Tag Archives: Simply Christian



In honor of the upcoming World Series I want to borrow an expression often used to explain what happens behind the scenes during a game. The expression, a little inside ball means you are going to reveal some secrets that are known only to “insiders.” So here is an already well known perception: within the church USA there is a growing concern in the gap between the community of faith (Christians) and those they desire to reach (the un-churched, seeking or searching). Now this may not be much of a secret, to you, but the real inside ball is the growing disconnect the church has within itself in sharing the Gospel message with the world they seek to reach. (More on this later)

For over thirty years, especially beginning with the “Jesus Movement” of the 70’s, churches experienced exponential growth and influence within a culture experiencing social and spiritual disillusionment. During this precious outpouring many men and women learned how to engage their culture and, with the help of the Holy Spirit, a harvest was reaped during those seasons of uncertainty and spiritual decline. The years that followed saw the rapid expansion of churches, ministries and the birth of the mega-church across the United States. By the 1980’s the American church was engaged in world missions (especially within Communist nations) as well as providing a strong counter balance against the popular culture that resisted the revived church ethos. Though there have always been liberal approaches to theology and ministry, during this time,  there was little debate on what kind of Gospel message was shared with the world.

By the 1990’s another social shift occurred as skepticism and cynicism increased with reports of moral compromises and financial scandals that rocked the church. By the late 90’s, though largely un-recognized, the church USA’s voice and influence was waning. By 2000, and especially following the aftermanth of 9/11, the church seemed less equipped and unable to aide a nation in need of repentance and restoration to Jesus. While many churches were filled during those immediate weeks following 9/11 many of the same churches were empty months later. In an attempt to reconnect with the changing culture much of the church shifted their approach, creeds and doctrinal roots in favor of a Gospel that was more “in touch” with Generation X, Y and Millennials. So, has the church managed to influence the culture following this purposeful shift? (More on this later)

Here I would like to boldly acknowledge I am not writing this post as an outlier within the Christian culture. This post is not meant to criticize a church, denomination, pastor and or a specific approach to ministry. Truthfully I am very much a part of the church culture that lives disconnected from society and acknowledges I am trying to find a way to reach the seeking, searching and lost. I was raised in the 80’s, experienced the changes of the 90’s and live with the results of the 2000’s. As a pastor, I have often tried to appeal to people, who have lived their spiritual formation through the “church mill”, only to discover their past hurts and offenses have hindered their ability to engage in a healthy spiritual community. Likewise I too have failed, at times, trying to push people into a failing pattern that was incapable of helping them mature, grow, reconcile and live restored. It has always been my sincere hope I could provide something “better”, that could reach people, only to realize I also needed to change.

But what do we change? Or better asked, where do we begin to change? Should we change our doctrines? Perhaps our worship styles or physical exteriors? I would add (and this is my opinion) changes in décor and clothing can be made to be respectful as well as sacred. This same principle can be applied to worship and the way we conduct ourselves in public ministry. But can we apply the same approach to doctrine? ABSOLUTELY NOT! This must remain a non-negotiable but not for the purposes of trying to keep tradition and religion in a place of esteemed honor. Earlier, in this post, I asked has the church managed to influence the culture? Sadly the answer is no. A 2009 survey, from the Barna research group, revealed the American Christian culture believes less about God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, the Bible and even Satan than ever before. Even more shocking was the belief that almost half of the Christian’s surveyed believed the Bible was the same expression of truth equivalent to the Koran or the Book of Mormon. For all of our churches, ministries and Christian based entertainment it is apparent the ancient doctrines of our Christian faith are unknown or not believed and the result is a ‘Christian” nation without an identity.

Last week I met with a couple of church “doctors” who were spending some time with me and helping Maranatha Koinonia through a series of ministry transitions. During one part of our conversation one of the “doctors” turned to me and said, “The reason the church is failing to reach people is because the church USA has failed to realize America is a secular nation.” As our conversation continued the reality, that became evident (and here is the inside ball), was if the church will not share a truthful Gospel, to a culture in search of truth, then all we have given society is a secularized Gospel.
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Many of my ministry peers have tried to make Jesus simple in the hope this would appeal to the majority of people. In a very real way Jesus is extraordinarily simple. But there is nothing simple in the dedicated life of one who follows Jesus.  Admittedly we, in the church, tend to complicate things with tradition and religion, and while some tradition is rooted in ancient creeds, and faith, there are many practices that are rooted in complicated routines. Today, we live in a world that claims to make life simpler; but for all of the simplicity life has become more complicated and confusing. Here is a simple truth: God has revealed a simple genuineness, especially in a world of competing ideas, faiths and philosophies, through a Biblically truthful Gospel and Jesus. Too often I see people try to make Jesus someone of their own ideology or use the excuse living as a Christian is too hard. To this I politely counter by saying, religion is complicated but a relationship is simple. Jesus has not invited a seeking and searching world to join a convoluted and complicated system of controls and manipulation. Jesus has invited the seeking, searching, hungry and lost to enter into a simple relationship by which we will allow the Holy Spirit to guide us into a healthy community of faith with the Father, Son, Spirit and Church Universal.

Here’s the point: Jesus is simple! This is why He says to come to Him as a little child.  But living a lifestyle of the world, and for the world, is complicated. To live a secular Gospel or a Truthful Gospel is the great question facing the church USA and the people we seek to reach. The reason we can not compromise the ancient creeds and doctrines, of our faith, is because they are rooted and born by Spirit of God. In an increasingly secularized nation do we really want to reach people with just a secularized Gospel or do we want to share a simple but truthful Gospel? Here’s the inside ball: The church will fail, Jesus’ Great Commission, if we do not influence and reach the un-churched with the simple, Biblical, Gospel Truth. Much like the cultural and spiritual convulsions of the 70’s we are again experiencing the same changes. While we know the Holy Spirit desires to pour out, and revive our dry lands again, I seriously wonder if the church USA really wants Him to pour out and begin His revival within our houses of worship?

As I mentioned earlier I am every bit part of the problem as well as part of the solution. While we may make some “surface” changes, to reach the searching, seeking and un-churched, we can never change the heart of our ancient faith that remains the same yesterday, today and forever.  For all of our ministries, church numbers and influence I am still reading, daily, of a nation sinking further into moral decay and spiritual blindness. What will take for the church USA to stop sharing a secular Gospel and a complicated man- made religious system? When will the church USA return to a simply Christian lifestyle, a simply Jesus faith and truthful Gospel creed? Let it begin in my house….let it begin in all of our houses.

“The simplicity that is in Christ.” (2 Cor. 11:3)

Grace and Peace