bretonnian_battle_Standard_bearer_golden_demonOne of my favorite British TV series’ features Sean Bean, in a rare good guy role, titled Sharpe’s Rifles. The long mini-series follows the life of Richard Sharpe and his service to England’s imperial drive during the Napoleonic wars. Based on historical events the fictional Sharpe fights with honor, grit and cunning while also representing the lowest class of man in England’s colonial social structure. As the series progresses Sharpe is able to rise in rank, gain honor and eventually lead his own regiment of the Britain’s best and worst. As you may imagine Sharpe’s regiment is only as good as the men who serve his command; and though they all lack the social standing to sit at a dinner table they are more than capable of holding their own in a battle.

Every good expedition, or regiment, needs a compliment of team players and this theme is often visited throughout Sharpe’s journey. In one battle, while Sharpe and his men were fighting overwhelming French numbers, it seemed defeat was immanent. While French victory was certain Sharpe managed to rally his men, restore their courage and snatch triumph from the jaws of defeat. How did Sharpe’s regiment survive the day and capture the French standard? They kept their eyes fixed on their leader.

What or who are you fixed on? In the middle of crises or the depths of great despair where are your eyes fixed? The prophet Isaiah tells us that when our eyes are set on the Father our knowledge of His countenance is gained (Isaiah 53:1). Admittedly we quickly loose our courage when our eyes are not set on Him. The very purpose of a battle standard or war drums was to keep the soldier fixed on the lead. Therefore, as long as the flag was still raised or the drum still beating the soldier knew how to keep his focus and calm. But in “the fog of war” our eyes dart back and forth to the sounds of the enemy, the cries of desperation and the call to retreat; and sadly more people are lost or captured in a retreat then those who are facing their enemy head on.

For the Christian we all face a real enemy, everyday, and if our eyes are set on the standard of Jesus then we can never loose the battle. Certainly, we can become distracted in the fray of any moment and loose critical footing; but the standard of Christ has never fallen, and never will, so take courage and press on. When you feel lost in the battle, surrounded by your enemy or disarmed and unable to fight set your eyes upon Jesus and don’t loose your faith in Him. When, in the crisis, you make your stand for God His Spirit will always reinforce your position and when this happens victory is as certain as Him!

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keep-your-eyes-on-jesusBehold, as the eyes of servants look unto the hand of their master, … so our eyes wait upon the Lord our God. (Psalm 123:2)

Grace and Peace