Tag Archives: intimacy


9018late_night_callHave you ever tried to fight off sleep? Maybe sleep knocks at your door during a critical point in a late night movie? Or perhaps as you are trying to unwind from a busy day you find yourself drifting in and out from a state of sleep and awareness? Either way when sleep arrives it’s near impossible to just “put it off.” Well, I found myself in such a state of being, a few nights ago, as I was doing my best to keep awake long enough to find out what winter weather may be coming my way. That night I lost the battle; and having fallen asleep I missed the weather, but not what God had planned for me later that evening. It was about 10:40ish when I woke back up with lights off and the TV still running. By now I had captured enough sleep to recharge my battery and also felt that familiar rumbling of the late night munchies coming on. As I rolled out of bed I made my way to the kitchen and just as I was passing the dining room I heard my phone ring. As a pastor the late night or early morning calls seldom bring good news; but also as a pastor you learn to never let those calls just drop to voicemail. Answering the phone I was surprised to hear the voice of a fellow pastor, and friend, who wanted to share with me some important and brief thoughts. Our conversation lasted no longer than ten minutes but the deposit of hope, friendship and faith he passed along kept me up for hours after we hung up. I skipped the pantry and went back to bed thinking on the contents of our conversation and this time, with the TV off, I collected my thoughts and prayed. It was an odd feeling that within the span of 40 minutes I had gone from sleep to wide awake and now prayer which drew me closer to spending time with Jesus and further from the concerns of weather, my daily routine or what might happen tomorrow.

When such moments occur, in our lives, we either want to doze back off and ignore the “late night phone call” or retreat from the battle that forces us to break our routines, and moods, so we can press in closer to Jesus. I will be the first to admit it is difficult to get out of “our business” and live the type of life where we look for opportunities to experience the Holy Spirit and develop our devotion to Him. When I reflect on lives Jesus routinely encountered it often seems those who were closest, to Him, missed even greater opportunities to know Him more intimately in favor of self or sleep. This is not to say the disciples, save Judas, were sinister or in some ways ungrateful. But their lack of knowing Him highlights a fundamental issue with us. Often we complain about not experiencing God, or “feeling” His outpouring; but when I think of my late night call I also wonder how many times did Jesus invite me to join Him and I just allowed the call to drop or went back to sleep? Can I honestly assign fault with God for my lack understanding Him? I think not.

When the late night call, or any call for that matter, comes we have to get out of ourselves and step into engaging Him continually. In times of prayer, praise, worship, reading, living and hearing the Word we have the unique occasion to daily experience God Incarnate (Jesus) and such moments should never be neglected. In times of growing global uncertainty, natural concern and spiritual drought the Christian should press his or her ear even closer to the heart of the King. We need to always be those who are clearing out more than enough room, in our lives, to allow His Holy Spirit to dwell in our midst. Today I want to encourage you to open up your lines of communication, leave the phone on ready and be prepared for Jesus to call. He desires to share His will for all who truly want to develop a lasting relationship with Him.
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Grace and Peace



prayer-conversations-“Believe me: I am in my Father and my Father is in me. If you can’t believe that, believe what you see—these works. The person who trusts me will not only do what I’m doing but even greater things, because I, on my way to the Father, am giving you the same work to do that I’ve been doing. You can count on it. From now on, whatever you request along the lines of who I am and what I am doing, I’ll do it. That’s how the Father will be seen for who he is in the Son. I mean it. Whatever you request in this way, I’ll do.”(John 14:11-14 MSG)

What do you think of when you hear the word prayer? Do you think of a solemn and sacred communication between you and God? Perhaps you think prayer is an arduous practice of dedication and ritual? Or maybe prayer is a comfortable conversation you engage in daily with God? Like many people I have approached prayer in the afore mentioned ways as well as read a variety of books, journals and testimonies of how prayer has changed people’s lives and circumstances. When you consider the actual practice, or ritual, of prayer you will discover prayer is not uniquely Judeo-Christian. Many faith persuasions encourage prayer, meditation and ritual, for faithful devotees, to connect with their understanding of God or the divine. However, within the Judeo-Christian worldview, prayer is not an action that prepares us for greater works, prayer is the greatest work!

But why is prayer the greatest work? In Jesus’ teachings prayer was never introduced as a means to achieve an end. In fact, prayer was taught and remains a miracle of emancipation, which continues the ongoing phenomenon of deliverance, in us, by the power of the Holy Spirit. Prayer is the great miracle of communication where we are able to commune with God and He responds. At times prayer is pleading, begging, thanking, loving and hoping, but most of all prayer is a miracle because prayer is personal and liberating.

Have you ever watched an old war movie or read a story that addressed the struggle of humanity? When you are immersed in the story, through real life events, prayer is often the only thing left to do in the most desperate of times. And yet, time and time again prayer works! It liberates, like a miracle perfectly timed from God, and sets you free to continue your journey. Yes, prayer can be a battle. Why? Because the necessity of prayer is indifferent to where you are and whichever way God engineers your circumstances your responsibility is to pray because in prayer you learn to center your life in the life of Jesus!
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The power of prayer is so effective that even your enemy, Satan, tries to dampen your zeal by planting the alien thought there is no use for prayer because of your failures. THAT IS A LIE! Wherever God has placed you, and in whatever circumstances, pray, Whatsoever ye ask in My name, that will I do. I’ve been guilty, at times, believing my best prayers were those of a physical nature where some kind of thrill is attached to my times of intense meditation. And I have also learned such expectations indicate a spiritually selfish attitude in me. Prayer doesn’t have to be a frenzied firestorm or even a meek contemplation. But prayer has to be sincere, from our heart to His, for a dialogue to really occur. In communion, with Jesus, comes intimacy; and the intimacy He longs for is genuineness in us. You see prayer is not just an endeavor, like many routine actions, it is the deed of authentic love, communion and genuineness that brings us back to a place of divine innocence where we live life as He (the Father) always designed us to live.

Grace and Peace