Tag Archives: humble

The Comeback

James 4:10 [widescreen]Who doesn’t enjoy a good comeback story? I, for one, am always encouraged when I witness what I like to call a “redemption in progress.” As the 2015 football season approaches there are no shortages of men trying to make a team, get a second chance or attempt one final push for a Superbowl ring. Among the many athletes playing for a roster spot is Tim Tebow. Yes, the same player who was cut from the Denver Broncos, NY Jets, New England Patriots and, after sitting out a year, has another chance to make it in the NFL with the Philadelphia Eagles. While it still uncertain if he will survive the final cut, to witness him pursuing his dream after so many setbacks greatly encourages me.

In a similar story I was watching a boxing match that featured one fighter who was re-entering the ring after many years of being out of competition. In his youth he was a highly touted fighter with limitless potential; but the combination of poor choices and reckless living had derailed his career with many never giving any thought of his return. Nevertheless, with his past behind him, the boxer rediscovered a new appreciation for second chances and to the amazement of most professionals, and experts, his career continues to prove comebacks are possible.

What do these men reveal aside from focus, determination and tenacity? Humility. Both have been quoted numerous times expressing how thankful and humbled they are to have the opportunity to pursue their calling and dream. Pressing past the doubt, failure, hurt, fear and critics they joined the many who have lived the comeback; and while everyone experiences challenges not everyone desires to press on after defeat. Why? I believe the Apostle James gives us some insight to this question when he writes,

“What causes fights and quarrels among you? Aren’t they caused by the selfish desires that fight to control you? 3 When you pray for things, you don’t get them because you want them for the wrong reason—for your own pleasure….6 But God shows us even more kindness. Scripture says, “God opposes arrogant people, but he is kind to humble people.” 7 So place yourselves under God’s authority. Resist the devil, and he will run away from you. 8 Come close to God, and he will come close to you. 10 Humble yourselves in the Lord’s presence. Then he will give you a high position.”

Selfish desire, the chase of the right things for the wrong reasons and arrogance are three key pursuits that derail even the most willing, talented and eager. The Apostle James refers to these dangerous ingredients as the “perfect mix” for quarrels; and when I take the time to consider how much I have fought with others, myself or God I can’t help but wonder if the humble life, before the Lord, might achieve more than the contentious one?

Clearly James is addressing a hot-tempered attitude that works contrary to a spirit of humility. The powerful disposition of humility not only equips us for a better life but also prepares our hearts as an ideal seedbed where Jesus can deposit His blessing, wisdom and favor. Yet, despite knowing He wants to bless us we still approach God with contentious hearts. Again, I ask why? Could it be we don’t trust Jesus’ goodness and genuine love for us? Could it be we have become so used to fighting we can’t imagine laying “the fight” down for Him? Could it be we have yet to humble ourselves before the Lord so He can redeem our story and invite us to join in the comeback?

Returning to what the football player and boxer both possessed was a life rediscovered through the lens of humility. The mere fact they were grateful for just another chance to pursue their call became a reward in of itself and in the case of Tim Tebow he has often used his opportunities to glorify God through his circumstances.
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While the boxer’s career has been long, successful and financially rewarding, and Tebow’s career been uneven, both men speak with an integrity and refreshing perspective that should encourage us to pursue Jesus, remain humble, resist fighting and allow Him to open doors for us on the “field of life.”

How many of us are missing out on God’s choicest blessings because we are instigating fights when we could be pursuing the path of humility before the Lord? How many more of us are walking through seasons of living humbly, in the Lord’s presence, and now beginning to experience seasons of reward?

We all desire to reach the high places with God where our life story is shared as the comeback tale of redemption. But to begin such a journey starts with living the humble approach before Jesus and allowing Him to exalt you before others for His plans and purposes.

Remember our current circumstances are not inviting us to fight more but rather to love more and trust that the love of Jesus, toward us, is building our story even after we have fallen. When He lifts us up our story of redemption will echo all the louder because it was through His might and not our own; and those are the best comeback stories everyone desires to hear.

Blessings – Pastor JOSHUA

‪#‎redemption‬ ‪#‎secondchance‬ ‪#‎humiltiy‬ ‪#‎stopfighting‬ ‪#‎love‬ ‪#‎liftedup‬‪#‎thecomeback‬ ‪#‎lovesick‬


in_the_eyes_of_god_by_rainacornasusgirl-d652cziThe other night I was channel surfing and settled on a station where a popular TV preacher was sharing, with his audience, his belief that “God knows who you are and if you are going to sin. And He has already forgiven you. So don’t concern yourself with your sin. God’s love is greater than your personal failure.” Perhaps you have already heard, or read, some versions of this contemporary teaching? As a teacher and pastor I have the luxury of spending my time studying the Bible as well as any variety of teachings and doctrines being advocated today. This was not the first time I have heard some variation of the gospel of “hyper-grace” and universalism, and to be honest there was something about the entire approach that appealed to me.

Who wouldn’t cherish the idea of relegating our personal sin to some corner of “Oh well…God knows therefore…” Such a motto for life would seem to take the pressure, concern and responsibility off one’s shoulders and firmly set them of the broad shoulders of Christ. But then I started to develop an “itch” that I couldn’t quiet satisfy. As much as I wanted to trust this opinion I found myself bothered by the thought of my personal indifference to “my sin”; and this soon created another itch that begged to be scratched, “Is my continual speaking of my own inability and weakness possibly an insult to the Father?”

The certainty of personal sin highlights our need for an eternal redeemer and someone greater than ourselves that bridges the gap for redemption and sanctification. While we may struggle with our fallen nature, the flesh, the continual deploring of our own incompetence is a defamation against God for having overlooked us or created us so weak and feeble that He must do everything for us because we are incapable of even responding to Him. When He calls us to love Him does not require a response from us? And when He commands for us to live according to His holiness are we not asked to reply? To consider God, in His infinite wisdom and omnipotence, created us and then thought so little in His master design that our human condition necessitates our personal berating for failure, provides us with an incomplete and unloving portrayal of the Father. However, if we swing the pendulum so far as to believe God’s love is so big and compassionate He doesn’t care about your sin then such an approach, from us, rejects His holiness.

At the center of this issue is what lies at the heart of many problems we encounter when we discuss matters of human nature, faith and how we relate to a Holy God. Like with most things we tend to view our world around us and not Him. We think life and events revolve around our existence and not according to His centrality within the story of creation. As we mature in His Word, and with the aid of the Holy Spirit, we need to develop the practice of examining our lives as God see’s us, and the human condition as God is aware of its darkness and need for restoration. How do we know how God see’s and understands our struggle? He has revealed His divine character and nature from Genesis through Revelation. So by turning to His own words we discover the Biblical Jesus revealed, and the depth of His words and actions, from before the foundations of creation, can be grasped by even the simplest of children.

Furthermore, we need to reject the natural and spiritual hypocrisy of our incessant need to sound humble before men, and yet be disrespectful to God. Many people live their spiritual walk advocating how humble they are, before others, without considering if their shows and sounds of humility ever reach the heart of Jesus? “Again, the things that sound humble before God may sound the opposite before men.(Chambers) If Jesus is the center of all things in our life, and we are truly abandoned to Him and His purposes, then we should be less concerned by what sounds humble before men while always remaining genuinely humble before God.

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Today I want to encourage, as well as challenge you, to let everything else go but maintain an intimate relationship with God at all costs. It is through the eyes of how God see’s you, and not how you see yourself, can He fulfill His purposes. But never assume how He see’s you is some type of “exemption” for your need to respond to His holiness as well as His love.

“But because God was so gracious, so very generous, here I am. And I’m not about to let his grace go to waste. Haven’t I worked hard trying to do more than any of the others? Even then, my work didn’t amount to all that much. It was God giving me the work to do, God giving me the energy to do it. So whether you heard it from me or from those others, it’s all the same: We spoke God’s truth and you entrusted your lives.” (1 Corinthians 15:10 MSG)

Grace and Peace