Tag Archives: Emergent Church


imagesThis past Christmas we bought a family pet for our kids, Prince Casper, and as you can imagine this little five-pound Maltese has quickly settled in as part of our family. Of course with any new pet there is a period of adjustments and some training; but animals are pretty smart and soon they gravitate to particular places and people in the home. While I have always enjoyed the company of a family pet the last thing I really wanted was for our new furry friend to be attached to me. In the dining room, where I do most of my work, he will often wait for me to sit down before he jumps up in my lap and sits there for hours on end.  One day while I was typing, and he was sitting in my lap, I noticed a patch of hair that was thinning around his neck and then another thinning spot on his back.  This was followed by an itch that didn’t seem to go away with even the proper shampoo. Quickly I made an appointment with the local vet and he prescribed some medicine that slowed some of the conditions but Casper’s itch continued. After a few more weeks of trial and error the vet finally concluded Casper’s itching problem wasn’t the serious issue but actually a symptom that pointed to something deeper going on.

There is nothing more annoying than having an itch you can’t reach; but there is also nothing more relieving than the itch you can get at and scratch away. The thing about any itch is its ability to drive us all a little crazy and if it is bad enough, no matter how much we scratch, we seem no closer to really getting at the source of what created the itch in the first place.  Today’s post is about an itch, a challenge and a cure.

My recent posts on evangelism, discipleship and community have all led us to a place of rediscovering the nature of Jesus and how we, as Christians, can reach our world. We all know we are commanded to compel the world around us, as stated in the Great commission, but if you are anything like me with such a command an “itch” soon surfaces. Questions such as, Where do we begin? Who do we reach? Are their limitations in our reach? Are only the surface itches and no matter how much we scratch we seem no closer to arriving at satisfactory solutions, or cures.  Like Casper’s vet, we need to understand the itch is only pointing us to something deeper that exists within a greater context of what is really occurring in our world.

Perhaps no other decade has seen so much transition than ours. It is as if since post 9/11 our world has rapidly sped up. Economic swings have been fast and furious, social changes have been rapid and boundary breaking, entrainment has become more about agenda’s and politics and less about relaxing diversions,  politics have become more ugly and the church has flipped, flopped, splashed, grown, shrank, been rocked by scandals and rebranded more than a popular coffee chain.  Our sons and daughters have grown up in a decade of war that, while it remains miles away, brings uncertainty, fear, depression and anxiety.  With the technological boom and social media today, more than any other generation, has created endless voices clamoring for attention, stage space and recognition. And since there is nothing new under the sun what we are all witnessing is the resurfacing of age-old questions that are adding to a growing itch.

Today’s Christian is experiencing their faith in a post-Christian world; and today most of society borrows their philosophy from modern thinkers like Jean-Francis Lyotard who said, “it is difficult to believe one story, any story about the world and human condition, can be true.” Such a skeptical philosophy has only added to a world with multiple itches with each younger generation scratching without getting any closer to their cure.  Coming from the Gen X/Y generation I now parent Millennials; and while I know my generation was far from perfect I am witnessing today’s generations are marked with an alarming sense of hopelessness and disillusionment.

America had experienced a similar swing during the post-Vietnam war generation which experienced a great loss of life, questions of authority, purpose, life and truth. And similar age of skepticism plagued Europe, post WW I, that also resulted in a backlash against traditional values, belief, thought and faith from which Europe never recovered. And so, here we are again…old itches repackaged for a new age and the need for a Christian response to reach a lost generation with real and lasting truth!

Several posts prior I addressed three toxins that poison, and eventually kill, the Biblical community. They are consumerism, isolationism and individualism.  Added to these toxins is an added pressure facing every Christian, non-Christians and seeker: Privatism. What is this new term mean? Privatism is defined as, I have my truth, you have your truth and let’s not bother each other with conflicting views. And do not bother me with your truth even if you think you have reason to believe it.

Today’s world is trying to survive on the motto, “The only thing that matters in the world is me. I am the center of my universe and I determine my own future and existence.”

Let me suggest: You did not create this world but you are called to minister to the world. Many will try to reach their contemporaries by looking, sounding and acting like the environment that surrounds them. Others will try to impact their world by being counter-cultural and express a world-view that is perceived as opposite of today’s trends and assumptions.  I would like to suggest, and challenge all of us, to consider the latter.

A counter-cultural Christ-centered community can, and should be, a family of faith that isn’t primarily about you, me, our specific needs, particular happiness, fulfillment and or meaning.  In fact a counter-cultural Christianity is not about one story of many stories that borrows a little from here and there to make a good case for a our way of life.  Counter-cultural Christianity will always make the claim to be truth universally, not American truth, the truth of another nation and certainly not truth for just today, but God’s truth for everybody and for every generation. Counter-Cultural Christianity has always challenged the prevailing wisdoms, ways of life, thinking and living while calling its disciples to live a radical faith that is committed to full-time discipleship in Christ alone!

Radical? The very word scares us and conjures all sorts of stereotypes and falsehoods. By radical I am not referring to a certain dress code or throw back version of Christianity. What I am calling for is a radical counter-cultural faith that is rooted in the Biblical Jesus and expresses the entire Bible (from Genesis to Revelation) as the best possible guide, for everyone, to understand a particular view of the human condition, an exclusive way for salvation and a certain hope for the entire world. If the Christian faith will not dare to live counter-cultural than we will never be able to reach a world with any message, any hope and or lasting truth. Remember the world has an itch that needs scratching.

I am challenging all of us to consider after we have our discussions on the nature of the Biblical community, the heart of evangelism and the call for discipleship we must answer the restlessness of the world with the counter-cultural message of the Biblical Jesus and break through the carefully constructed veneer of the post-Christian, post-modern restlessness of our current culture.

The world is desperately searching for enduring truth and we alone have the tools to reconnect our seeking world with a vibrant truth, community and relationship that will guarantee wisdom and direction for all generations.

Sadly many of our current thinkers, universities and churches have revised history into a narrative that is exists largely disconnected from centuries of verifiable fact. Such a disconnect has further contributed to a society that has developed as a religious and social “vessel” that is free-floating, without an anchor, hoping not to wreck upon the rocks or find whatever port of call is safest at the moment. If this is true then what Larry Hurtado says is all the more impactful as to why Christianity today must be counter-cultural, “the rise of Christianity existed in a setting where religion was varied prominent, pervasive and popular.”  In fact Hurtado later goes as far as to connect how every part of 1st Century life was connected to religious practice in some way; and this was the spiritual seedbed from which Christianity burst into the world. Within a short period of time (three centuries) the faith of the ancient apostles, and their disciples, confronted pagan practices, ancient religions, philosophical assumptions and even the most powerful cult of the emperor while managing to overcome them all and rise eventually to the faith of an empire.  Did Christianity overtake the world by borrowing from the worship of Zeus? Apollo? Or Caesar? Did the church overcome with the witness and thoughts of Plato and Aristotle?

Today’s world is filled with spiritual pluralism, TV celebrities and part-time philosophers that have only added to the normalization of many roads that can eventually reach God. Yet, the itch continues and the infection, which drives the itch, is well beneath the surface to the place where it hurts most. So, how do we reach our world for Jesus while facing the dangers, challenges and obstacles?

  1. We can either be identified with the culture
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  3. We can be identified against the culture or,
  4. The church can transform the culture.

I propose a way of life where we are to be identified in the culture because we need to live and interact with a real world. It will be impossible to share the Gospel with any part of the world if we remain huddled in a bunker and shut away from the spiritually sick and needy. Therefore, we should be encouraged to live balanced lives, marry, have children, buy food, eat out and engage in the marketplace of ideas. However, we must also resist the urge to be shaped by the culture:


  1. Do not be shaped by unrighteousness (Romans 6:12)
  2. Live like the old man (Col. 3:5-9)
  3. Walk in the flesh (Gal. 5:19-21)

But live shaped by:

  1. Righteousness (Romans 6)
  2. According to the new man in Christ (Col. 3: 12-27)
  3. Walking in the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-26)
  4. Overcommers of darkness and spiritual oppression (Eph. 6:12)

Finally, Transform Your Culture! Whatever walk of life you are in let the world know of how Jesus has transformed your life and why your faith, and worship, rests in Him alone! Today’s Christian is to be the salt, light and ointment that provides the soothing balm to the itch of the world.  You provide a “thinking world” a deeper question to ponder and answer: How you, a Christian that live in the same world as they, are not trapped by the spiritual / secular paradox that creates “the itch” in your life. As a missional follower of Jesus you have a unique opportunity to provide the world with an invitation to a real community of truth that is committed to a deeper identity than “self” and rooted in Jesus!

You, I and all believers in the BIBLICAL JESUS have a story to tell and it is worth sharing.  Jesus’ story is not an account of a moral, spiritual or philosophical relativism. Rather it is the story of a world that begins with a glorious creation and later experiences a cataclysmic fall. Yet, despite this, God provided the Seed (Jesus) to redeem and revived the heavens, earth and humanity. Jesus’ message is one of enduring hope that has always been best expressed in the Judeo- Christian ethic, standards of right and wrong and commitment to a Biblical worldview that remains proven true yesterday, today and forever.

Judeo – Christianity has always been dramatically counter-cultural because it is born from the DNA of Jesus as Lord. To be His disciple, and make disciples of others, will always be counter-cultural because you will be developing people into one true faith, ethical absolutes and not some confused god-speak that borrows from everything but means nothing!

Yes, the culture has changed and some changes are good and acceptable, especially when we want to communicate and reach our world. Some may wear jeans, different hairstyles and our meeting places may be from coffee shops to living rooms and even spacious buildings. But none of the cosmetic changes are ever acceptable if they alter the absolute message of Jesus.  As Christians we must recognize we no longer a “Christian society” as our president reminded us of six years ago. As such we need to understand the challenges of our world and seek to transform it in every arena of life.

There is an itch that requires scratching. But there is also a hurt that runs deeper.  You represent the bringers of the great medicine that will not only stop the itch but also cure the real ailment. The disconnect from God can be bridged by today’s Christian if we will accept our counter-cultural faith, represent a transformational message and embrace a life of real people, living in a real world, with real hope and promise in the power to change lives…the power is in Jesus!

Grace and Peace


A Three –Fold Attitude that Stimulates Discipleship and Forms a Genuine Community of Faith

thLast week I shared some thoughts on my immersion into a community of disciples and discipleship. But what happens when you have gone beyond “putting your feet in the water” and are fully enveloped by the waves of a genuine Jesus formed community?  I acknowledge by using the word “genuine” that must imply there also can be “less than genuine” communities of faith. And guess what? Sadly there are. This is not to say people set out to be purposely disingenuous, but it does mean people can believe they are living in the nature of Jesus when they are not; and so, by default, they become immersed into a community that looks, feels, sounds and may even act with some version of Jesus but entirely miss the opportunity to become a community that engages His true nature.


Simply stated to be a disciple of anyone, means you have learned directly, and accurately, from the disciple-maker. As a New England Patriots fan I have been spoiled by a high level of competition the Patriots provide every season. At the lead of the team’s success is their quarterback, Tom Brady. But before Brady became a Super Bowl MVP, and top quarterback in the NFL, he had to learn from someone. Beginning in high school, through college and even into his professional career Brady routinely sought advice, counsel and training from his long time mentor Tom Martinez. Perhaps few will ever know of the man who helped form Brady into the player millions watch on Sunday afternoons, but his legacy and counsel are witnessed every game Brady leads the New England Patriots out to play.  In like manner the greatest violinist the world has ever heard, Jascha Heifetz, learned from Leopold Auer. Tom Brady was developed by Tom Martinez and Plato was instructed by the words and methods of Socrates.  While subtle variations in one’s style, approach, look or feel may develop differently, from teacher to student, there will always be a common thread throughout the life of the mentor and mentee: Fundamentally they will be the same in their approach, application, intent and drive to succeed without compromising the richness of truth in their chosen field.

As Christians should we be any less careful to attention, detail, passion, perfection and desire to share Biblical truth with our world? When one becomes immersed in the life of discipleship, in Jesus, there can be no room to compromise His message, and divine nature, in favor of our personal “variations.” Jesus commanded His disciples to go and make disciples of all men commanding them (the Apostles) to instruct everyone in all He (Jesus) had shared.  Woven within the DNA of discipleship is a sanctified template of how one becomes His disciple without compromise and with the guarantee of blessing. Getting one’s feet wet, in the community of Christ, is where it all begins; but that has never been a substitute for continuing on the journey of discipleship. True Biblical discipleship begins when we live immersed in the community of faith while being mentored into developing unique techniques and strategies, not gimmicks, that help us draw people to encounter the nature of Jesus!

In my attempt to unpack the heart of discipleship, as well as understand the nature of Jesus, I have come to understand there are three necessary attitudes that invite people and engage them into immersion in the community of faith. The three attitudes are worship, preaching / teaching and mentoring.

ATTITUDE #1: WORSHIP. Try to define worship and the exercise quickly opens into a very large umbrella that the Bible stuffs a lot of action underneath. You can worship God through prayer, fasting, singing, reading and meditating on His Word, tithes and offerings, work, life, common grace acts and the list goes on and on. But to help me better understand worship, within the context of discipleship, I needed to have a simple working definition that could cover all the bases. So, here is a definition I part borrowed and retooled: Worship is not a program but an invitation for people to participate in the truth of Jesus; and we celebrate His story in a variety of forms and activities. There is so much opinion regarding the state of worship within the church today. But wherever you may come down on the issue, worship is always meant to form any community into authentic adoration of Jesus with integrity. What I personally find so inviting about worship is how it really is meant to be apart of everyday, as well as every portion of life, and not just Sunday morning.

While some choose to debate various styles and expressions, of Sunday worship, I feel there is a deeper concern if we allow our times of worship to fall into the traps of being another program or routine.  For some, if not most, it may be a little frightening to provide the breathing room necessary for the Holy Spirit to move through our times of worship. But when we give Him the room necessary to move He draws the community of worshippers into the rhythm of God’s nature. It is then our individual and communal moments of celebration merge into the signing of Jesus’ story and our songs become those of great thanksgiving.  Worship was at the heart of the early church’s liturgical calendar and the same reason why God gave Ancient Israel the Feasts of the Lord. Life, every day, was to be a celebration of God’s nature and it is meant to immerse His disciples entire lives into Him.

The added by-product of worship is the development of disciple and disciples. Worship has the unique ability to draw everyone into one community that lives, talks, hears and shares the rich celebration of Jesus’ life. Here again this is why disciples should find opportunities to raise our hands, clap and even shout; because a corporate action of thanksgiving, love, relief and even celebration become the moments where the Holy Spirit’s presence can be truly experienced through the cycles of life. Rudolph Otto said,  “Good worship will use language of mystery.” And I honestly believe the mystery of worship should be one we all long to uncover. When people, in the Body of Christ, genuinely live lives of worship not only will we experience Him but we will know Him and desire to learn more of Him as our lives behave more like His. All who are in Him are gladly invited to be worshipers; and worship has the basic power to shape the disciple!

ATTITUDE #2: PREACHING / TEACHING: A recent survey, by Thom Rainer, concluded the most decisive factor for visitors, in choosing a fellowship, is the preaching/ teaching.  One need only thumb through the pages of the Gospels and book of Acts to discover Jesus routinely taught His disciples wherever they traveled. The development of lay ministry underscores the necessity for trained and qualified men and women who are in a position to teach and disciple within the local church.

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Certainly the Holy Spirit is the one who illuminates the need for change in any one’s heart but the inspiration of Spirit-birthed teaching / preaching always encourages faith in the pattern of Jesus.  It is well documented Augustine, for example, always used his teachings as an opportunity to weave doctrine with moral living. So what kind of preaching / teaching should we accept as those pursuing a journey of discipleship? Biblically speaking (and this is always the safest way to judge anything) only teachings that are based on Sola Scriptura (Scripture alone)! Of course there is always a place for sharing how to raise your kids, manage money, discover purpose, etc… but if such themes are not based in Scripture, as the primary source, they will eventually draw people away from the pattern of Jesus and point others toward worldly solutions. Simply put, teaching rooted in anything other than Scripture will make you a disciple of that teacher, or cause, but such an approach will not draw you any closer to the nature of the Father or a disciple of Jesus.  Again, teaching and preaching, within the context of discipleship, must always focus on what the Bible says, no more and no less.

Genuine disciples are always called to live submitted not to ones favorite minister, or ministry, but to God’s Word. Let me be so bold as to say, Scripture from Genesis to Revelation is true…..all of it! And so, as disciples of Jesus, we are put ourselves under it and live in obedience to it!

 A final thought on preaching / teaching: Tell the Whole Story.  I am guilty of watching ESPN for the purposes of viewing the highlight real in order to follow my favorite sporting events. But just watching the highlights will never tell the entire tale of the tape. Highlights are exciting because by their very definition they are “HIGH –LIGHTS!” But three-second clips are incapable of really helping one understand the “why” of the game. To appreciate the highlight you need to know the details of the game. Likewise, discipleship is not meant to be lived, or seen. in highlights. Rather discipleship should always be a public witness and full portrayal of God’s grand design for all creation. Biblical preaching that is coupled with proactive discipleship always keeps Jesus at the center of life’s story, and there He is meant to always remain.

ATTITUDE #3: MENTORING. One of my favorite Seinfeld episodes is, “The Mentor.” In this particular episode Jerry was dating a girl that relied so heavily on her mentor she was incapable of making a move without her advice. Too often we have adopted a “top-down” approach to mentorship and as a result our bonds of mentorship become more like chains of control. Could it be we have somehow misapplied Biblical mentorship? Robert Clinton defines mentorship as, “one person helping another person grow.” Henry Simon explained mentorship as, “having something to share with another who needs it to help him grow.” Today the best form of mentorship remains as it was in the days of the early church and John Wesley, discipleship through class meetings and peer to peer cooperation.  While there is a definite need for a one on one relationships it has been my experience an attitude of community mentorship is best suited to knit people together in relatable and personal ways. Within the small group, or home koinonia, a fellowship can discuss a teaching, pray and even provide mutual support and accountability. A single mentor doesn’t, and can’t, have all the answers. But mentors, within the community of Christ, can help others grow and share in Christ. Combined with genuine care, support and prayer the disciple quickly matures; and when this change occurs the entire community becomes immersed in the Jesus cycle of life.

People are searching for genuine Christ-centered communities of faith that expand beyond the church walls and touch real need and real lives. When genuine disciples, in Jesus, invigorate the church then we become an antibiotic to the illness (sin) and perhaps then the world will no longer perceive the church as the illness but an aide for healing and restoration?

Grace and Peace



Immersed in the Community of Disciples & Discipleship

thRecently, I was visiting with the owner of a new business launch that was giving me a sneak peak through his new site. The facility was top notch with every “bell and whistle” that would cater to potential clients in his industry. As we walked through the various workstations he stopped to introduce me to one of the men applying the finishing touches to a particular section of the office. Our conversation was brief and while the man was polite and engaging I could tell there was more to his story than the work he was currently doing. Later I learned the young man, I met earlier, is an excellent guitar player and by some peoples opinions one of the best they have heard in a long time. As I considered such a bold statement I asked, for me, the next logical question, “Then why is he woodworking and not even pursuing music on any level?” Of course I am not privy to this man’s life story; but like most people there is a strong possibility that a man with such talent, and not working in his field of calling, is also a man who stopped being a disciple or disciplined in his craft some time ago. As it is with our chosen profession, or calling, so to the same standards apply toward discipleship. Truthfully, discipleship never ends because everyone is to be constantly led by the Spirit, maturing in Jesus and challenged by one another. If there is such a thing as “steps toward Biblical discipleship” these progressions need to be modeled, in the initial stages, if we desire to help seekers to become converts and converts into disciples.

Bill Hull, who wrote The Disciple-Making Pastor said, “The Great Commission has been worshipped, but not obeyed. The church tried to get to world evangelism without disciple making.” In my opinion his quote accurately sums up the challenges we are facing in a post-Christian / post-Modern church age. Daily we encounter people, spread across life’s journey, whose experiences and backgrounds are unwittingly making them resistant to the hard work of being discipled. Even though the secular / spiritual paradox faces everyone this cannot become the sole excuse for us to avoid the obvious process and spiritual discipline and discipleship. Sadly, Michael Wilkins, a professor of Theology and trainer of pastors, says “The most common answer when asked if anybody has discipled you is, no.” Discipleship has always been, and will forever remain, a life-long process we are meant to experience and be immersed in. Yet many adopt the belief that a semester of discipleship classes will suffice for lifetime journey. The results, and state of our church today, does not bear this out as true or helpful for the maturation of the body of Christ. Therefore, to better understand discipleship let’s take a moment to first explore the nature from which discipleship is developed.

Where Does the Nature of Discipleship Come From? You don’t need to dig through the archives of a denominational library, or a trendy new release on Amazon, to find a manual for discipleship. Beginning with the ancients (Abraham and Eliezer), through the Patriarchs and more specifically with Moses and Joshua we discover a pattern for discipleship. This same process is replicated in the lives of Elijah and Elisha, Jeremiah, Daniel, his three friends and the list is far more exhaustive than limited. So it really should not come as any surprise, within the structure of the Hebraic Holistic worldview, discipleship would be practiced and readily accepted by Jesus and His chosen twelve.

Many of us, me included, have been guilty of assuming the process of discipleship started with Jesus’ earthly ministry but, in reality, this ancient method was just as much a spiritual practice, from the beginning, as a natural relationship designed to share the Word, keep it pure and replicate it throughout each generation. Therefore, when Jesus instructs His disciples in Matt. 10:24-25 He frames the nature of discipleship, and roots for future Christian disciples, in His nature alone.

Contextually speaking when Jesus was sharing such truths it wasn’t revealed in a time too removed from our world today. In Jesus’ day there were many examples of disciples learning under various educated rabbi’s. St. Paul, learning under the instruction of Gamileal, was one example of a long accepted tradition that was the custom of the day. However there was a stark difference in the discipleship, advocated by Jesus, and that of Rabbinic Judaism. Whereas Rabbinic Judaism advocated the process of “leap frog “, where the student would eventually exceed his master, Jesus instructed His disciples by telling them the student will never be above the master. It could be argued Jesus’ teachings did far more than other models of discipleship to help the church rapidly developed through the early years and then exploded through the reformation age. It is discovered in the nature of Jesus His system of discipleship wasn’t a organization of one trying to outdo the other; rather it was a long series of disciples that studied under other disciples. In a very significant way Jesus never encouraged or made disciples that were independent of Him. Every man and woman, who were taught in the model of Jesus, understood their goal was to make disciples back into Jesus.

Six Ways Jesus Taught Discipleship:

  1. Jesus focus and teaching was developed around repentance and the reality the Kingdom of Heaven was near. (Matt. 4:17)
  2. Jesus taught the exercise of His compassion. (Matt. 9:36)
  3. Jesus commanded His disciples to follow the traditions of Him and not others. (Matt. 12:1-8)
  4. All disciples belonged to family obedience. (Matt. 12:46-50)
  5. A disciple must live the life of servanthood. (Matt. 20:24-28)
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  7. A disciple shares in the destiny of suffering. (Matt. 10:16-25)

Late 2013 NT Wright published an amazing work on the writings, life and ministry of St. Paul. Throughout his work NT challenges the thought, some hold, that St. Paul’s teaching were in some way a rival to Jesus’. Sadly, those who see St. Paul and Jesus as rivals have adopted pure liberal foolishness! In fact, Rabbinic Judaism today uses a similar argument against Jesus and Christianity by claiming Christians are following a Jesus reinterpreted through the lens of Paul. In short, for Rabbinic Judaism, Jesus should only be viewed as a rabbi of the first century who taught people how to live whereas Paul turned Jesus into a Savior / Redeemer. NT does an amazing job of addressing this in far more detail than I can in today’s post. But the reason I cited this example was to validate St. Paul’s mission, within the framework of discipleship, was always to make people in Jesus’ image and not his own. Paul’ sole mission was to introduce Jesus, from the Tanakh, to the developing and emerging gentile church. (See. Phil. 1:20-21) True disciples and genuine Biblical discipleship will always follow Jesus’ nature and pattern. This is why we need to be encouraged to avoid discipleship built upon spiritual gurus, specific pastors or our favorite theological teachers. We are all meant to mature, through this life, into sound discipleship in Jesus alone!

How do you become a disciple? Believe! Behave! Belong! (See: John 20:31 , Acts 2:42, 47, Romans 12:2)

How Does the Community of Faith Disciple? While some people will be persuaded by the rational apologetic approach, of which I am a big fan, most people will be discipled through the process of relationship, community and work. When we worship together,  learn together and labor together we grow, in Him, together! This is why life groups and peer to peer discipleship, or coffee shop Gospel, can effectively form a Biblical community for today!

Get Immersed into the Life of the Community: The church is you and all of us gathered together; and we collectively are telling the story of Jesus. While we may share His story through a variety of methods and approaches we must never loose site of the fact we are called together for the purposes of glorifying Him as well as be a witness for the entire story of God. This amazing story is worth sharing! It is a remarkable account of how a Triune God is Creator, involved throughout history, incarnate as Jesus, sacrificial in death and in resurrection becomes victory over death and all evil. In the ascension of Jesus He took His place as the sole ruler over all things and will soon return restoring all things, in creation, unto Himself in a new heavens and new earth. THAT IS A STORY WORTH SHARING!

We are all called to not just recite this remarkable account but to live these words as a community that reflects the values of a relationship with the Father, Son and Spirit. We are called, as a community immersed in Him, to reflect the many creative gifts that reveal His majesty. We are called to be a community of love, redemption and reconciliation. Discipleship and maturity, in Him, also affords us the opportunity to have the deep conversations of how we will address sin, through heart and sight of Jesus. Biblical discipleship will also teach us how to care for the needs of a suffering world and also provide hope of a glorious future for those who are in Him.

Immersion is part of life. The community of Christ is more than capable, by His Holy Spirit, to immerse everyone into the life of Jesus. For those who are willing to shape their life around the reality of Jesus they will truly discover a different story, and vision, than the life they are currently have. Remember we are all on a journey and people are looking for a lasting truth, peace and bonds of relationship. So share His story and live the discipled life of a disciple in Jesus!

Grace and Peace



41dse6Bk7TLJeannette and I had not been married more than a year when we attended our very first couples retreat. Sponsored through our local church the yearly getaway offered married couples a chance to relax, develop stronger marriages and learn from experienced teachers on matters of faith, family and relationship.

During one of the break-out sessions we were asked to describe, in one word, our spouse; and while most people answered “fun” or “funny” Jeannette answered, unpredictable. For over sixteen years unpredictable still just about sums up my track record. For better or for worse (more often better than worse) I have managed to live up to her description. Of course I have always maintained a core set of principles, positions and opinions that many would assume are very predictable; but if you get to know me long enough I may manage to surprise you with a new haircut, clothing style or perspective that could leave you scratching your head. Some may choose to use the word, impulsive to describe me however while an unpredictable person can be impulsive an unpredictable person is not necessarily always impulsive.

Today I can’t help but notice, wherever I turn, I discover a new Jesus teaching, thought, opinion, perspective, lifestyle and even identity. It is as if there is an “impulsive Jesus” that other world religions and Christians, across various theological persuasions, have formed and still debate His purpose and intentions (even “Christian” off-shoots such as Mormonism and Jehovah Witness have their own understanding of Jesus). So, as we approach the Easter weekend, I decided to take some time to re-examine the Biblical account of Jesus’ life, ministry (in action) and words. My journey was not born from a desire to “find something new” or say something controversial; but rather I wanted to comprehend a little more about the God-man, Jesus, who we love and serve. In short, what I thought would be a brief jaunt down history lane arrived at a Jesus, according to today’s culture, that is God, man, demi-god, confused, delusional, well-intentioned, misunderstood, radical, impulsive, loving, hateful, inclusive, exclusive…in a word: Unpredictable.

Of course, there is a larger issue at the root of such confusion, because it seems with so much variety any seeker or searcher can customize a Jesus of their own making that fits perfectly with the life they desire to live without any standards. Another troublesome area is the “source” material we draw Jesus from? While it may be appealing to adopt a Jesus outside of God’s inspired Word (The Bible) when we do so we lend credibility to dubious and mercurial sources. Such practices, in an attempt to discover the historical Jesus, have only added to the confusion and unpredictable / impulsive nature of today’s Jesus.

WHAT HAPPENS WHEN one remains rooted in the only source, given to us by God through the Son and Holy Spirit, and we rediscover an ancient Jesus that was not just present in the Gospels but existing from the beginning?The Word was first, the Word present to God, God present to the Word. The Word was God, in readiness for God from day one. Everything was created through him; nothing—not one thing!— came into being without him. What came into existence was Life, and the Life was Light to live by. The Life-Light blazed out of the darkness; the darkness couldn’t put it out. There once was a man, his name John (the Baptizer), sent by God to point out the way to the Life-Light. He came to show everyone where to look, who to believe in. John was not himself the Light; he was there to show the way to the Light. The Life-Light was the real thing: Every person entering Life he brings into Light. He was in the world, the world was there through him, and yet the world didn’t even notice. He came to his own people, but they didn’t want him. But whoever did want him, who believed he was who he claimed and would do what he said, He made to be their true selves, their child-of-God selves. These are the God-begotten not blood-begotten, not flesh-begotten, not sex-begotten. The Word became flesh and blood, and moved into the neighborhood. We saw the glory with our own eyes, the one-of-a-kind glory, like Father, like Son, Generous inside and out, true from start to finish. John pointed him out and called, “This is the One! The One I told you was coming after me but in fact was ahead of me. He has always been ahead of me, has always had the first word.” We all live off his generous bounty, gift after gift after gift. We got the basics from Moses, and then this exuberant giving and receiving, This endless knowing and understanding— all this came through Jesus, the Messiah. No one has ever seen God, not so much as a glimpse. This one-of-a-kind God-Expression, who exists at the very heart of the Father, has made him plain as day.” (John 1:1-18 MSG)

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You see I may continue to be unpredictable but that does not give me the permission to fashion Jesus, after me, so I am comfortable with my own way of living and thinking. Likewise, when we face a world of crisis versus a world a faith it seems easier to doubt, question and ask, “what if?” so as to ease our conscience and or satisfy personal passions and or agendas. The only surety today’s Christian has is what is already written in His Word; and if we remain dedicated to such a resolute standard we will never mistake what God’s Word tells us of His nature.

In Jude 20 we are encouraged, “Building up yourselves on your most holy faith.” And today instead of trying to defend or explain a world of doubt with an impulsive Jesus let’s encourage one another to return to His Word and rediscover the Jesus that remains the same yesterday, today and forever.  Lets resist the urge to make Jesus like us and commit to being disciples of Him! Lastly, let us endeavor to build our lives not around the twists and turns of today, or our unpredictable and impulsive natures, but on His eternal Holy Word.

Grace and Peace



th (1)Who doesn’t love a good secret? Growing up playground secrets were the best because they always included some type of who liked who. Built into the nature of secrets is the near impossible task of keeping one, because the greater the secret also means it is more appealing to share. What I liked most about the high school lunch table was not the food (far from it), but the passing of secrets and the satisfaction I felt knowing something only a select group of people knew. Of course, in reality, everyone in the school knew the same secrets, which is how I later came to understand the phrase the worst kept secret. But whether you are “on the in” or have only heard a few “bits and pieces” knowing something private and potentially life changing has a powerful allure.

Today’s world doesn’t operate too different from our playground or lunch table days. I am reminded of a running joke throughout the sitcom Seinfeld where the expression, I’m putting it in the vault was a certain way of knowing somebody’s secret was soon to come out and become the central piece for that episode. We all have, and many still do, trade in secrets through work, families, friends, society and faith. At times we have been the victims of a secret and at other moments we have been entrusted to keep intimate and personal matters private. And almost in every instance secrets are important because they have the power to change lives temporarily or permanently.

While it is easy to focus on the surreptitious, that are meant to cause damage, (such as gossip) not all secrets are bad, hurtful or dangerous. In fact there are some mysteries, when revealed, that make perfect sense as to why, who, where or when. Believe it or not Jesus was a great secret keeper and secret sharer. Reading throughout the Gospels you will discover a Jesus who frequently shared hints and fragments, secrets if you will, of His identity, mission, purpose and the bigger picture of what was really happening.  Other times Jesus revealed the undisclosed when he used parables to expose the hearts and conditions of those He was ministering to. Granted, Jesus didn’t call people directly out, by name, but his parables of rebuke and or forgiveness revealed a secret that was deeply hidden within the hearts of the hearers.

Jesus said, “The kingdom of God comes not with observation… for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you, a hidden, obscure thing.” Just this past weekend I was with my wife walking through our local mall. Store after store displayed beautiful items meant to draw us in and consider purchasing what was tucked away behind the glass walls. Consider what Jesus is revealing about the Kingdom, and us, in the above passage. Just like my visit to the mall, every Christian lives their lives in the “window” where seekers and searchers will pass by, daily, to consider visiting your story. Furthermore, let me challenge all of us by asking, If you had a visitor to your story would they be interested in purchasing what you have to share?

Continually throughout the ministry of Jesus He invited people to “window shop” who He was and what He was saying. While there were many passers by He continued to offer “sales”, or secrets, that were meant to draw people into His story where He could reveal the innermost of the innermost and the only power that could change their lives forever.

In the Gospel of John (18:36) Jesus shared another secret that even perplexed the Roman authorities when He said, “My kingdom doesn’t consist of what you see around you. If it did, my followers would fight so that I wouldn’t be handed over to the Jews. But I’m not that kind of king, not the world’s kind of king. (MSG) Today I hope to encourage us to move beyond the plague of religious spirits, born from a religious age, and get back to sharing the secret of the Biblical Jesus as revealed through His Holy Word. While there are certainly many rooms, annex’s and chambers, within the Kingdom of God, Jesus begins and continues the story by discipling us into the secret of Him.
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HERE IS A SECRET WORTH SHARING: The central reality of Jesus, and His Kingdom, starts with a personal relationship with Him. The secret of Jesus, and Him alone, has never been in what we are able to achieve from our muster and might; but where we are weak He is strong. The secret of one’s origin, design, meaning and destiny lies in the fact that when we are fully submitted to Him and His purposes then we are truly alive and not just living.

Life has a way of acting like a roller-coaster and through all of the twists and turns we beg to know the secret of what God is engineering through the circumstances. Let me encourage all of us to spend less time fretting, and trying to unlock every secret, and more time embracing the mystery of submitting to Jesus through the process of discipleship. Once we live the discipled walk He will reveal the great fundamental truths of God’s Redemption; and if we will truly be His disciples then we will embrace a life of His calling. As with all things in life there is a certain mystery as to why God places us with people, and in circumstances, that challenge and refine us. However, through it all He knows a secret, which He is not sharing with us, that in time we will lean the why’s as we are further educated, matured and developed into a better understanding of Him and His Kingdom.

We all have a Kingdom secret worth sharing and there are seekers who continue to “window shop” in search for the only universal truth that will give them life and set them free. The secret of Jesus is an awesome truth worth sharing! Will you share it?

Grace and Peace



mission_t_nvDaily I am amazed by the ability of the church to rally people, funds and great efforts toward local and global missions. Initiatives to the Caribbean, Oriental, Africa, South America and throughout the US routinely provide relief to some of the greatest places of need where few rarely consider going.  While I am seldom opposed to missions I have also arrived at a place of continuing maturity where I am more prone to reexamine the “why’s” of our ministry efforts within the context of what Jesus said and did as revealed through the entirety of Scripture.

Most would agree missions were never meant to be another church program, church initiative (like a large NGO) or pet project. And yet most people, today, approach missions from such perspectives. Mostly mission outreaches are understood as “add-on’s” that are partially designed to encourage us in responding to what we should do, and part to make us feel better about who we are. The result of such an approach are limitless missions to infinite areas of need with little lasting change in those places we have visited. While I have no issue with mission trips to Haiti, for example, I am left perplexed with the amount of money, building projects and teams that yearly visit that island country, from churches and ministries across the United States, and yet the island continues to steadily decline with each passing year.

Could it be our nature of missions is different from Jesus’? What if when we think about modern mission movements we may be missing the most important area of need? To properly answer such questions one cannot just look to the life and work of Jesus alone; but one must look at the context of Jesus’ world, teaching and overall Gospel message…which included the commitment to missions. And to properly understand Jesus’ teaching one has to reestablish the ancient bonds, from the fullness of Scripture (both Testaments), and reexamine the nature of missions that Biblically focuses on the true missionary focus…a problem of the spirit.

Too often we first approach missions with the unspoken and perhaps unobserved question that presupposes the solutions to our global and local problems are more efforts and further resources. But clearly money and manpower has never been the answer to Spirit-birthed missions when we consider the life of the Apostles who operated with limited resources and even fewer ministry partners. The real key to the missionary problem is not work, money or people but prayer! Beginning with prayer, the Christian gains spiritual understanding and perspective for our actions. However, I would not want one to assume I am advocating the position that prayer is the only effort we must apply in our response to missions. On the contrary, while prayer is the starting point the Christian must follow God ordained direction with action. It is a careful balance, necessitating direction from the Holy Spirit, that helps us maintain an equilibrium of labors and prayer; but only in prayer, and not labor, can one constantly place our concentration on God.

The “key” to understanding Jesus’ nature of missions is not through common sense, medical solutions or educational drives. The key to understanding the nature of Jesus has always been revealed in and through prayer. Certainly, in prayer, He may instruct us to minister to the needs of any people through medicine, education or in other ways. But we must be careful not to “put the cart before the horse” in thinking any humanitarian effort must be sanctioned by God. The only way such an answer can be arrived at, in any mission initiative, is through prayer.

Naturally, prayer is not practical, it is inconvenient and takes away from the limited time we cherish so greatly.  Yet, in prayer, we arrive at the certainty we have made our appeals to the Lord, inquired of Him, and waited for His direction in all things.  When it comes to the passion we, as Christian’s, have for helping a hurting world we need to avoid looking at our world through our eyes and desires.

In the eyes of Christ there are no nations but the entire world. Oswald Chambers asks the question, “How many of us pray without respect of persons, and with respect to only one Person, Jesus?” Jesus instructed, “Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest…” Jesus has always owned the harvest and when we are instructed, by Him, to go into the fields of His mission we must bring with us, primarily, the conviction of man’s need to break from their sin and reconnect with Him!

Again, I fully support Christian missions. But what I have observed is more people are engaged in active work while the world remains ripe unto harvest. As Christians we live and share a message of being called Jesus’ own. Throughout the ages, and continuing to this day, this great communication of hope remains far more powerful than any one thing we can give to the needy and helpless. Yes, we are to care for the widows, clothe the orphans, tend to the sick and feed the hungry; but we should never do so at the cost of depriving them of the literal message of the King and the Kingdom that changes lives where there is the greatest of need.
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Jesus reminded His disciples, the poor you will always have with you; but I am only with you a short while. While some may choose to view Jesus’ words and cold and uncaring, within context, Jesus was placing Himself as the central reality for everyone. Time and time again Jesus lived and shared with the rich and poor, suffering and safe because everyone was in need of Him for salvation, healing and reconciliation.

Therefore, when you read Jesus speaking: “He came to Nazareth where he had been reared. As he always did on the Sabbath, he went to the meeting place. When he stood up to read, he was handed the scroll of the prophet Isaiah. Unrolling the scroll, he found the place where it was written, God’s Spirit is on me; he’s chosen me to preach the Message of good news to the poor, Sent me to announce pardon to prisoners and recovery of sight to the blind, To set the burdened and battered free, to announce, “This is God’s year to act!” He rolled up the scroll, handed it back to the assistant, and sat down. Every eye in the place was on him, intent. Then he started in, “You’ve just heard Scripture make history. It came true just now in this place.” (Luke 4:19-21 MSG) His command is not for a greater response to the poverty of Israel but the fulfillment of prophecy that He is the answer for the spiritual breech between man and the Father. The new mission facing Israel continues to face us today. What will we do with Jesus’ words that demand we act upon the reality of who He is as Christ and Lord and how we will share that massage with the world?

Consider one final passage, from which Jesus was drawing from in the Luke’s Gospel. “The Spirit of God, the Master, is on me because God anointed me. He sent me to preach good news to the poor, heal the heartbroken, Announce freedom to all captives, pardon all prisoners. God sent me to announce the year of his grace— a celebration of God’s destruction of our enemies— and to comfort all who mourn, To care for the needs of all who mourn in Zion, give them bouquets of roses instead of ashes, Messages of joy instead of news of doom, a praising heart instead of a languid spirit. Rename them “Oaks of Righteousness” planted by God to display his glory. They’ll rebuild the old ruins, raise a new city out of the wreckage. They’ll start over on the ruined cities, take the rubble left behind and make it new. You’ll hire outsiders to herd your flocks and foreigners to work your fields, But you’ll have the title “Priests of God,” honored as ministers of our God. You’ll feast on the bounty of nations, you’ll bask in their glory. Because you got a double dose of trouble and more than your share of contempt, Your inheritance in the land will be doubled and your joy go on forever.” (Isaiah 61)

Could the key to the nature of Jesus’ view of missions be greater than our local church, our favorite non-profit or place of local charity and need? Could the “key” be Him and a His nature one we will only see revealed through prayer?

It is something to consider as we reexamine missions and what we, as Christians, decide to share with a world in genuine and desperate need.

Grace & Peace



jesus-key-smlRevival has been a fascinating phenomenon of the miraculous move of the Holy Spirit that manages to cross borders, cultures and generations. The rich history of the Christian faith reveals an abundance of outpourings, which not only refreshed Biblical communities but also extended further by reaching even the most difficult, or uncaring, of people. Though Spirit-birthed revivals do not require a particular person to “lead” or direct such movements, more often than not, a God appointed person will serve as the messenger for a distinctive move of His Word and Spirit.


When we read the letters of St. Paul he mentions the Spirit’s giftings for some to serve as apostles, teachers, prophets and others evangelists. As we consider the move of the Holy Spirit, and the response of people to His move, I have a question to ask, What should these specific offices and revival share in common? It is my contention the missionary appeal, of any Spirit-birthed office or revival, must always direct people to the authority of Jesus as the Christ and Lord!

Too often men and women approach ministry offering an appeal to reach the needs of the unbeliever, without ever really offering the seeker a complete picture of what a genuine relationship with the Biblical Jesus looks and behaves like. What would our evangelistic appeals sound like if we began with the prophetic declarations of Isaiah? Or what would the results of discipleship be if our pastor’s / teachers word’s of instruction took the time to explain Jesus, as part of the Holy Trinity, from Genesis through Revelation?

Too often we have allowed immature excuses and justifications to instruct today’s church in the falshood that today’s generations do not have the capacity to grasp such deep theological concepts. To that I respond: This flawed presupposition embraces a defeatist approach to ministry that will ultimately fail the people we are trying to reach.  Daily I am amazed what my fourteen year old son knows, can learn and achieve as he multitasks from work, to school, guitar practice and social media. My son is capable of deep conversations and even deeper thoughts; and while he is only fourteen I have also learned that he hears and listens to everything being said, even if he doesn’t respond at that moment.

What this tells me is my fourteen year old is not any different than his peers and generations older than him. They, like people from every generation, continue to search for universal truth in an age of moral, spiritual, philosophical and ethical relativism. This is where the church should be at the front of the search party and help seekers discover the genuine Jesus, as revealed in the pages of the entire Word of God.

Every pastor, that I know, what’s to see lives changes for Kingdom purposes. Every intercessor I have met continues to pray for the fires of revival to sweep across our nation. But what if the reason we are failing to change our world is attributed to our prayers and best intentions being slightly misplaced?

Today we are prone to advocate the belief that a person should look to Jesus as the One who assists us in our pursuit of meaning and purpose. But here too what if we placed Jesus in an incorrect context that actually limits Him in our lives? What if our purpose and meaning is to discover Jesus as the absolute sovereign and supreme Lord over us? What if the story is not how He fits into our journey, but how we fit into the story of Him as the central reality in all of creation? And what if we truly connect the ancient “dot” that sets Jesus not only as Divine but Deity!  
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Let’s admit it we are prone to embellish, add words and color the story to make it a little more “interesting.” Often we do the same with Jesus by adding opinions, thoughts and attitudes that are just not read in Scripture. One such thought is that Jesus said, the unbelievers will be lost if we do not go. But Scripture actually tells us Jesus’ words instructed His disciples – “Go ye therefore, and teach all nations.” But go and teach what? Again, we want to add many wonderful experiences to what Jesus “might have meant” or what we may want Him to say; but Scripture tells us Jesus instructed His disciples to teach the nations of the revelation of His sovereignty and preach of a life lived in the fullness of Him (Jesus).

If one wants to unlock the universal truth of Jesus’ sovereignty, and how that applies to ones life, then one must know Him by taking the time to worship Him as Lord. Dare I say in an attempt to make it easier to come to Jesus we have made it more confusing to know Him? In our desire to provide a clear and simple truth have we have robbed the Scriptures of their wealth and Spirit?  Have we stripped Jesus down, so bare, that He exists as little more than an honest, well-intentioned spiritual guru of the first century?

People like routine. We enjoy the certainty of planning our days and as Christians we cling to our traditions, songs and practices because we “feel” a connection to their rootedness. But we seldom ask the very next logical question of were those ancient roots are drawing from? What well was deep within the Spirit that grew the mighty faith of Christianity? You see the power is not in the song, choir, instruments or aesthetics. The power was and remains always in Him. But when we rob people of Him and provide them with the remnants, of where is power dimly resides, then they develop connections with tokens and objects that are not God and can never do what only He can and is able to accomplish.

Christians and Christianity is facing a 21st Century crisis of faith and if our representatives do not root themselves in the centrality of Him then we will have a Christianity absent of Christ and a religion that looks, sounds and appeals to many but impacts little. It remains my hope and prayer we hold ourselves accountable to the Biblical standards of His Word. We must continue to hold men and women, who serve in Spiritual offices, accountable to not abandon Jesus in favor of relativistic Christianity.

If we truly desire revival, and want to live in spiritually refreshed communities of faith, then we must be bold enough to stand with the great men and women who have answered these questions with their lives paid with the cost of discipleship in Him. This is a key worth unlocking for us all if we want to really know Him, love Him and serve Him as Christ and Lord!

Grace and Peace


Discouragement? Yes…But Fire is in My Bones!

mosesUnderdogs, Cinderella stories and Rudy (from Notre Dame football lore) all share a common thread: discouragement. Perhaps it is a critic, well-meaning friend or just reality but at some point in time we will all face the challenge of discouragement. We don’t like to think about discouraging seasons and are often told not to dwell on them since they only further depress our circumstances; but the fact of the matter is, in life, a series of situations can grow too far beyond us and discouragement will not be too far behind.

As long as I can recall my mom has pushed 100% beyond the breaking point of most people. Physically speaking she stands no taller than 5ft and her heart has never cooperated with the goals she set for herself. Like most women, of her generation, she experienced life through a different paradigm, a distinctive work-ethic and a certain stoicism that would make ancient Greek philosophers proud. This is not to say my mom is cold, indifferent or uncaring; in fact just the opposite is true. She knows how laugh when something is funny, cry when there is a need for grief and reflect when there is room for pause. She has travelled the world, several times over, often with a Bible in one hand, a harpsichord in another and a case of books or music in tow. And everywhere she went she brought the hope of Jesus to the needy, hungry and desperate.

As she has aged her seasons have also matured and transitioned into other giftings, but she has never forfeited her divine purpose for being on this earth: to proclaim Jesus to people. In many ways my mom has lived the life of an underdog and so it shouldn’t be surprising, though it is difficult the see, she now faces another serious challenge. By the beginning of 2014 my mother began to experience a series of weak spells coupled with some lingering health issues from her youth. Over time these “spells” worsened and eventually my mom just gave out. Literally flattened by the circumstances I saw another foe soon visit her, the enemy of discouragement and while my mom may be one of the strongest people I have ever known I saw discouragement was taking its toll on her physically and spiritually.

I recall the story of Moses and how he saw the oppression of his people and knew God had appointed him to be the instrument of deliverance. While a sudden victory would have been impressive, and sent a resounded shockwave through the world’s greatest empire, at the time, God allowed Moses to experience a prolonged season of discouragement. It wouldn’t be through Moses’ court favor, family ties or elite training that God would choose to deliver His people. No, victory would come through forty years of discipleship, while herding sheep in Midian. Perhaps Moses thought he had settled into a quiet life and that past hope of delivering his people would some how just “work out?” But after forty years of learning to be a shepherd God called him out once again and placed a fire in his bones.

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While discouragement is a part of life’s experiences it should never overtake our world-view of Him. He is still working great and mighty Kingdom exploits through those who patiently wait on Him, learn the cost of discipleship and in their time of trouble call on the Name of the Lord! I know, given some time, my mother will “bounce back” because there is still Kingdom work left in her bones. But what about you? Have you allowed a season of discouragement  to sideline you and try to tell you Cinderella teams never win, underdogs fail and Rudy will never score a touchdown? Perhaps you are in a season of discipleship and training where God is preparing you for enlargement? Or perhaps you have run out ahead of God and fallen into a temporary trap? Either way don’t allow discouragement to rob you of His Kingdom reality and remain close to His Word, and Spirit, because He is always speaking and when He says, I AM is who sends you!…then it is time to press on with the fire of God in your bones!

Grace and Peace



in_the_eyes_of_god_by_rainacornasusgirl-d652cziThe other night I was channel surfing and settled on a station where a popular TV preacher was sharing, with his audience, his belief that “God knows who you are and if you are going to sin. And He has already forgiven you. So don’t concern yourself with your sin. God’s love is greater than your personal failure.” Perhaps you have already heard, or read, some versions of this contemporary teaching? As a teacher and pastor I have the luxury of spending my time studying the Bible as well as any variety of teachings and doctrines being advocated today. This was not the first time I have heard some variation of the gospel of “hyper-grace” and universalism, and to be honest there was something about the entire approach that appealed to me.

Who wouldn’t cherish the idea of relegating our personal sin to some corner of “Oh well…God knows therefore…” Such a motto for life would seem to take the pressure, concern and responsibility off one’s shoulders and firmly set them of the broad shoulders of Christ. But then I started to develop an “itch” that I couldn’t quiet satisfy. As much as I wanted to trust this opinion I found myself bothered by the thought of my personal indifference to “my sin”; and this soon created another itch that begged to be scratched, “Is my continual speaking of my own inability and weakness possibly an insult to the Father?”

The certainty of personal sin highlights our need for an eternal redeemer and someone greater than ourselves that bridges the gap for redemption and sanctification. While we may struggle with our fallen nature, the flesh, the continual deploring of our own incompetence is a defamation against God for having overlooked us or created us so weak and feeble that He must do everything for us because we are incapable of even responding to Him. When He calls us to love Him does not require a response from us? And when He commands for us to live according to His holiness are we not asked to reply? To consider God, in His infinite wisdom and omnipotence, created us and then thought so little in His master design that our human condition necessitates our personal berating for failure, provides us with an incomplete and unloving portrayal of the Father. However, if we swing the pendulum so far as to believe God’s love is so big and compassionate He doesn’t care about your sin then such an approach, from us, rejects His holiness.

At the center of this issue is what lies at the heart of many problems we encounter when we discuss matters of human nature, faith and how we relate to a Holy God. Like with most things we tend to view our world around us and not Him. We think life and events revolve around our existence and not according to His centrality within the story of creation. As we mature in His Word, and with the aid of the Holy Spirit, we need to develop the practice of examining our lives as God see’s us, and the human condition as God is aware of its darkness and need for restoration. How do we know how God see’s and understands our struggle? He has revealed His divine character and nature from Genesis through Revelation. So by turning to His own words we discover the Biblical Jesus revealed, and the depth of His words and actions, from before the foundations of creation, can be grasped by even the simplest of children.

Furthermore, we need to reject the natural and spiritual hypocrisy of our incessant need to sound humble before men, and yet be disrespectful to God. Many people live their spiritual walk advocating how humble they are, before others, without considering if their shows and sounds of humility ever reach the heart of Jesus? “Again, the things that sound humble before God may sound the opposite before men.(Chambers) If Jesus is the center of all things in our life, and we are truly abandoned to Him and His purposes, then we should be less concerned by what sounds humble before men while always remaining genuinely humble before God.

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Today I want to encourage, as well as challenge you, to let everything else go but maintain an intimate relationship with God at all costs. It is through the eyes of how God see’s you, and not how you see yourself, can He fulfill His purposes. But never assume how He see’s you is some type of “exemption” for your need to respond to His holiness as well as His love.

“But because God was so gracious, so very generous, here I am. And I’m not about to let his grace go to waste. Haven’t I worked hard trying to do more than any of the others? Even then, my work didn’t amount to all that much. It was God giving me the work to do, God giving me the energy to do it. So whether you heard it from me or from those others, it’s all the same: We spoke God’s truth and you entrusted your lives.” (1 Corinthians 15:10 MSG)

Grace and Peace




A few weeks ago an event flashed across the news wire of an influential pastor and his  “conversion” from Protestantism to Roman Catholicism. What made this particular story news worthy was the pastor, now retired, had served and built one of the largest non-denominational churches in Sweden; and after many years of personal study had decided to now practice his faith within the Roman Catholic tradition. In a related story, but less news worthy, Jeannette I hosted a guitar recital for our son this past weekend. Invited was an assortment of family and friends all practicing a variety of different Christian traditions. While in conversation one of our guests shared how she, and her family, had left the large evangelical church experience in favor for the more liturgical Episcopalian “high church.” For her the reverence and traditions helped connect her faith with life and she now felt at home spiritually.

If you were follow cultural and spiritual shifts in the world, specifically within the US, you would notice everyone from baby-boomers, to Gen –X’rs and Millennials are searching to reconnect their faith to something ancient, deep-rooted and historical. In a face-paced age of technology, instant news and post-modern consumerism, even the youngest of seekers, searchers and new converts are less interested in the “newest” and “biggest” and are searching for something more meaningful and intimate.

So what do such trends tell us? Honestly? Nothing as “new” as you may be led to believe. Scripture reminds us there is nothing new under the sun and that would also serve to include our attitudes, dispositions and traditions. Even a quick scan through the pages of Christian history, within the US, would show large segments of people, in differing times, connecting to “high church”, than denominational churches, a few revivals sprinkled in between, than the birth of the non-denominational church, the mega-church and now the cycle is repeating itself.

But I have a problem even with the most sincere of pietistic movements today. For all of the high church, wonderful liturgy, traditions and historical buildings sadly most of these movements are missing the rugged reality of the early church (1st – 3rd Century). Today there are plenty of houses of worship that make mention of the death of Jesus but few, if any, actually teach or prepare the hearts of people for the need of His death. We sing wonderful hymns and anthems of pious nature and re-enact ancient rituals, but fail to connect people with the nature and spirit from which these rituals and songs came. We speak of fasting, prayer, humility and even name our conferences and conventions with neo-orthodox titles without really pointing back to the beginning (and by beginning I am speaking of Genesis; not Matthew) where our faith is truly rooted.  Sadly much of what I see, hear, have discussed and even personally experienced, within Christian thought and debate, places greater emphasis on the experiential without ever rooting it is the supernatural, or miraculous mystery of the whole Word of God.

Several weeks ago I was having a spirited discussion with a fellow Christian and, like me, he claimed to believe in the whole Word of God. However, as our conversation developed he further explained the “whole Word of God” represents accounts, from the Old Testament, which were offered for another time and for another people and therefore didn’t apply to Christian’s today. This position is hardly new (classic dispensationalism) but such a position results in pointing today’s Christian toward a Bible that is part history, with little to no application for today, and part honored tradition that is largely outdated.

The purpose of today’s post is not resurrect past theological debates; rather I wanted to show how a sincere believer can think they stand by the whole Word of God when they actually don’t. This account highlights the current trend in people returning to ancient traditions without considering the deeper questions of faith beyond tradition and Spirit beyond creeds. Traditions are good! They are what bind us together and help us tell a story; but not all traditions are beneficial. Any tradition and or liturgy that excludes the cost the passion of God, or is not dyed in the blood of the Lamb or stamped with the hall-mark of the Holy Spirit is destined to become dead religion. 

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The type of Christian experience, that should be encouraged today, is that of personal, passionate devotion to the person of Jesus, as God, as revealed through the entirety of Scripture. Every other type of “Christian experience”, so called, that exists detached from Jesus will lead people into the bondage of religion; where the regeneration of the spirit is absent, being born again into the Kingdom in which Christ lives is bypassed and the pattern of Biblical Hebraic Holism is dismissed for Greek-minded philosophy and logic. Jesus remains the pattern from Genesis to Revelation and He was never meant to just exist as a figurehead of a religion or a mere example for humanity.

Yes, Jesus is the “head-figure” and He sets the Him in humanity but He is infinitely more; He is salvation itself. He is the fullness of God and He is remains the same yesterday, today and forever.

Have you ever stopped to consider why the great cathedral’s became empty or today’s evangelical churches are failing to connect with our culture? Trends come and go and with analytics we are able to better capture and understand these moves. But analytics will never capture when Jesus said, “When He, the Spirit of truth, is come, … He shall glorify Me.” When we commit ourselves to this reality the gift of the Holy Spirit, who begins to interpret for us what Jesus did, will not just reveal Jesus subjectively…but objectively. Then we will see and understand who He is!

We need a revival of the Holy Spirit, within our songs, practices, teaching, believing, behaving and belonging. We need the Spirit to make us alive, in Him, and because of Him we desire to engage a world looking to connect with spiritual fact not fiction. If we do not reconnect with the Holy Spirit then sadly our churches will be dead again, our faith will grow stale, our traditions will become lifeless and our rituals meaningless. Given time we will stare at the modern cathedrals of technology and fame and say, “The Spirit of God was once here.” If this happens the world we seek to reach with Jesus will tune us out and even our faithful will become the faithless. Traditions have come and gone. Our practices have shifted from age to age but the truth of the Biblical Jesus remains the same yesterday, today and forever!

Grace and Peace



th (1)The more I scan the blogosphere, listen to teachings / sermons and am passed a variety of “you need to read this!” I can’t help but have a growing concern for the wide variety of “gospels” being advocated that carry the seal of approval of “Jesus.” Just the other day somebody shared a Facebook video of a man filming, via his Iphone, a three minute rant that sounded, and looked, something like an old time Baptist preacher mixed with a charismatic hipster. With his hat on backwards and couple of earrings in place he carried on about “His Bible” and “My Jesus” within the context of a current hot-button social issue. By about the first minute I thought, to myself, this was a joke, right? But the joke was on me when I scanned all his fans and friends that supported his opinions in the thousands. I wasn’t really stunned or shocked but disappointed for what I can only conclude is such a dismantling of the Christian faith we are now willing to accepted any gospel that fits our definition of Jesus.

The Iphone preacher, as I call him, is an easy target for much of the confusion and noise coming from the today’s Western Christianity. But one only has to go to Amazon and match today’s top Christian authors, with their respective churches, ministries and doctrines, to wonder how we have arrived at so many different views and opinions on sin, grace, love, forgiveness, Law, God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, repentance, etc. I know of several prominent church leaders that teach from St. Paul’s letters while others dismiss them altogether. There are those who advocate James, Peter and Paul were engaged in an ongoing dispute, against one another, in their letters; and others still that have divided the Old and New Testaments in such a neat and precise manner that our Biblical contexts make no sense.  If that was not confusing enough there are an abundance of teachers who promote some version of modern psychology, mixed with the Bible, that passes for “sound doctrine” and yet another branch of teachers that scream a “one-note” message: as if the Bible is only about one thing such as love, grace or sin. Last, but not least, there are those who are convinced the only way to reset our loose moorings is to return to a refreshed Roman Catholicism while others would prefer we go even further back and embrace some version of Rabbinic Judaism.

But that is the problem isn’t it? Today’s Christianity has adopted our own “Jesus” and specific “gospel” because it seems to resonate with a culture that is more interested is spiritual (spirituality) fiction and not fact. The social media and mass marketing, of Church USA, looks, feels and brands just as good Madison Avenue and we, the church, are too easily impressed by our superstars, blog stars, rock stars and millionaire ministers…but not the Biblical Jesus and His Gospel. Could it be few would even accept Jesus and His exact words, in context, if they heard them?

Now here is where you no doubt expect me to advocate “my Jesus” and why I am right and you are wrong?  But I am not taking today’s post down that rabbit trail. Rather I would like to ask one simple question, “Have you ever read and studied what Jesus said about Himself from the Scriptures?” Your immediate response to such a challenge should be, “Of course.” But if that was true then you would have already encountered a Jesus that is very uncomfortable to the generation of His age and your current age / world-view.

Everybody loves the Jesus who kicks against the religious system, corruption or loves the sinner. But we skip the language of the Jesus who called for repentance, from sin, confronted adulterers, liars, gossips, cheats, hypocrites, drunkards and the spiritually blind. We share the stories of the “miracle Jesus” as if they were a myth cut from some scene of Lord of the Rings and even doubt if the blind really saw, thousands were fed, He walked on water, raised the dead or cast our demons. And while we are challenged with the supernatural how do explain the deep theological questions of His identity? Jesus seemed to have little issue claiming to be none other than God Himself. He told His disciples, He quoted Isaiah many times to His doubters and even shared His identity with Rome. If Jesus is who He said He is than how could He possess a contrary nature from the Father (God) as revealed in through the entire Word of God? Logically and Scripturally we can conclude such divisions, of a Triune God, cannot exist (Read the Athanasian Creed); and such support of this belief is further confirmed in ALL the writings of the apostles, John the Baptist (the last of the great prophets) and most early church fathers.

You need only scan the history of the early church to discover any doctrines contrary to such a view of Jesus, as God, was considered heresy and an anathema (two words that have been dropped from our lexicon in favor of tolerance). Here again, just as it was in Jesus’ day, so we experience, today, the counter-cultural message of Jesus as Christ; and such an exclusive declaration runs contrary to today’s comfy preaching, soft Jesus and softer doctrines. Sadly because we have been unwilling to teach the whole Word of God, and hold each other accountable, we have accepted a familiar contemporary standard that has given us a new status quo.

THE NEW STATUS QUO: There was a time, say twenty plus years ago, when denominations, ministers and church associations only allowed like minded people “at the table” to debate theology, and positions of the organization, for the sake of unity and rubber stamping agendas. As the church slipped further from the social and spiritual consciousness of the nation there was a backlash to such practices and the call to allow diverse opinions a seat at the table. As the doors were opened and more chairs pulled up an honest and open discussion helped Christians understand why we believed, behaved and belonged to this faith, and how we can communicate this message to the seeking and searching. For a time this went a long way in reshaping our church traditions and teachings and today Christianity has developed, looks and behaves much different than its past.

But now a new status quo has replaced the old and the once radical firebrands, who were screaming from the outside to be let in, are now the elder statesmen holding the keys to newly, locked doors. Today the suits and ties have been replaced with the skinny jeans and muscle shirts.  Pastors no longer act like fathers but big brothers and just like the “old guard” they too have filled the room with like-minded people. And, once again, there is a new crop of people left screaming on the outside wanting to come in and have a seat at the table. What we hear, from the outside, are terms such as celebration of diversity and invitation to discuss and wrestle with the Scriptures but in reality there are no seats available unless you think, look and act like Agent Smith from the Matrix.
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ONE OF THE SEATLESS,  NAMELESS AND FACELESS MANY. For the record I wear jeans, t-shirts, try to stay fit and have half my head shaved. I’m not part of a major denomination even though I am part of an association of ministers. I have multiple degrees but never wear them on my chest. I’ve written a book but it’s never been published. I have traveled and ministered across the world, several times over, but never been interviewed on my experiences. I drive a car that was totaled and rebuilt because that is all I could afford. I do have a house on a hill, but it can fit in the garage of most houses around me. I do get paid for pastoing, but just enough to classify me as the working poor. This post is not about me but about the thousands like me, and those who have it more challenging than me, that remain seatless, nameless and faceless. The reason I shared a little about me is not to solicit your pity, or to play on your emotions, but to remind you why I, and many others, am okay with or lot in life while other people are offered a seat at the table of discussion.

In an age where there are so many gospels and different Jesus’ there are still those who are willing to live, serve and preach the Biblical Jesus, and His Gospel message, from the whole Word of God. We didn’t all begin our journey this way because at some point we also saw the potential for big money, popularity and social acceptance. But over time we also learned these trappings came at a heavy price. So, we cast our lots with Him (Jesus) and held on through all the roller-coaster ups and downs. Admittedly we haven’t hit the target square in the middle all the time. But increasingly we realized that compromise, in an age of “big tent” Christianity, doesn’t guarantee you a seat at the table or access behind locked doors.

You see we came to a realization we are on this earth for such a short period of time and life is not about what you can “name and claim” but life is about Jesus, as God, and Him crucified to reconcile a fallen world back to Him and Him alone. Yes, the message of the Biblical Jesus is an unpopular reality because it forces everyone to consider the whole Jesus, as God, revealed in all of Scripture. Certainly such a commitment can be a hindrance to developing a large viewing audience, building a massive congregation or landing a plum book deal. But of all the gospels being preached we are the seatless, nameless and faceless advocates that remind the world of Jesus’ suffering, martyrdom and consecration that trumps all superficial doctrines. Everyone I know, with this commitment, will do anything and everything for Jesus but we will never humiliate ourselves to the level of world acceptance, and recognition, that avoids the gift of salvation through Christ alone!

I learned, some time ago, I cannot earn or win anything from God; but I must either receive it as a gift or do without. The greatest blessing is the knowledge that we are destitute! Until we get there everything we do is always measured in our own strength, not His. Jesus will not do anything for us if we think we are self – sufficient.  Like Jesus we have to possess His Kingdom through the door of hardship and when we hunger spiritually, for Him, the Holy Spirit is close by.

There are too many noises and distractions in today’s Christian faith. There are too many gimmicks and smoke and mirrors being passed off as reality. There are too many gospels and too many Jesus’. There are too many preachers and teachers that haven’t obeyed His great commission: “…teaching everything I shared and instructed you.” It really isn’t that hard to know Him and preach all He said; but it is hard to be hated as He was, reviled, mocked and abused. And I guess I can see why some preach “the other Jesus” because after all who would really want to share in the sufferings of the real Jesus?

Grace and Peace


THOUGHTS FOR A NEW YEAR (repost from Ed Gungor / CMI Global)

Ed“Thoughts For A New Year” by ED GUNGOR

We all have some things in our lives that we would like to see changed—maybe it’s taking off a few pounds, or breaking up some old habit. That’s why New Year’s resolutions are so popular. They hold the promise of change, but it turns out that New Year’s resolutions are pretty short lived. They start out strong, but like the squint after leaving an afternoon matinee, they wear off.


According to fourth century theologian St. Augustine humans can “will away” all we want, but it will not produce consistent change because sin has broken the effectiveness of our wills. For Augustine, this is the worm that has curled its way into the apple of the human condition. And it means that human will power alone doesn’t have the punch needed for real transformation. This is why Paul cries, “What a wretched man I am! Who will rescue me from this body of death?” (Rom. 7:24). He was talking about the whole dilemma of wanting to do right but always ending up doing wrong, a concept we all get too well.

It turns out that transformation in the Christian sense (versus the kind of change some accomplish by sheer will power) is not accomplished as we redouble our effort, but is experienced as we embrace what the Spirit is doing in us. The New Testament claims that “goodness” is a fruit of the Holy Spirit that is communicated to us through simple faith. As we trust Christ and endeavor to pursue his active presence in our lives, we end up mysteriously participating in God’s goodness, which is his Divine nature. Just like you can pick up bad stuff from hanging with wrong friends, you can pick up good traits from chumming with God through stuff like prayer, silence, study, becoming part of a great church community, etc. When we do this, his graciousness to us makes us gracious to others; his kindness to us makes us kind; his comfort to us makes us comfort each other, and so on. The result is transformation.

This means that we need something other than a strong will to live rightly. The only successful therapy for the transformed life is divine grace. Grace is God’s favor or “help” for our lives. Grace is what makes change possible to us. Grace is the idea that God gets in the mix of the average person’s world and makes things different. That’s what grace does. It changes things. It changes people.

The task at hand is to figure out how a person with your unique personality and mind-set can best tap into grace. For me grace is most easily accessed as I sit in silence and pray written prayers (e.g. Book of Common Prayer). As I pray and meditate in silence, grace dawns inside me. My wife, Gail, taps into grace as she sings and worships. Others touch God’s grace most by getting together with other believers, by retreating into times of solitude, by taking hikes into nature, or by one of the other many spiritual practices modeled in scripture and church history—and there are a bunch of them: study, worship, celebration, service, prayer, fellowship, confession, submission, solitude, silence, fasting, sacrifice, and so on. Once you find the pathways that help you tap into grace, you can practice those in order to stay under its influence. The trick is to find the “spout” where grace comes out for you, and hang there.

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Few things capture us like people-stories. We are fascinated by real life and ordinary people—perhaps because we recognize that each of our lives is jammed with similar struggles and ironies, and stories of transformation strike us; they give us hope. The hard truth is that people in our culture are not interested in what we believe; they are only interested in the beliefs that have actually changed us. They want to know if our beliefs actually alter the way in which we live. Do they modify our story?

This is how the typical mom with three kids still in diapers can influence the world. This is how the high-school student, who is still trying to discover who she is and where she fits in the world, can influence others for Jesus. This is how the retired person struggling with health issues or caring for an elderly parent changes the world.

The apostle Peter claimed that when we live our lives in a way that shows we have “set apart Christ as Lord” in our hearts, we will create a question in the minds of others. Peter contends that the role of the believer is to “always be prepared to give an answer” to the emerging questions from those who observe our lives. Somehow, as we intentionally “set apart Christ as Lord” in our hearts, we start looking different; our story changes. We become marked with “bright spots” (joy, peace, kindness, patience, hope, and so on). These bright spots create a question inside those who live in our proximity. When the question comes, Peter says we are to answer. I suggest that answering the question our lives create is the secret to changing the world around us.

Let me say this as clearly as I can: You can change. What IS does not have to stay that way.Things really can be different in 2014. An Old Testament prophet once told the people: “TheLORD has much more for you than this.” (2 Chron. 25:9)

What if that is true?

Ed Gungor


2607520089_ec7687798b_mIn our family of faith, at Maranatha Koinonia, we have entered a new and exciting season of growth and expectation. But with the “new” also comes some of the same old discouragements. At the beginning of the year (2013) I shared a series of teachings on Biblical fellowship / community (koinonia) because I felt led, by the Spirit, we were about to enter into a new phase of ministry and community. Little did I know how much change would actually occur and how little I understood what these teachings were preparing us for. If you had asked me a month ago to sum up 2013 in one word I would have said, “set-back.” Throughout the year familiar faces, cherished friends and even family moved on while we as a community were still struggling to discover and pursue our vision and mission. Personally I looked back at two-years of ministry and felt as if I was holding a list of failures rather than successes and asking far more questions than having answers. Honestly, it was all very overwhelming. Yet, despite all the uncertainly those beginning of the year teachings, on fellowship, started to come to life and in the midst of the “set-backs” God was actually reworking me, the ministry and our entire community. Whereas two years ago I would have defiantly said, “I WILL NOT…” I now found myself saying, “LET’S DO…” Two years ago our church behaved more like a social group loosely connected by our faith; but in truth we were more connected to our personal preferences, worship styles and presupposed positions of doctrine. Today, our community lives, acts and fellowships like a true Biblical family where the love of Jesus has united us across race, socio-economics and even upbringing. And still, despite these new seasons the old discouragements lingered.

You know the familiar questions and haunts, Have I done enough? Could I have done more? Should I do more? Is there enough money? Is there enough space? Etc…questions, that at their heart, are designed to rob our joy and purpose as we walk into a new season. With the discouraging thoughts mounting I knew enough to pray “in the storm” a rather simple prayer which God gladly called my bluff on. In fact, within two weeks of my prayer, God brought the answer through the doorway of our church. And with His answer came a new season of trying, trusting and resisting the old discouragements.

You don’t have to be in “ministry” to experience discouragement but serving in the ministry will certainly test ones spiritual and natural fortitude. When you look back into the life of Moses you discover a man who witnessed the oppression of his people and felt certain God had chosen Him to deliver Israel. But was Moses’ journey free from discouragement? NO. In fact we read, no sooner after God used Moses to deliver a divine ultimatum, to Pharaoh, did the real tug of war begin. But when I look at the life of Moses I ponder on what type of growth happened, deep within Moses’ life, when he was in Midian for 40 years? He was still the same man called of God for a mighty work. There was still a very long road ahead of him. But tending sheep for 40 years prepared Moses to be a shepherd, to discern God’s voice and act, in obedience, when God revealed His will. In fact, Moses was the right individual in every way; but for the next new season Moses still had to learn about communion with the Father.

We may have a vision, from God, and a very clear understanding of what He wants, and we start to carry out the vision in obedience. But then comes “something”, like Moses’ forty years in Midian, where God may act as if He is silent to the call, vision, mission and purpose. It is those seasons we become thoroughly discouraged BUT GOD IS NOT FINISHED! When He calls you on your bluff, revives the call and tells you it is time to leave Midian we may be inclined to say, who am I? Remember He who called and purposed you has already said, I AM THAT I AM who has sent you!
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As 2013 began I had many expectations, even indications, that this year would be an amazing season of growth. And you know what? IT WAS! And as 2013 is now drawing to a close I can’t help but think God is enjoying what He see’s at Maranatha Koinonia. Not only have I matured and learned more about God, and His workings, I discovered my family…the community of faith at Maranatha Koinonia. Some of the faces are familiar loved ones while others are new faces, and families, that need much ministry and love.  I just thank God I didn’t allow discouragement to rob me, and us, of His marvelous plan. I can’t help but anticipate an exciting 2014, that awaits us all, as we minister together and live in communion and community to glorify King Jesus!

Grace and Peace



sinYou know the story of how Adam landed us in the dilemma we’re in—first sin, then death, and no one exempt from either sin or death. That sin disturbed relations with God in everything and everyone, but the extent of the disturbance was not clear until God spelled it out in detail to Moses. So death, this huge abyss separating us from God, dominated the landscape from Adam to Moses. Even those who didn’t sin precisely as Adam did by disobeying a specific command of God still had to experience this termination of life, this separation from God. But Adam, who got us into this, also points ahead to the One who will get us out of it.” (Romans 5:1214 MSG)

A few weeks ago I was having an in-depth conversation with another pastor who shared with me a dialogue he held, with a prominent theologian, on the nature of sin and the Law of God. Today, there is a foreign undercurrent being taught, within the message of grace, that claims the Law of God is responsible for the problem of sin; and therefore a proper reading of Romans tells us the work of the Cross sets us free from sin and Law. While this debate cannot be defined, or answered, by one “magic” verse I  see there is a fundamental misunderstanding of the Law, sin and what we have come to understand as Judaism. Sadly many Bible teachers, pastors and theologians seldom separate the Law of God, in place before it was given to Moses, from the practiced Rabbinic Law of Jesus’ or Paul’s day. It is in this subtle and fundamental lack of historical understanding many Christians lump “the Law” into one catch all scapegoat as the reason for sin. Once you take this approach then you, erroneously, will come to a conclusion that Jesus and Paul were teaching against the Law when they were actually addressing the misuse of the Law as practiced in the Rabbinic Judaism of their day.

IT’S NOT A LAW PROBLEM, IT’S A SIN PROBLEM. The Bible does not say that God punished the human race for one man’s sin; but that the disposition of sin, viz., my claim to my right to myself, entered into the human race by one man, and that another Man took on Him the sin of the human race and put it away (Heb. 9:26)—an infinitely profounder revelation.” (Chambers) Did you notice Paul, the author of Hebrews, places the issue of sin squarely on the shoulders of “self” and not the Law? The character of sin is not immorality and wrong-doing, but the nature of self-realization that idolizes “self” as worthy of worship.

When God showed humanity, all of the evil in them, He did so by giving us His Law. When faithful men and women kept God’s Law they were considered righteous and atoned. Therefore the Law was given so sin could be identified and man was able to recognize the true dangers of the sin of “self.” Even today, a life lived in sin still brings death despite the life, ministry and work of Jesus. Sin is and has always been the true danger not God’s Law! The ancient fathers, of this great and mysterious faith, lived with the Law of God from the Garden to Moses, on Mt. Sinai, and even to us today. Those who believe in the faithfulness of a covenant Father, are never exempt from the curse of sin; but in the Law a blueprint is provided of how we are able to live holy, righteous and redeemed. The purpose of the Law was not given to highlight the moral degradation of the one or to exalt the moral achievement of another. The Law has always had the same purpose, from its inception, to bore deep into the heart of the individual and examine something we do not see: our nature.

Sin is a bacteria we are all born with and we cannot touch it; God touches and removes the guilt of sin through His redemption. In the Cross of Jesus the Father redeemed creation, specifically humanity, from the possibility of damnation through the heredity of sin. God nowhere holds a man responsible for having the heredity of sin. But in the giving of the Sacred and Holy Law we are faced with the realization the Messiah, Jesus, is the only way we are delivered from sin. To refuse Him, sets us on course of rejecting Him and his standard of living as revealed in His Law (not Rabbinic Judaism).
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Did Jesus release us from committing adultery? Coveting? Murder? Lying? Idolatry? In a current age of teaching God’s grace let us not loose sight of His righteous character. Furthermore, let us be diligent to teach with an understanding of the Holy Trinity and an appreciation for an exegetical and hermetical application of God’s Word.

In the pursuit of His mercy and grace let us not condemn His Law. Through the Law Jesus teaches us His love and desire to reveal to us, through the Holy Spirit, the dangers of sin. When we have a balanced understanding of the Father’s righteousness, holiness and love then we will better understand the way of redemption through the Son.

Grace and Peace




Still, I want it made clear that I’ve never gotten anything out of this for myself, and that I’m not writing now to get something. I’d rather die than give anyone ammunition to discredit me or impugn my motives. If I proclaim the Message, it’s not to get something out of it for myself. I’m compelled to do it, and doomed if I don’t! If this was my own idea of just another way to make a living, I’d expect some pay. But since it’s not my idea but something solemnly entrusted to me, why would I expect to get paid? So am I getting anything out of it? Yes, as a matter of fact: the pleasure of proclaiming the Message at no cost to you. You don’t even have to pay my expenses! (1 Cor. 9:15-18 MSG)

St. Paul is truly a giant, among men and women, of our shared Christian faith. How counter-cultural was Paul? How entirely opposed to Western Christianity was his ministry focus? His words, to the church of Corinth, will seldom be preached on Christian TV or from most pulpits and despite his humility his critics, and there are many today, want to eradicate his letters from the cannon of God’s Word. Of the many things we may debate, regarding Paul’s letters, there is one area, in the life of Paul, that stands without question: His passion for following the call of God! But why was Paul so committed to his calling?

We quickly forget, or reject, the sacred, holy and supernatural touch of God in our lives. Today, we live in a society that likes to uncover everything and reveal the hidden secrets of anything. Furthermore, when it comes to God, critics often do their best to discredit the supernatural and try their very best to explain it until it is void of any power. But the true call of God cannot be manufactured in the same way we create a modern image to idolize; and despite the best efforts of critics the sacred, holy and heroic calling can not be disregarded.

St. Paul’s encounter, on the Damascus road, was supernatural and it forever set him on a journey of following “the call” despite his personal cost. While we often look at Paul’s supernatural encounter, as the genesis of his call, his real heroic pursuit of God came in the immediate years of obscurity in Arabia. Little is written and less is known of these years but when Paul emerged, much later, a calling to preach the everlasting Gospel had developed within his core and his mission field was very different than his contemporaries.

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Woe is unto me, if I preach not the gospel!” Paul understood the call of God, and there was no competitor for his strength, affection and purpose. If a man or woman is called of God, they are called to live the life that is sacred, holy and heroic. The called man, or woman, is the person that must respond to the invitation of communion and relationship with the Father, Son and Spirit.

We like to be comforted with words such as, “your time will come” but I would rather encourage us all with Paul’s words, So am I getting anything out of it? Yes, as a matter of fact: the pleasure of proclaiming the Message. For all who answer the call I thank and commend you for living the sacred, holy and heroic life. Press on, run your race, persevere and proclaim the everlasting Gospel to every nation, tribe and people. Follow the call! There is no sacrifice to great…there is destiny in your soul that will not let go, look ahead and continue the fight!

Grace and Peace




And whosoever shall compel thee to go a mile, go with him twain.” (Matthew 5:41)

I was in the mall yesterday, picking up a few items, when I stopped in a store to purchase a final thing. Making the line I was directly behind a woman who was eagerly sharing, with the sales clerk, the many reasons why she (the sales clerk) should visit their church. On the one hand I commend this woman for inviting another person to her church. On the other hand I cringed as to how she chose to extend her invitation. Appeal after appeal was made reciting all of the churches ministries, outreaches, locations, times and people “just like her.” Then, as her purchase neared completion, the woman asked the sales clerk, Where did you use to attend church?  The sales clerk gave the name of a very large church, in our community, to which the other woman said, Oh! If you liked going there then you would love going to our church…we are just like them. Same music, same preaching and the same kind of people.

It may have sounded innocent enough, and the invitation was offered with the best of intentions, but something just didn’t set right as to how this woman perceived her church. To her, and how she represented her faith community to the sales clerk, church was “just like” the others churches full of programs, groups, music and ideal locations. But I want to ask all of us a question, Are programs, groups, music and locations why we are called to join a community of faith? And is this how want to present our community to others? What I didn’t share earlier was a small, but important, part of their conversation. The sales clerk shared the reason she was no longer attending her previous church was because she didn’t experience any relationships in such a large community. It is the concept, of relationship and communion, which distinctly turns our churches from large gatherings of “Christians” into relational communities of the Sacred Holy and Heroic. (Read this week’s earlier post)

I realize every church has a distinct “voice” and method of how they desire to share their message with people. However, here to, I want to ask a provoking question: Are we presenting “our” message or His? Our vision and mission fields should be varied but the message must remain the same: The preaching of the Everlasting Gospel which draws people into relationship and communion. In my opinion the woman, from the mall, should have invited the clerk to join her community, based on their communion and relationship with Jesus and not through a series of programs. The strength of the Christian community is summed up with Jesus’ emphasis on relationship and communion.

Genuine Biblical community (koinonia), and relationship, can only occur when we live in communion with the Father, Son and Spirit. Out of our right relationship, with Him, we are able to enter into a sacred and holy community that lives heroic, bold, loving and distinct from the world. When we present community, as something “like” somebody else or “feeling” as something the appeals to our personal preferences we risk inviting people to participate in social gatherings not necessarily formed in communion with the Son (Jesus). Today there are many churches that give a passing mention to Jesus but the real attraction is to the person behind the pulpit or the zip code of the building.

To live in true Biblical community Jesus demands no passion, other than for communion with Him, should replace that which is birthed from the Spirit and rooted only in Him! In ministry, and in ministering, it is easy to get lost in the fog of works and good deeds. It can be even easier to loose our way in modern creeds, of religious presuppositions, and contemporary spiritualism. But when we are called to endure, the strain of this world and the pressures of personal desire, Jesus replaces our wants with the need of relationship, to Himself, and communion with those who are focused on Him above all!

“The Sermon on the Mount is not an ideal, it is a statement of what will happen in me when Jesus Christ has altered my disposition and put in a disposition like His own. Jesus Christ is the only One Who can fulfil the Sermon on the Mount.” (Chambers)

Grace and Peace


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It was the summer of 1997 and I was tossing and turning, in bed, just hours before I would walk down the wedding aisle. My final restless night was filled with worry, doubt, concern and excitement about the biggest transition of my young life. Almost twenty years later, and still happily married, I have had the opportunity to counsel many couples before their wedding and find myself telling them time and time again, you are never really ready to be married. After you have prayed, counseled and made your decision you just need to GO! I often chuckle when I observe people attempt to over plan their life. Often this type of person desires to have their income at a certain level, living in a certain neighborhood, planning enough trips and vacations, etc…and then, all of the sudden, a monkey wrench! Maybe it’s a baby, a temporary set-back, or a life-changing circumstance but “the plan” now has to be adjusted. Planning is great! In my family we live on a budget, have a yearly plan and even try to set some goals for four to five years out; but we have also shared in enough life to leave room for transformation. It is easy to imagine that we can get to a place where we are complete and ready, but preparation is not suddenly accomplished, it is a process steadily maintained and often adjusted with minor tweaks and, at times, major changes.

There was a time, long ago, when the sense of sacrifice appealed to a young Christian. Humanly speaking, the one thing that attracted us to Jesus was our sense of the heroic and being a part of narrative that special, sacred and mysterious. It was this inner working (by the Holy Spirit) that compelled us to be bold, courageous and go! But that has changed, especially over the past twenty years, with today’s modern church method attempting to reach people who are not longer seeking the mysterious and heroic. Despite the churches size, technology and budget today’s American Church experience, in large part, has managed to provided the seeking and searching with a perfectly planned and sterile environment that encourages a worldview that says, “what I (the church) can you do you.”  And something sacred has been lost in translation. (More on this later)

Community can be a funny thing. I live in a sub-division where I pay a monthly fee for certain community services. By the “letter of the law” I am apart of my community because I pay dues; but even though I am apart of the community it is still possible for me to live with limited relationships and connection to the events, and lives, of my subdivision. Likewise, this same dynamic can exist in a church community when we only view this habitat of faith as a place to “pay our dues” followed by an expectation of the community providing us a service. I would like to challenge our thinking as to how we really view the community of faith with a great moment is US history.

A young, optimistic and confident President Kennedy once challenged Americans to reconsider not what their county could do for them but what they could do for their country. Perhaps no truer secular words summed up a consecrated creed for the sacred community. What we have lost, within the message of the Church USA, is the sense of what I call the Sacred Holy Heroic. I mentioned earlier the unique church experience where our worship services, along with support ministries, are so programmed that they actually are designed to manage your expectations. I have sat in countless planning meetings where the entire service is planned down to the very second and nothing occurs without it being planned our predetermined. One such successful and popular church pastor / planter proudly said he hoped a visitor would experience the exact same service in any of their satellite churches.

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The “go” of preparation is to let the Word of God inspect deep within and force us to answer the call and commission of heroic sacrifice. If we are to enter into the narrative of the mysterious, sacred and historical Christian faith then we must also be willing to allow the Holy Spirit to detect, in us, the nature that will never work in His service. No one but God can detect that nature in us. While we may be tempted to plan every last detail, in preparation to go; we must also understand, like with marriage, we are never fully ready. But, in all of our planning, if we leave room for His Spirit to guide us we will join in the Holy invitation of true community and fellowship (Biblical Koinonia).

Once we understand the holy invitation is one of heroic participation and sacrifice we will no longer get trapped by a selfish or self-serving Gospel but live courageous and bold for the selfless and sacrificing Gospel. Planning is good, preparation is great; but never over plan and prepare, in such a way, where the Spirit is disinvited and the mystery of the sacred holy heroic is lost. If you pack away your lights, building, designer jeans and programs, and welcome people to join in the mystery, then you may just discover who is really in your true community and hungry for the message of the sacred, holy and heroic.

Grace and Peace




“But have renounced the hidden things of dishonesty.” (2 Cor. 4:2)

Have you ever attended or watched a magic show? Of course everybody, in the audience, knows there is not any real magic being performed; yet the viewer sits fixed on the stage either trying to figure out the trick or marvel at the fantastic performance being unveiled before their eyes. Through careful stagecraft, props and lighting each trick builds upon the next until the show culminates with a grand finale. With the performance concluded many in the audience will leave asking how did he do that? Of course, the answer to the question will remain a secret because the magician wants you to believe in the power of illusion.

I once heard a pastor say, referring to a persons character, you are who you are when nobody is looking. What Pastor Laurie was expressing is a temptation, we all struggle with, when we are safely behind locked doors with the shades pulled shut. It is in the privacy of where we believe nobody sees us our words and actions the truth of who we are is revealed. While some people openly demonstrate their true self there are those who act like ‘the magician” and perform great illusions for others to believe. I want to encourage all of us, as St. Paul encouraged the ancient church, renounced the hidden things of dishonesty. The purpose of today’s post is not to “scare” anybody into the fear that Jesus is waiting to expose every dishonest word or action we have committed (although, for loves sake, He will not indefinitely allow dishonesty to persist in any persons life). Rather I hope to appeal to the spirit of Christ, within you, that yearns for the higher call to holiness, righteousness, communion and spiritual community.

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As we personally desire to live a genuine Christlike life we must maintain a continual watchfulness to be transparent and honest with a world we desire to reach with the Gospel message. “Smoke and mirrors” Christianity is much like the magician performing a grand illusion: On the exterior we can be impressive, inviting and entertaining. But do we risk performing for a people who are still questioning, what is the trick? Will we not more effectively reach the seeking and searching when we express a relationship that can exist without the lights and stagecraft? I hope this has given all of us something to pray on and consider.

Grace and Peace




In honor of the upcoming World Series I want to borrow an expression often used to explain what happens behind the scenes during a game. The expression, a little inside ball means you are going to reveal some secrets that are known only to “insiders.” So here is an already well known perception: within the church USA there is a growing concern in the gap between the community of faith (Christians) and those they desire to reach (the un-churched, seeking or searching). Now this may not be much of a secret, to you, but the real inside ball is the growing disconnect the church has within itself in sharing the Gospel message with the world they seek to reach. (More on this later)

For over thirty years, especially beginning with the “Jesus Movement” of the 70’s, churches experienced exponential growth and influence within a culture experiencing social and spiritual disillusionment. During this precious outpouring many men and women learned how to engage their culture and, with the help of the Holy Spirit, a harvest was reaped during those seasons of uncertainty and spiritual decline. The years that followed saw the rapid expansion of churches, ministries and the birth of the mega-church across the United States. By the 1980’s the American church was engaged in world missions (especially within Communist nations) as well as providing a strong counter balance against the popular culture that resisted the revived church ethos. Though there have always been liberal approaches to theology and ministry, during this time,  there was little debate on what kind of Gospel message was shared with the world.

By the 1990’s another social shift occurred as skepticism and cynicism increased with reports of moral compromises and financial scandals that rocked the church. By the late 90’s, though largely un-recognized, the church USA’s voice and influence was waning. By 2000, and especially following the aftermanth of 9/11, the church seemed less equipped and unable to aide a nation in need of repentance and restoration to Jesus. While many churches were filled during those immediate weeks following 9/11 many of the same churches were empty months later. In an attempt to reconnect with the changing culture much of the church shifted their approach, creeds and doctrinal roots in favor of a Gospel that was more “in touch” with Generation X, Y and Millennials. So, has the church managed to influence the culture following this purposeful shift? (More on this later)

Here I would like to boldly acknowledge I am not writing this post as an outlier within the Christian culture. This post is not meant to criticize a church, denomination, pastor and or a specific approach to ministry. Truthfully I am very much a part of the church culture that lives disconnected from society and acknowledges I am trying to find a way to reach the seeking, searching and lost. I was raised in the 80’s, experienced the changes of the 90’s and live with the results of the 2000’s. As a pastor, I have often tried to appeal to people, who have lived their spiritual formation through the “church mill”, only to discover their past hurts and offenses have hindered their ability to engage in a healthy spiritual community. Likewise I too have failed, at times, trying to push people into a failing pattern that was incapable of helping them mature, grow, reconcile and live restored. It has always been my sincere hope I could provide something “better”, that could reach people, only to realize I also needed to change.

But what do we change? Or better asked, where do we begin to change? Should we change our doctrines? Perhaps our worship styles or physical exteriors? I would add (and this is my opinion) changes in décor and clothing can be made to be respectful as well as sacred. This same principle can be applied to worship and the way we conduct ourselves in public ministry. But can we apply the same approach to doctrine? ABSOLUTELY NOT! This must remain a non-negotiable but not for the purposes of trying to keep tradition and religion in a place of esteemed honor. Earlier, in this post, I asked has the church managed to influence the culture? Sadly the answer is no. A 2009 survey, from the Barna research group, revealed the American Christian culture believes less about God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, the Bible and even Satan than ever before. Even more shocking was the belief that almost half of the Christian’s surveyed believed the Bible was the same expression of truth equivalent to the Koran or the Book of Mormon. For all of our churches, ministries and Christian based entertainment it is apparent the ancient doctrines of our Christian faith are unknown or not believed and the result is a ‘Christian” nation without an identity.

Last week I met with a couple of church “doctors” who were spending some time with me and helping Maranatha Koinonia through a series of ministry transitions. During one part of our conversation one of the “doctors” turned to me and said, “The reason the church is failing to reach people is because the church USA has failed to realize America is a secular nation.” As our conversation continued the reality, that became evident (and here is the inside ball), was if the church will not share a truthful Gospel, to a culture in search of truth, then all we have given society is a secularized Gospel.
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Many of my ministry peers have tried to make Jesus simple in the hope this would appeal to the majority of people. In a very real way Jesus is extraordinarily simple. But there is nothing simple in the dedicated life of one who follows Jesus.  Admittedly we, in the church, tend to complicate things with tradition and religion, and while some tradition is rooted in ancient creeds, and faith, there are many practices that are rooted in complicated routines. Today, we live in a world that claims to make life simpler; but for all of the simplicity life has become more complicated and confusing. Here is a simple truth: God has revealed a simple genuineness, especially in a world of competing ideas, faiths and philosophies, through a Biblically truthful Gospel and Jesus. Too often I see people try to make Jesus someone of their own ideology or use the excuse living as a Christian is too hard. To this I politely counter by saying, religion is complicated but a relationship is simple. Jesus has not invited a seeking and searching world to join a convoluted and complicated system of controls and manipulation. Jesus has invited the seeking, searching, hungry and lost to enter into a simple relationship by which we will allow the Holy Spirit to guide us into a healthy community of faith with the Father, Son, Spirit and Church Universal.

Here’s the point: Jesus is simple! This is why He says to come to Him as a little child.  But living a lifestyle of the world, and for the world, is complicated. To live a secular Gospel or a Truthful Gospel is the great question facing the church USA and the people we seek to reach. The reason we can not compromise the ancient creeds and doctrines, of our faith, is because they are rooted and born by Spirit of God. In an increasingly secularized nation do we really want to reach people with just a secularized Gospel or do we want to share a simple but truthful Gospel? Here’s the inside ball: The church will fail, Jesus’ Great Commission, if we do not influence and reach the un-churched with the simple, Biblical, Gospel Truth. Much like the cultural and spiritual convulsions of the 70’s we are again experiencing the same changes. While we know the Holy Spirit desires to pour out, and revive our dry lands again, I seriously wonder if the church USA really wants Him to pour out and begin His revival within our houses of worship?

As I mentioned earlier I am every bit part of the problem as well as part of the solution. While we may make some “surface” changes, to reach the searching, seeking and un-churched, we can never change the heart of our ancient faith that remains the same yesterday, today and forever.  For all of our ministries, church numbers and influence I am still reading, daily, of a nation sinking further into moral decay and spiritual blindness. What will take for the church USA to stop sharing a secular Gospel and a complicated man- made religious system? When will the church USA return to a simply Christian lifestyle, a simply Jesus faith and truthful Gospel creed? Let it begin in my house….let it begin in all of our houses.

“The simplicity that is in Christ.” (2 Cor. 11:3)

Grace and Peace


REPOST from Jeannette Johnian’s Blog “Continue to Climb”: IN THE MIDST OF “DELUSIONAL” MEN


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Years ago there was a young man in our fellowship that decided he was going to venture out and start his own business. Throughout his being a part of our community my husband had encouraged and supported this man in his endeavors. In spite of the fact that others considered him socially awkward my husband saw a man in need of affirmation and fellowship. One day this man came to our home offering his professional services and after some consideration we had to decline. The moment my husband let him know we were not interested his demeanor changed. Obviously offended he decided he was going to tell my husband what he really thought of our community and his pastor. Sitting in our living room he looked straight at my husband and said, “When are you going to realize you are delusional?”  He went on to question the call of God, in my husbands life, and “exhorted” him to give up.

Why did this man think my husband was delusional? Was it because our community was not in the hundreds or thousands? Could it be my husband did not fit a certain mold for today’s pastor or leader? Was it that my husband never managed a successful business or served as an executive in a fortune 500 company? It was obvious his words, spoken from hurt and rejection, were meant to humiliate.

Since the month of October is pastor appreciation month I thought I would give a big shout out to all the men and women who have been told they are “delusional” for following the call of God.

Just this past week I was in Kalamazoo attending a conference with pastors from around the country. During one of the breakout sessions I heard the stories of men and women who have given their lives to serve God and others. As these servant-leaders shared their stories, with authenticity and transparency, tears starting streaming down my face. But, why was I crying? In each story there was a common denominator that spoke to a deep place within my spirit. What touched me were the hearts of shepherds who are willing to give anything and everything to answer the call of God.

Story after story I heard the familiar burden of true shepherds. These are the unknown soldiers, serving in the trenches, who cannot abandon the call to serve. Many of these men ,according to western church thinking, fall into the category of delusional, unsuccessful, ill-equipped and failures. But I would suggest the following:

  • These are the men who have prayed and pleaded, before God’s throne, for our families. Would any person selflessly do this?
  • These are the men who study God’s Word so, above all else, our souls prosper. Is that not worth more than gold?
  • These are the men, with the eyes of a shepherd, who see us wandering before we realize we have strayed. Are not their words of counsel and wisdom worth paying attention too?
  • These are the men who in spite of adversity, disappointment and hardship endure to the end. Shouldn’t we encourage and support them along the way?
  • These are the men who give of their own limited funds to help you pay your bills when your in need. Did you know that?
  • These are the men that rejoice with you when your child is born, you get a job promotion and your children marry. Ask yourself, when was the last time you rejoiced for your pastor?
  • These are the men who will admit they are far from perfect and, at times, will make imperfect decisions. Are they not worthy of our mercy and patience?
  • These are the men that, when the phone rings at 5:30 am, are willing to get out of bed and meet with you as well as minister to your need.Would we do the same?
  • These are the men that, when they are on vacation, will always answer your distressing phone call and never let it go to voice mail. Are we on call 24-7?
  • These are the men that sacrifice their lives, and family needs, for a salary that rarely covers their living expenses. Would we do the same?

After I complied my short, but by no means exhaustive, list I would like to say THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU for having the same courage as Noah, to build an ark without one convert or sign of rain. To have the faithfulness of Abraham, the humility of David, the boldness of Elijah, the tears of Jeremiah, the courage of Daniel, the vision of Nehemiah and Ezra, the thankfulness of the Apostles, the strength of Paul and the persistence of John.

Thessalonians 5: 12 – 13 says: “And now, friends, we ask you to honor those leaders, who work so hard for you, who have been given the responsibility of urging and guiding you along in your obedience. Overwhelm them with appreciation and love.

Grace and Peace
