how his growing up in a Roman Catholic tradition was more of a cultural experience rather than deeply spiritual and internal reworking of the Holy Spirit. Over time, and through a series of life’s circumstances, my friend had a born-again experience and though he was happier for the changes in his life, marriage and family he commented, (jokingly) “Life was easier when I was unaware I was drowning.”

Have you ever caught yourself saying something similar? Maybe for some “the world” was never much of a temptation. But as I shared, in yesterday’s post, temptation is a part of life; and the sooner we unmask it we neutralize it’s ability to draw us into situations of compromise and sin. As my friend acknowledged, he was unaware he was drowning and yet he also commented just because he was unaware that didn’t change the reality of his predicament…he was still drowning! So how does one recognize they are drowning in temptation or sin? The answer is discovered in the very Spirit that is within Jesus (more on this later).

St. James reminds us “every man is tempted, when he is drawn away of his own lust, and enticed.” Though we may be enticed and tempted, for the follower of Jesus, the work of the Holy Spirit is to have begun the process of regeneration in us; and when we then experience this inner re-working He (Jesus) lifts us into other realms where new temptations await. New temptations await you ask? What kind of temptations could that be? Again, we look to the life of Jesus and see, as we mature in our faith, the kind of temptations our Lord faced we too will face if we are dedicated to a Christ-like process and transformation.

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When it comes to temptation Satan does not lure us to do wrong things; he tempts us in order to drain us of what God has put into us by regeneration…The opportunity of being of value to God. What Satan tempted Jesus with, in the wilderness, he tempts us with daily. Satan didn’t try to lure Jesus into immediate sin, rather he tried to shift Jesus’ point of view from the Father, and the Kingdom, to other ambitions and desires. Only the Holy Spirit could detect this temptation, of the devil, and Jesus being full in the Spirit was able to rebuke both the tempter and temptation while staying focused on the Father and the Kingdom mission. Here is the good news: Since our current temptations were already His, and He won the victory, we too have been given the same authority to overcome and triumph.

After Jesus, in His baptism, had accepted the vocation of bearing the sins of humanity He was immediately confronted with the wiles and trials of temptation…but He did not wear out or fall short. He went through the temptation “without sin,” and retained the possessions of His personality intact. What a word of encouragement, victory and freedom! Because He won, in His temptations, we have been given victory in ours. Unmask temptation!  Rebuke it! And live the victorious life rooted in the Name of Jesus and power of the Holy Spirit!

Grace and Peace




“There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man.” (1 Cor. 10:13)

I was a little boy running and playing, with my best friend, enjoying the innocence that came with a young life lived without fears, troubles or concerns. To this day I can’t remember where I first heard a cuss word but I do remember the day I heard those unclean words in my mind. Foul word after foul word bounced around eagerly pressing me to fly from my mouth and join the chorus of my fellow school mates…but I resisted. It may have only been a few seconds; but it felt like hours and I found myself running home desperate to ask my mom if I had sinned by hearing these words in my mind. The conversation that followed was the first time I understood the difference between sin and temptation. Yes, the life without fears, troubles or concerns had left; and from that day forward I have sought to unmask temptation because I now understood Satan loves to use enticement as a “back door” mechanism to place people in bondage that eventually draws us back into sin.

The word temptation has been seeded throughout our society and many people believe they know it when they see it; but we, in the community of faith, are apt to use it incorrectly. Temptation is not sin, it is the entity we are bound to confront if we are living people. Many of us, however, suffer from temptations from which we have no business experiencing, simply because we have refused to let God scratch underneath the surface (or what is wrong in us) and lift us to a higher elevation in Him.

This is where you can count on feedbacks and reviews. Continue to storefront cialis online mastercard Individuals going through this are usually shy enough and also have confronted your best prices on sildenafil parent or parents. Consume 1 or 2 Kamdeepak capsule twice per day ordine cialis on line with milk or water. When should this drug not viagra prices be used? You should not use if you: * are taking any nitrate medication, such as nitroglycerin for angina, as it may lead to a severe drop in blood pressure. A persons character on the inside, what he / she possesses in their personality, partly determines what they may be tempted by on the outside. The temptation fits the nature of the one tempted, and reveals the possibilities of our fallen nature. So in order to unmask temptation we need to define it. Simply defined temptation is a suggested short cut to the realization of the highest call that we are all to aim for. Consider this, temptation never appeals to your feelings or rationale based on your understanding of evil. Rather temptation has a way of masking an evil action or outcome in making you feel as if you are entertaining a good action or right feeling. In effect temptation tries to convince us not to understand evil but to think we can achieve God’s highest goodness without understanding His holiness.

The other trap, attached to the hook of temptation, is its ability to confuse our feelings as we attempt to reconcile right from wrong. Without the aid of the Holy Spirit we incapable of separating right from wrong and furthermore, without Him, we will not resist our lust-filled desires on will-power alone. Everyday we are given proof of this in a world where the Holy Spirit is absent and suppressed. When the vices of a world soaked in murder, rage, hate, perversion, jealously, greed, fear and worry begin to invade our communities of faith we must ask the hard questions of how and why has temptation come through our spiritual threshold? Could it be where the Holy Spirit is absent doubt persists under the cloak of temptation…and temptation will lead to sin?  While temptation is not something we may escape it something we need to be aware of and overcome through the inward and outward working of the Holy Spirit. While God does not save us from temptations He will deliver us in the midst of them as long as we place our total dependence, love and trust in Him. (Heb. 2:18.)





“But have renounced the hidden things of dishonesty.” (2 Cor. 4:2)

Have you ever attended or watched a magic show? Of course everybody, in the audience, knows there is not any real magic being performed; yet the viewer sits fixed on the stage either trying to figure out the trick or marvel at the fantastic performance being unveiled before their eyes. Through careful stagecraft, props and lighting each trick builds upon the next until the show culminates with a grand finale. With the performance concluded many in the audience will leave asking how did he do that? Of course, the answer to the question will remain a secret because the magician wants you to believe in the power of illusion.

I once heard a pastor say, referring to a persons character, you are who you are when nobody is looking. What Pastor Laurie was expressing is a temptation, we all struggle with, when we are safely behind locked doors with the shades pulled shut. It is in the privacy of where we believe nobody sees us our words and actions the truth of who we are is revealed. While some people openly demonstrate their true self there are those who act like ‘the magician” and perform great illusions for others to believe. I want to encourage all of us, as St. Paul encouraged the ancient church, renounced the hidden things of dishonesty. The purpose of today’s post is not to “scare” anybody into the fear that Jesus is waiting to expose every dishonest word or action we have committed (although, for loves sake, He will not indefinitely allow dishonesty to persist in any persons life). Rather I hope to appeal to the spirit of Christ, within you, that yearns for the higher call to holiness, righteousness, communion and spiritual community.

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As we personally desire to live a genuine Christlike life we must maintain a continual watchfulness to be transparent and honest with a world we desire to reach with the Gospel message. “Smoke and mirrors” Christianity is much like the magician performing a grand illusion: On the exterior we can be impressive, inviting and entertaining. But do we risk performing for a people who are still questioning, what is the trick? Will we not more effectively reach the seeking and searching when we express a relationship that can exist without the lights and stagecraft? I hope this has given all of us something to pray on and consider.

Grace and Peace




In honor of the upcoming World Series I want to borrow an expression often used to explain what happens behind the scenes during a game. The expression, a little inside ball means you are going to reveal some secrets that are known only to “insiders.” So here is an already well known perception: within the church USA there is a growing concern in the gap between the community of faith (Christians) and those they desire to reach (the un-churched, seeking or searching). Now this may not be much of a secret, to you, but the real inside ball is the growing disconnect the church has within itself in sharing the Gospel message with the world they seek to reach. (More on this later)

For over thirty years, especially beginning with the “Jesus Movement” of the 70’s, churches experienced exponential growth and influence within a culture experiencing social and spiritual disillusionment. During this precious outpouring many men and women learned how to engage their culture and, with the help of the Holy Spirit, a harvest was reaped during those seasons of uncertainty and spiritual decline. The years that followed saw the rapid expansion of churches, ministries and the birth of the mega-church across the United States. By the 1980’s the American church was engaged in world missions (especially within Communist nations) as well as providing a strong counter balance against the popular culture that resisted the revived church ethos. Though there have always been liberal approaches to theology and ministry, during this time,  there was little debate on what kind of Gospel message was shared with the world.

By the 1990’s another social shift occurred as skepticism and cynicism increased with reports of moral compromises and financial scandals that rocked the church. By the late 90’s, though largely un-recognized, the church USA’s voice and influence was waning. By 2000, and especially following the aftermanth of 9/11, the church seemed less equipped and unable to aide a nation in need of repentance and restoration to Jesus. While many churches were filled during those immediate weeks following 9/11 many of the same churches were empty months later. In an attempt to reconnect with the changing culture much of the church shifted their approach, creeds and doctrinal roots in favor of a Gospel that was more “in touch” with Generation X, Y and Millennials. So, has the church managed to influence the culture following this purposeful shift? (More on this later)

Here I would like to boldly acknowledge I am not writing this post as an outlier within the Christian culture. This post is not meant to criticize a church, denomination, pastor and or a specific approach to ministry. Truthfully I am very much a part of the church culture that lives disconnected from society and acknowledges I am trying to find a way to reach the seeking, searching and lost. I was raised in the 80’s, experienced the changes of the 90’s and live with the results of the 2000’s. As a pastor, I have often tried to appeal to people, who have lived their spiritual formation through the “church mill”, only to discover their past hurts and offenses have hindered their ability to engage in a healthy spiritual community. Likewise I too have failed, at times, trying to push people into a failing pattern that was incapable of helping them mature, grow, reconcile and live restored. It has always been my sincere hope I could provide something “better”, that could reach people, only to realize I also needed to change.

But what do we change? Or better asked, where do we begin to change? Should we change our doctrines? Perhaps our worship styles or physical exteriors? I would add (and this is my opinion) changes in décor and clothing can be made to be respectful as well as sacred. This same principle can be applied to worship and the way we conduct ourselves in public ministry. But can we apply the same approach to doctrine? ABSOLUTELY NOT! This must remain a non-negotiable but not for the purposes of trying to keep tradition and religion in a place of esteemed honor. Earlier, in this post, I asked has the church managed to influence the culture? Sadly the answer is no. A 2009 survey, from the Barna research group, revealed the American Christian culture believes less about God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, the Bible and even Satan than ever before. Even more shocking was the belief that almost half of the Christian’s surveyed believed the Bible was the same expression of truth equivalent to the Koran or the Book of Mormon. For all of our churches, ministries and Christian based entertainment it is apparent the ancient doctrines of our Christian faith are unknown or not believed and the result is a ‘Christian” nation without an identity.

Last week I met with a couple of church “doctors” who were spending some time with me and helping Maranatha Koinonia through a series of ministry transitions. During one part of our conversation one of the “doctors” turned to me and said, “The reason the church is failing to reach people is because the church USA has failed to realize America is a secular nation.” As our conversation continued the reality, that became evident (and here is the inside ball), was if the church will not share a truthful Gospel, to a culture in search of truth, then all we have given society is a secularized Gospel.
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Many of my ministry peers have tried to make Jesus simple in the hope this would appeal to the majority of people. In a very real way Jesus is extraordinarily simple. But there is nothing simple in the dedicated life of one who follows Jesus.  Admittedly we, in the church, tend to complicate things with tradition and religion, and while some tradition is rooted in ancient creeds, and faith, there are many practices that are rooted in complicated routines. Today, we live in a world that claims to make life simpler; but for all of the simplicity life has become more complicated and confusing. Here is a simple truth: God has revealed a simple genuineness, especially in a world of competing ideas, faiths and philosophies, through a Biblically truthful Gospel and Jesus. Too often I see people try to make Jesus someone of their own ideology or use the excuse living as a Christian is too hard. To this I politely counter by saying, religion is complicated but a relationship is simple. Jesus has not invited a seeking and searching world to join a convoluted and complicated system of controls and manipulation. Jesus has invited the seeking, searching, hungry and lost to enter into a simple relationship by which we will allow the Holy Spirit to guide us into a healthy community of faith with the Father, Son, Spirit and Church Universal.

Here’s the point: Jesus is simple! This is why He says to come to Him as a little child.  But living a lifestyle of the world, and for the world, is complicated. To live a secular Gospel or a Truthful Gospel is the great question facing the church USA and the people we seek to reach. The reason we can not compromise the ancient creeds and doctrines, of our faith, is because they are rooted and born by Spirit of God. In an increasingly secularized nation do we really want to reach people with just a secularized Gospel or do we want to share a simple but truthful Gospel? Here’s the inside ball: The church will fail, Jesus’ Great Commission, if we do not influence and reach the un-churched with the simple, Biblical, Gospel Truth. Much like the cultural and spiritual convulsions of the 70’s we are again experiencing the same changes. While we know the Holy Spirit desires to pour out, and revive our dry lands again, I seriously wonder if the church USA really wants Him to pour out and begin His revival within our houses of worship?

As I mentioned earlier I am every bit part of the problem as well as part of the solution. While we may make some “surface” changes, to reach the searching, seeking and un-churched, we can never change the heart of our ancient faith that remains the same yesterday, today and forever.  For all of our ministries, church numbers and influence I am still reading, daily, of a nation sinking further into moral decay and spiritual blindness. What will take for the church USA to stop sharing a secular Gospel and a complicated man- made religious system? When will the church USA return to a simply Christian lifestyle, a simply Jesus faith and truthful Gospel creed? Let it begin in my house….let it begin in all of our houses.

“The simplicity that is in Christ.” (2 Cor. 11:3)

Grace and Peace




It was the summer of ’91 and my best friend and I entered the long days of June, July and August. In actuality we were only a few weeks past the close of the school year but somehow we had managed to exhaust our entire list of “things to do” and now found ourselves out of ideas. Bored, and with our imaginations running on empty, I pulled out a game we had never seen before but the cover and tag line were perfect to fuel any young ego: RISK: The Game of Global Domination. Suffice to say my friend I were hooked and day after day we engaged in epic battles of global conquest. Sometimes I would win and other times I would suffer humiliating defeats. But no matter how bad either of us were loosing one word was never voiced from of our mouths: Surrender.

Surrender is not natural to any person. Certainly there are people who are more laid back, than others, but even the most compliant person has a point to where they will refuse to willfully surrender. It should therefore not surprise anybody when we struggle with the thought of surrendering our will to the will of the Father. While we all face different challenges I am convinced there is no greater crisis than the surrender of our will to Jesus. Unlike my “merciless” friend (humor implied) God never crushes our will into surrender. Likewise Jesus never begs us to give up all we have and follow Him. What we read from Scripture, and have seen played out through countless lives, is He always waits until we surrender our will to His. I have discovered once you truly surrender to Jesus that is one battle that you never have to fight again. But why should we surrender our will to Him? Here are two thoughts for you two consider:

1. Surrender for Deliverance. “Come unto Me, and I will give you rest.” It is after we have begun to experience what freedom, from sin, is like and what salvation means we gladly surrender our will to Jesus for rest. The burdens of sin and cares of this life are heavy and weighted with guilt, shame and bondage. But like Christian, in Pilgrim’s Progress, when our perplexing heart or mind responds to His “Come unto Me” our voluntary surrender results in our burdens falling and rolling away never to return.

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So you may ask, What happens after surrender? After surrender the whole of life becomes a goal for unbroken communion with God. While such a journey, with the Father, is a lifetime of learning and growing it is also one that you have been lovingly invited to partake in. Here it must be noted with every journey there is a starting point and at the beginning of communion, with Jesus, starts our surrender to Him.

Grace and Peace




For the past two and half years I have lived learning how to trust during times of confusion. Often I have repeated the words, I just don’t get it? or What is the Lord doing now? when I encountered a roadblock or unexpected trial. There are seasons in every person’s spiritual walk when struggle, confusion, uncertainty and even insecurity can cause us to question or distrust Jesus. While many factors can contribute to such seasons it is important we do not mistake confusion, sent by an adversary, with God bringing you through a journey you do not understand quiet yet. Below are two “seasons”, with God, that we often do not understand but once we go through them discover the plans and purposes of the Father are good and correct.

SEASON #1: The Hidden Nature of His Friendship. (Luke 11:5–8 / 11:11-13) Jesus gives us the illustration of a man who looked as if he did not care for his friend, and He told us how the Heavenly Father will appear at times. Have we not felt as if God has been an unfair or unkind friend? Remember, He is not! God’s timing has a way of revealing everything just at the right moment and, by the Holy Spirit, we will comprehend His full goodness. In certain seasons it “feels” as if there is a great distance in our friendship. Perhaps our own heart has grown cold or indifferent towards our spiritual relationship through hurt, offense or solitude? Again even the deepest love has to wait in pain and tears for the blessing of fuller communion and intimacy. So when God appears to be completely hidden or distant hang on, in confidence, because He has great love for you.

SEASON #2: The Strangeness of His Faithfulness. (Luke 18:1–8)  “When the Son of Man cometh, shall He find faith on the earth?” Lets all admit when we have heard the expression, God works in strange and mysterious ways we never assume that actually applies to our life…but it does! Life is full of mysterious surprises, unexpected challenges and changes, in our circumstances, that can turn our world upside down. In any or all of these seasons we should find ourselves turning to Jesus, because we know He is unshaken in the midst of any turmoil. But what happens when He speaks to us: Faith, in spite of the confusion? Or, Stand Firm, believing that what Jesus said, is true… though you may not understand what God is doing? Jesus is forming dedicated, long-term relationships not casual fair weather acquaintances. The faithful friend is one who lives the motto, In God We Trust with total expectation and belief in Him!

Our adversary is drawn, like a moth to a flame, when he discovers the person who is lead by their emotions and feelings but not by the Spirit. Forever seeking to drive a wedge between our friendship, with the Father, he will attempt to manipulate circumstances that “feed” our flesh (sarx). Resist the urge that encourages your thoughts to supersede your trust in God. Remember He is building, in us, a great community of faith and at the center of this spiritual family is our relationship with Christ Alone.

In Christ alone my hope is found

He is my light, my strength, my song

This Cornerstone, this solid ground

Firm through the fiercest drought and storm

What heights of love, what depths of peace

When fears are stilled, when strivings cease

My Comforter, my All in All

Here in the love of Christ I stand

In Christ alone, who took on flesh

Fullness of God in helpless babe

This gift of love and righteousness

Scorned by the ones He came to save

‘Till on that cross as Jesus died

The wrath of God was satisfied

For every sin on Him was laid

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There in the ground His body lay

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And as He stands in victory

Sin’s curse has lost it’s grip on me

For I am His and He is mine

Bought with the precious blood of Christ

No guilt in life, no fear in death

This is the power of Christ in me

From life’s first cry to final breath

Jesus commands my destiny

No power of hell, no scheme of man

Can ever pluck me from His hand

‘Till He returns or calls me home

Here in the power of Christ I’ll stand


Grace and Peace




Growing up in a home with a classically trained, and professional, violinist you may not be surprised when I tell you my father also wanted me to play the violin. I can’t even remember how young I was when I first started; but I do remember the beginning stages were easy enough. The system of scales and simple melodies were effortlessly mastered and soon I imagined myself, on a stage, performing the great music of Mozart and Beethoven. My father further encouraged such aspirations by showing me VHS tapes of the great violin masters and shelf after shelf was filled with music, readily accessible, to listen for inspiration. Then, as with all things, the practice had to increase. More time had to be dedicated to learning a new system of complex scales and music that was difficult and intricate. Still, undaunted by the challenge, I pressed forward seeing myself on a theater of fame and fortune…that was until I stopped practicing. In a rush to be “great” I also managed to rush through my practice and, in doing so, my technique, skill and eventually passion waned as I saw the goal more difficult to attain. Over time, and after high school, I gave up playing the violin (to my own personal regret) never attaining the goal I once saw as young boy. Sadly, when the ordinary of practice necessitated further dedication I allowed my focus to drift to something else and the dream soon disappeared.

As Christians we can also loose site of the dream of the Kingdom. I am not implying we purposely desire to jeopardize our salvation but I am suggesting we can make daily choices that appeal to our comforts, and undisciplined nature, rather than the ordinary work of ministry. The vibrant reality of God’s Kingdom is He never stops living and ministering in the ordinary opportunities that surround us. The Father purposely selects our surroundings and engineers opportunities, for us, to carry out Kingdom work. Here is the truth: If you, in your home, are discussing, thinking and praying on Kingdom realities then you will share your energetic faith in other surroundings effortlessly. Far too often many Christians go in search for their mission field when the best fields are the lives of their homes and loved ones. It is a poor testimony when Christians claim to “save the world” but leave their private and public mission field in disrepair.

CONSIDER JESUS! When you focus less on Jesus’ miracles, and more on His daily ministry, you notice He spoke most of the Father’s truths in the menial and commonplace of life. When you think of commonplace opportunities what comes to mind? Going to the grocery store? Helping a person in need? Having a friendly conversation with a co-worker? Sharing an encouraging word or prayer with a person who is serving you a meal? Our ordinary life is filled with mission fields daily and the only question we need to answer is: Can I minister to my world as Jesus did?
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“I have given you an example, that ye should do as I have done to you.” Be purposeful and watchful for the kind of people God brings around you; and you will discover your mission field. It may be uncomfortable, frightening or even dirty but if you make yourself available for Kingdom purposes He will exhibit you exactly on the stage He wants you to glorify the King…Minister as opportunity surrounds you!  “If I then, your Lord and Master, have washed your feet, ye also ought to wash one another’s feet.” (John 13:14)

Grace and Peace




Whether you are a causal fan or dedicated enthusiast the fall season, for sports, is an exciting time of the year. Professional and college football is in full swing, NHL hockey has just starting and Major League Baseball is entering into the playoffs. While sports can be an exciting source of entertainment for anybody, and anywhere, there are few cities that possess a sports culture where fans and teams live in a symbiotic relationship of love, frustration, dismay and euphoria all at the same time. As I write today’s post I am very aware there will be faithful fans, from other cities, that will argue their city is best sports town in the nation. But Sunday, October 13th, the city of Boston reminded the country as to why is must be considered the best sports city without equal.

Sunday afternoon began with the opening kick-off between the New England Patriots and New Orleans Saints, in what some billed, as the big national afternoon “Game of the Week.” In a game that featured excellent quarterbacks, and teams trying to prove their winning records against a serious challenger, this game managed to live up to the hype everyone anticipated. Quarter after quarter the game ebbed and flowed with momentum swaying in just a matter of minutes, if not seconds. Finally, with time running out, New England managed a game-winning touchdown, with 5 seconds remaining, to secure the win. Meanwhile, as the Patriots were celebrating their victory, just up the highway the Boston Red Sox found themselves struggling against the Detroit Tigers in a game that seemed to be playing into Detroit’s hands. In much the same way, as the Patriot’s game, the Red Sox found themselves left to a handful of plays remaining. Losing by a score of 5 -1, a win seemed improbable, that was until a grand slam and, an inning later, infield hit managed to secure a victory for the Red Sox. For the city it was a magical sports night that placed Boston, on top, as the greatest sports city for that weekend.

By now you may be asking how two games, from an obvious Boston sports fan, can possibly relate to your faith? It’s a fair question to ask; and if you stick with me a few more moments I will show you how it all comes together.

Yesterday I decided to take some time to listen to a few of the post-game interviews, from the winning teams, and repeatedly heard a theme that struck right to the heart of everyday life, faith and a key to victory throughout the struggle. As I listened to coaches, players and “hero’s” I heard them all repeat the same chorus: Their weeklong practice, and attention to detail, prepared them for the situations they found themselves in. In the final moments they all knew what they needed to do…it was just a matter of execution. Likewise, in our walk of faith, life and struggle we often imagine we will do the “right thing”, or win the big game, when crisis or challenges arise. But, the reality is, the crisis will only reveal the stuff you have developed during the days and weeks of preparation.

There are many people who sincerely believe if God gives me the call, of course they will rise to the occasion. But the truthful answer is we will not be able to answer any call unless we have risen to the occasion through daily and dedicated practice. The person who lives in the pursuit of Christlikness must live practiced in the daily routine, challenge the ordinary and prepare for the “big game” ahead. Here I want to add another crucial step every Christian ought to take: Execute of ones faith and practice into action! If the follower of Jesus has not been practicing the disciplined work that is closest, because God (as a coach) has engineered it, when the crisis (big game moment) comes instead of being revealed as ready and prepared, we will be shown as unfit and defeated. CRISIS ALWAYS REVEALS CHARACTER!

So how does the Christian practice knowing the “big game” is coming? One key routine we must daily exercise is our worshipping the Father. Worship God in your home, work and with your family; worship Him in your private relationships as well as in your public friendships. Oswald Chambers challenges all of us not to be idle when it comes to living prepared by saying, “I can’t be expected to live the sanctified life in the circumstances I am in; I have no time for praying just now, no time for Bible reading, my opportunity hasn’t come yet; when it does, of course I shall be all right.’ No, you will not. If you have not been worshipping as occasion serves, when you get into work you will not only be useless yourself, but a tremendous hindrance to those who are associated with you.”

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Grace and Peace


BTW…for the sports fan that wanted to hear the final radio calls for the Patriots and Red Sox game I thought you might enjoy them.

Patriots Final Call

Patriots Final Call Video

Red Sox Final Call



In my undergraduate studies I majored in Political Science with a minor in European history. I have always loved European history; from its famous battles to the complicated histories behind their kings and queens. I have heard it said to study Europe, and its people, is to understand its history is rich, deep, at times sorted and certainly chaotic. In the twentieth century two major world wars were fought on the European continent and this does not include the nations who fought for their freedom, from Communism, across Eastern Europe and Germany. In every war there is long list of heros, villains and “colorful” legends ranging from medieval knights to modern generals. One of these “colorful” legends was General George S. Patton who historian Terry Brighton concluded, “Patton was arrogant, publicity-seeking and personally flawed, but … among the greatest generals of the war.”  Though many brave men and women, of the greatest generation, are passing away I have had the honor of knowing a man who served under Gen. Patton’s command. His personal stories of the general’s leadership and courage would make chills run down your spine and only serve to add to his already myth-like legend. Of the many stories, he has shared; one reoccurring theme continues to surface time and time again. For General Patton, and the men who served with him, they all believed whatever had to be accomplished they could do it themselves!

How does this relate to us today? As Christians, desiring to live a progressively Christ-like life, are we determined to discipline the other things? St. Paul encourages the early church, and therefore the church in every generation, to “Bring into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ.” (2 Cor. 10:5) Here we read yet another aspect of the hard work that comes with the nature that pursues Jesus. Again St. Paul says, “I take every project prisoner to make it obey Christ.” So, again I ask, how much of our Kingdom work has never been disciplined? Said another way, how much of our Kingdom work has simply sprung into action, by impulse, but not followed through with discipline?

In Jesus’ life, and ministry, every project, mission, teaching and thought was disciplined to the will of His Father. Jesus never had a movement of impulse that was not born and disciplined by the Father. “The Son can do nothing of Himself.” If St. Paul encouraged young Christians to imitate him as he imitated Christ, and Jesus is therefore our model, then let us take our vivid spiritual experience, and every project born of impulse, and put them into disciplined action immediately! Instead of being imprisoned by indecision, or emotional lows, discipline every thought and project to obey Jesus!
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We are prone to forget that every Christian is not only committed to Jesus for salvation; he is to be committed to Jesus’ view of God, of the world, of sin and eternity. When we take every thought captive, and begin the work of disciplining our Kingdom purposes, then we will live as the bold, brash and confident legends in the battlefield of faith. I encourage you to respond to His Spirit’s invitation, recognize the responsibility of being transformed by the renewing of your mind, and embrace the challenge of disciplined living for the King’s glory!

Grace and Peace



demolition_manDEMOLITION MAN

Growing up in the 80’s America had a certain do it yourself attitude. I remember watching weekday cartoons where GI Joe was the “Real American Hero” and after twenty-five minutes the good guy always won. Of course living in the 80’s was far from perfect but the shades of gray were never the norm; and matters of right and wrong were understood in black and white terms. Another 80’s phenomenon was the era of super-action hero. Unlike our genre of Marvel comic hero movies today the 80’s gave us Rocky, Rambo, Tango, The Predator, Commando and the Demolition Man. In the movie Demolition Man this sci-fi action film pitted a frozen, but now thawed, killer against…you guessed it a frozen, but now thawed, super cop. By now you are probably trying your hardest not to fall out laughing but I never said the 80’s were the best in everything. That being said, I would like to borrow this popular action movie title, Demolition man, and apply it to the Christian walk regarding the trials, struggles and battles we have with a real life adversary: Sin.

St. Paul exhorts the first church to “Cast down imaginations and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God.” (2 Cor. 10:5) This bold command speaks loudly to us as we face the same struggles from the fall of Adam to today. Just as with the believer in Paul’s day we too must be determined to demolish those things contrary to the Word of God in our own lives.

Let me ask you to think on something? Sometimes we tend to confuse our earthly nature from the nature of sin. By default the nature of all humanity is born under the curse of sin. However, this does not mean everyday life is filled with hopeless sinful outcomes. What you decided to eat or wear (for example) need not become an eternal battlefield of personal sin versus righteousness. Likewise deliverance from sin is not deliverance from human nature. Within human nature there are deposits of God’s common grace we can enjoy such as love, friendship and charity. But there are things in human nature, such as prejudices, that the person who lives in the progressive pursuit of Christlikness has to demolish through proactive action. (i.e., by the Divine strength imparted by God’s Spirit) Furthermore, there are other battles over which we are not to fight, but to stand still in and see the salvation of God. It is here to I want to insert a strong word of caution and reminder. Despite my or your personal theologies anything that erects itself as a stronghold, against the knowledge of God, needs to be determinedly demolished by drawing on God’s power, through His Holy Spirit, and not comforted, accepted or welcomed as some type of inner compromise.

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So be as the Demolition Man and target the sinful, not natural areas of our life. Under the direction of the Holy Spirit He will provide you with the proper balance in life. But once that “stronghold” has been revealed do not compromise or give it sanctuary…tear it down and allow the Father to build a great fortification to His glory in your life.

Grace and Peace




In yesterday’s post I mentioned the popular movie, A River Runs Through It, as a setting and principle for the power, purpose and origin of the Christian’s true source of everlasting authority. In keeping with this week’s “movie theme” there is another film, far more obscure, that also tackles some challenging questions facing every person in life. This film is titled: The Fountain.

The Fountain is a 2006 American romantic drama that blends elements of fantasy, history, religion, and science fiction. The film consists of three story lines, in which the actors play different sets of characters who may or may not be the same two people: a modern-day scientist and his cancer-stricken wife, a conquistador and his queen, and a space traveler in the future who hallucinates his lost love. The story lines—interwoven with use of match cuts and recurring visual motifs—reflect the themes of love and mortality.” (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Fountain)

For every seeker, searcher and even Christian the questions of mortality and eternity sit fixed, like a star in the distant horizon, that catches the heart of every eternal explorer. As Christians we too are on an eternal quest searching for the lover of our soul and He, in turn, is adopting sons and daughters into His Holy family and Kingdom. However, contrary to the old saying, “All roads lead to Rome” not all streams lead to life eternal with the great I AM. The enemy of all creation, Satan, through great deception and cunning has echoed a comfortable lie that reassures the searcher of waters of refreshing wherever they desire to drink. As a result, with the right balance of additives, our culture and world has become addicted to a substitute while believing they are drinking to their eternal health. Again, we look to the words of Jesus when He said, “The water that I shall give him, life eternal, shall be in him a well of water (everlasting).” (John 4:14)

“The picture Our Lord gives is not that of a channel but a fountain. ‘By being filled,’ and the sweetness of vital relationship to Jesus will flow out of the saint as lavishly as it is imparted to him. If you find your life is not flowing out as it should, you are to blame; something has obstructed the flow. Keep right at the Source, and—you will be blessed personally? No, out of you will flow rivers of living water, irrepressible life.” (Chambers)

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Is there anything between you and Jesus? Is there anything that dilutes your belief in Him? If not, Jesus says, out of you will flow rivers of living water. Jesus’ very words are not a statement of maybe but a blessing passed on and continually flowing. Again Chambers encourages us to “Keep at the Source, guard well your belief in Jesus Christ and your relationship to Him, and there will be a steady flow for other lives, no dryness and no deadness!”

Have we become too cold or indifferent to no longer expect the extravagant promises of God that tells us out of the believer, spiritual rivers of life are going to flow? Don’t let the misdirection’s of the enemy give you a substitute source or pollute your mighty river. Refuse to let the Source (The Father, Son and Spirit) be blocked by saying, ‘I will be content with this.’ And never look at yourself from the standpoint of—‘Who am I?’ In the history of God’s great plan you will always find that it has started from the obscure, unknown and ignored but always ended with the steadfastly tried and true to Jesus as I AM.

Grace and Peace


REPOST from Jeannette Johnian’s Blog “Continue to Climb”: IN THE MIDST OF “DELUSIONAL” MEN


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Years ago there was a young man in our fellowship that decided he was going to venture out and start his own business. Throughout his being a part of our community my husband had encouraged and supported this man in his endeavors. In spite of the fact that others considered him socially awkward my husband saw a man in need of affirmation and fellowship. One day this man came to our home offering his professional services and after some consideration we had to decline. The moment my husband let him know we were not interested his demeanor changed. Obviously offended he decided he was going to tell my husband what he really thought of our community and his pastor. Sitting in our living room he looked straight at my husband and said, “When are you going to realize you are delusional?”  He went on to question the call of God, in my husbands life, and “exhorted” him to give up.

Why did this man think my husband was delusional? Was it because our community was not in the hundreds or thousands? Could it be my husband did not fit a certain mold for today’s pastor or leader? Was it that my husband never managed a successful business or served as an executive in a fortune 500 company? It was obvious his words, spoken from hurt and rejection, were meant to humiliate.

Since the month of October is pastor appreciation month I thought I would give a big shout out to all the men and women who have been told they are “delusional” for following the call of God.

Just this past week I was in Kalamazoo attending a conference with pastors from around the country. During one of the breakout sessions I heard the stories of men and women who have given their lives to serve God and others. As these servant-leaders shared their stories, with authenticity and transparency, tears starting streaming down my face. But, why was I crying? In each story there was a common denominator that spoke to a deep place within my spirit. What touched me were the hearts of shepherds who are willing to give anything and everything to answer the call of God.

Story after story I heard the familiar burden of true shepherds. These are the unknown soldiers, serving in the trenches, who cannot abandon the call to serve. Many of these men ,according to western church thinking, fall into the category of delusional, unsuccessful, ill-equipped and failures. But I would suggest the following:

  • These are the men who have prayed and pleaded, before God’s throne, for our families. Would any person selflessly do this?
  • These are the men who study God’s Word so, above all else, our souls prosper. Is that not worth more than gold?
  • These are the men, with the eyes of a shepherd, who see us wandering before we realize we have strayed. Are not their words of counsel and wisdom worth paying attention too?
  • These are the men who in spite of adversity, disappointment and hardship endure to the end. Shouldn’t we encourage and support them along the way?
  • These are the men who give of their own limited funds to help you pay your bills when your in need. Did you know that?
  • These are the men that rejoice with you when your child is born, you get a job promotion and your children marry. Ask yourself, when was the last time you rejoiced for your pastor?
  • These are the men who will admit they are far from perfect and, at times, will make imperfect decisions. Are they not worthy of our mercy and patience?
  • These are the men that, when the phone rings at 5:30 am, are willing to get out of bed and meet with you as well as minister to your need.Would we do the same?
  • These are the men that, when they are on vacation, will always answer your distressing phone call and never let it go to voice mail. Are we on call 24-7?
  • These are the men that sacrifice their lives, and family needs, for a salary that rarely covers their living expenses. Would we do the same?

After I complied my short, but by no means exhaustive, list I would like to say THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU for having the same courage as Noah, to build an ark without one convert or sign of rain. To have the faithfulness of Abraham, the humility of David, the boldness of Elijah, the tears of Jeremiah, the courage of Daniel, the vision of Nehemiah and Ezra, the thankfulness of the Apostles, the strength of Paul and the persistence of John.

Thessalonians 5: 12 – 13 says: “And now, friends, we ask you to honor those leaders, who work so hard for you, who have been given the responsibility of urging and guiding you along in your obedience. Overwhelm them with appreciation and love.

Grace and Peace



9.2-Testify-about-JesusDESTINATION: TESIFY!

“Watch with Me.” (Matthew 26:40)

I love slapstick comedy. Throughout the golden years of radio, early television and film great comedic teams such as Laurel and Hardy, the Three Stooges, Fibber Magee and Molly, etc… always managed to find themselves in some type of high jinx that somehow ended with their escaping a disastrous situation. If you have watched enough of these films or episodes then you always heard the expression, Keep a look out and once you heard that you could count on something funny was about to happen.

Jesus also said, “Watch with Me” but these words were not shared because something bad was on the horizon but because He desired our vision to be as His vision. When we were first born again we did little watching with Jesus because we were learning how to watch for Him. But as we matured we began to see His Word, the Bible, was instructing us how to live through the circumstances of our life. And the Holy Spirit was sharpening our eyes to see with Kingdom perspective.

Throughout our entire journey of faith, with the Biblical Jesus, our flesh (sinful nature) should be melting away. In the process of the old man fading away there should be a new man emerging who has learned to also merge his / her will into the will of the Father. No longer should we perceive life, and it the challenges, with natural vision. Now, the new man, is learning to watch with Him for Kingdom sight. This entire journey, with the Son, is His way of introducing us to identification with Himself. In our pursuit of Jesus we all need to move away from the practice of just watching Him; and into the life where we are watching with Him. Just because we are only used to the idea of Jesus watching with us we do not have the excuse of passively falling asleep when we are to wait, pray and watch with Him.

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But don’t despair! Even if we have failed to remain on watch also remember “They were all filled with the Holy Spirit”, restored unto the Son and Father and it is the same “they” who were witnesses to Jesus’ resurrection and ascension. Once the in-filling, of the Spirit, matches the outpouring we, like the disciples, will live the testimony and witness that displays before the world, “Ye shall receive power after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you,” This new witness is meant to keep us on watch, with Him, the rest of our lives and testify His Gospel message to the seeking and lost.

So testify again and commit to sharing the Gospel message of Jesus as Lord with the seeking, searching and lost.

Blessings – JOSHUA



keep-calm-you-belong-to-jesusDESTINATION: HIS!

Have you ever thought about who holds the deed to your life? Is it you? Is it fate? Is it God? Maybe another way of asking the question is to answer, who do you belong to? For the person who is still asking such questions you have probably experimented with several possible solutions only to discover these conclusions are unsatisfactory. If you are a Christian you probably answered something like, “Well I belong to God…but I am my own person.” I have personally taken a lot of time considering my destination and deed and come to the conclusion the true disciple of Jesus is one, whom the Holy Spirit has revealed, and therefore, you are not your own. Honestly to say and live in such a reality, ‘I am not my own,’ is to have reached a great point in Kingdom perspective. The true nature of a person, in love with the King, is one of deliberate sacrifice of “self” to “another” in sovereign preference, and that “other” is Jesus!

Without the Holy Spirit the very life and purpose of Jesus is obscure and easily dismissed as a wisdom teacher among other guru’s or moral activist among other social pioneers. But when the Holy Spirit illuminates your understanding, with Kingdom perspective, then you see Jesus in a new understanding and revealed light. The life, revived by the Holy Spirit, takes the person of Jesus and removes him from “just another good teacher” to a real and tangible solution to all of your concerns, cares, worries, fears, sins, hopes and joys. Think carefully on how Jesus sent His disciples…Jesus never sent any of the disciples out on argument of, “Once you follow me life is without adversity.” It was not until after the Resurrection, when the disciples had perceived by the power of the Holy Spirit, He was the Son of God. Jesus then sent His disciples out as Apostles telling them to ‘GO!’ and preach the message of the Kingdom of God.

In the 1970’s movie Jesus of Nazareth there is a classic scene of the disciples talking about miracles and what people are saying about who Jesus was. It was in this moment Jesus asked, “Who do you say I am?” the look on the disciples faces was shock, stun and horror. Finally Peter looked at Jesus as said, “You are the Christ.” What was Jesus’ response? (Loose paraphrase) Flesh and blood didn’t tell you this…it was revealed by the Spirit. The message of the Kingdom has often been defined to be many things but in brief the message of the Kingdom is the message of the Gospel. Go! Preach the good news of repentance from sin, Jesus is Lord and forgiveness and freedom from the slavery to the old man (the sinful nature).  

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Our Lord makes a disciple His own possession and when He does so He becomes responsible for him. “Ye shall be witnesses unto Me.” The mystery or sacred secret of the believer is—I am His, and He is carrying out His enterprises through me.

So be entirely His! “Thine they were, and Thou gavest them Me.” (John 17:6)

Blessings – JOSHUA


pursuing-holinessDESTINATION: HOLINESS

Have you ever started a journey with the destination unknown? Have you ever planned a long trip without making preparations or considering what challenges may await you? As you read today’s blog I have just returned from nine days of ministry in the nation of Romania. (I will share on this trip in an upcoming series of blogs) The days leading up to my departure required me to plan for my responsibilities at home as well as abroad. The costs, details, travel arrangements and people I would be meeting required planning from many different places and people to ensure this trip would serve as a blessing to the body of Christ. In short, I was preparing to take a trip knowing where my destination was.

Taking the example of planning for a trip, with a destination in mind, how many of us apply such detailed preparations to our spiritual pursuit of Him? Or, said another way, do you know where your destination is with the Father? Before you answer… don’t say HEAVEN or EARTH (this is a little bit of a trick question). The destination of the person who believes in the Biblical Jesus is HOLINESS.

Continually I find myself restating my purpose in life. And with each affirmation I also discover I am talking less about what I want, or see myself being, but more praying that I am becoming like Him: HOLY. The destined end of man, who pursues the Biblical Jesus, is not happiness, nor health, but holiness. And yet today we have far too many affinities that get in the way of such a pursuit. In fact, we are saturated with them! Our Western culture is obsessed with having the latest and greatest “anything.” Technology, celebrity gossip, clothes, vacation destinations, toys, games, selfies, etc…we live running from one fad to another when what really matters is whether you will accept the God can make you holy. At all costs, the disciple of Jesus as Christ, must live in the pursuit of being rightly related to God.

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Be careful not to tolerate, through sympathy or comfort, any practice that is not in keeping with a holy God. Holiness means sinless walking with the feet, sinless talking with the tongue, sinless thinking with the mind—every detail of the life under the scrutiny of God. Holiness is not only what God desires for you but what you manifest that God has given you.

Ye shall be holy; for I am holy. (1 Peter 1:16)

Blessings – JOSHUA


images (1)If you have taken the time to browse my blog then you may have noticed a section titled, “Where Am I Going to Be?” Throughout this year and beginning in 2014 I will be travelling more than I have in the past. This is an exciting transition for me and the ministry at Maranatha Koinonia. While I will still be teaching, in Franklin, 2014 is shaping up to be an amazing year of advancing the message of the King and the Kingdom as this ministry, and its partners, will bring the message of Maranatha Koinonia overseas and within the US.

Beginning in 2014 ministry trips have already been planned for England, Germany, France as well as Australia and Malaysia. Furthermore, there will be several ministry visits to Illinois, Georgia, Mississippi, Rhode Island and Massachusetts. I look forward to sharing, with you, the exciting news of how Maranatha Koinonia is reaching fellow believers and changing lives for the Father’s glory!

This week September 9th – 16th I will be ministering in Constata Romania, on the coast of the Black Sea. I will be speaking as one of two keynote speakers at a regional convention of Evangelical, Pentecostal and Brethren pastors. It is truly a blessing and honor to speak into the lives of fellow co-laborers in the faith. The theme of this conference is: Revival. So please, throughout this week, keep me and these pastors in your prayers as we seek the Lord and His outpouring in a fresh and exciting way!
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Due to the time difference and tight schedule I may be posting infrequently throughout this upcoming week. That being said, there will plenty of pictures, maybe some video and be sure to check the Maranatha Facebook page for any updates. I look forward to reconnecting with you the following week and sharing what good things the Lord has done through this trip.

Blessings – JOSHUA