Tag Archives: predestination




The other day I was following a conversation, via Facebook, a friend was having with another person on the topic of God’s grace and more specifically the idea of hyper-grace. Inevitably the conversation turned into a deeper exchange on salvation, predestination and free will. Ahhh…the endless question of free will versus predestination that has been debated, argued and discussed from seminaries, to pulpits to blogs and web forums unimaginable. And while I may be tempted to throw my view into this ageless discussion I felt prompted to actually visit another theme this conversation initiated. The theme? Ownership. Or perhaps better asked in the question of, Who do you really belong to?

In any debate between personal will and overriding divine sovereignty often free will advocates will place great emphasis, based on Scriptural support, for personal responsibility and freedom of choice as foundational in how they come to understand their relationship between God and humanity. Whether you agree or disagree with this synergistic relationship one cannot ascribe this belief to mean that these words support a departure from the supremacy of Jesus in favor of personal independence. Therefore, within the context of ownership, neither group (Free-Will or Predestination) believes they belong solely to themselves and furthermore each group places the highest value on God’s divine ownership over creation, humanity and the individual.

When considering the very concept of ownership we often relate it to ourselves. What type of car do you own? Or what items of great value do you possess in your home? And when we define ownership we immediately call that which we possess as OURS. But look at what St. Paul says to the Galatians, “The life you see me living is not “mine,” but it is lived by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me. I am not going to go back on that. (Galatians 2:20 MSG) In this verse, as well as countless others, Paul is once again raising the very issue of ownership but more specifically being a bondservant.

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Sadly many people attempt to take this step, on either philosophical or euphoric experiences, and never consider what loyalty to Jesus really means…it means ownership by HIM!  Have we made that break with self? Are we still living and wearing the masks pious fraud? THE QUESTION THAT YOU MUST ANSWER IS: Will I give up? Will I surrender to Jesus and make no conditions no matter what the cost?

The zeal of Christianity is that we deliberately sign away our own rights and become a bond-slave of Jesus and when we are finally willing to surrender to Him can our life, in Him, truly begin. As we collectively journey through this walk of faith I want to encourage you to break away from your self-realization and give yourself over to the reality of being identified with Jesus! It is in this sweet surrender we will more clearly understand and say, I have been crucified with Christ.

Grace and Peace