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Before I began my ministry journey I was well on a personal voyage of self and faith. Growing up in a traditional middle-class family life was fairly predictable. But if I thought life was conventional then faith and religion was far more planned and unsurprising. Week after week I attended church knowing what to expect from any given Sunday worship experience. This was not to say my church was “dead” or boring; in fact that would be the farthest thing from the truth. The church of my childhood, and youth, was home to amazing families, weekly visitors, dynamic teachers, vibrant praise and worship and most of all a commitment to allow the Holy Spirit to move freely during the service. Still, despite this freestyle approach, week after week without any intentional planning Sunday more or less always felt the same. Consequently as the church marched on living in a steady expectation of what worked, felt and seemed right, I also found my spiritual appetite, more or less, mirroring the church. In a phrase, I became content to live spiritually predictable.

One Sunday morning, in the mid-90’s, a particular service forever changed the identity of my childhood church; and though there was no expectation for that service to unfold as it later did the events that followed led to many changed lives for years to come. For close to seven years, the Holy Spirit revolutionized the church from the pulpit to the pew and from the pew to the community; and what was once a place of worship with predictability became a center of praise, healing and ministry that knew few boundaries.  While lives were changed, marriages restored, people healed and ministries launched I still stayed on the sidelines and watched from afar, though remained faithfully present. With each life changing testimony I knew the people whose lives were changed. They were part of our spiritual family and the miraculous brought joy to us all.  Still, my joy for God’s gracious healing and outpouring never translated to my personal pursuit of such changes in my own life.

As the years have passed I have been able to reflect on those experiences and my unwillingness to personally encounter God’s outpouring. Once the Holy Spirit finished moving, as he did those seven years, I remained with many in my church. And while they had been set free, and delivered, from their trials I found myself beginning to wrestle with the personal issues of pride, rejection, insecurity and fear. I too wanted to be “set-free” but also remain at a distance. Why was I unwilling to upset my desire for spiritual predictability in favor of the supernatural unpredictability of God?

It came down to a simple truth: I was unwilling to change from the old comfortable “self” and embrace a new, rebuilt and redesigned man living in the new humanity of Jesus! When such a sobering reality set in I was shaken to the point where I even asked if I was really saved? Of course I knew, deep within, I had accepted and received Jesus’ gracious invitation but in my desire to maintain a spiritually predictable existence I had missed out on the intimate hunger for God’s supernatural to change my life. Not only had I witnessed the Holy Spirit but I did my best to avoid Him which resulted in my adoption of other-Biblical views on salvation, grace and mercy. Salvation, for me, became going to church, tithing, being the best moral person I could be, wearing a cross and identifying myself with fellow Christians. But when I began to wrestle with “self”, having avoided the Holy Spirit, I discovered that salvation, grace and mercy could only be understood with the Holy Spirit! So as I returned to the Bible, for my answers, it suddenly became very clear: THE MARK OF A SAVED LIFE IS THE ALTERED LIFE.

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One of the trademarks of God’s encounter, and visitation, is that He has altered you deep within. If you still hunger for the old life, or crave the old appetites it is illogical to talk about being born-again when you are still juggling yourself. This is not to say even the altered man will not face temptations however when we are born again the Spirit of God makes the alteration visible and livable in your ordinary of life. When we live life firmly rooted in His Holy Spirit we complete, through Him, the amazing adjustment that is the evidence we are truly a saved soul, redeemed person and transfigured life.

“Because of this decision we don’t evaluate people by what they have or how they look. We looked at the Messiah that way once and got it all wrong, as you know. We certainly don’t look at him that way anymore. Now we look inside, and what we see is that anyone united with the Messiah gets a fresh start, is created new. The old life is gone; a new life burgeons! Look at it! All this comes from the God who settled the relationship between us and him, and then called us to settle our relationships with each other. God put the world square with himself through the Messiah, giving the world a fresh start by offering forgiveness of sins. God has given us the task of telling everyone what he is doing. We’re Christ’s representatives. God uses us to persuade men and women to drop their differences and enter into God’s work of making things right between them. We’re speaking for Christ himself now: Become friends with God; he’s already a friend with you.” (2 Cor. 5:17 MSG)

Grace and Peace



ahc_79194When Jeannette and I were first married I quickly discovered how different we really were. Through three years of dating, and an engagement period, I thought we were just alike in everything; but then after we said I do I realized we weren’t. That’s not to say our differences were bad or in some way we had deceived one another; it just reminds us that there are many ways, in our similarities, we can still be very different. It didn’t take long for me to discover our differences when after our first disagreement (fight) I wanted to patch things up and move on with a quick resolution. Jeannette, on the other hand, needed some time and breathing room to process our disagreement as well as our resolution. For over sixteen years we have managed to deal with conflict, disappointment, failures and hurts in much the same way as our first argument. And over this period of time I have come to appreciate the value of allowing the process of letting a situation breathe so as long as we are allowing the truth of God to act during that time.

As a pastor I have managed to tackle problems, within the church, from a variety of approaches. In some instances I have pressed, head strong, for a quick resolution with disastrous results; and at other times I have waited, too long, to allow people to process a conflict, which has also ended in unsuccessful outcomes. So after reading a variety of leadership books, conflict management articles and advise from my peers I still felt as if there was no “best” way to deal with any single situation better than what the Bible tells us.

St. James writes the early church and encourages them, “So let God work his will in you. Yell a loud no to the Devil and watch him scamper. Say a quiet yes to God and he’ll be there in no time. Quit dabbling in sin. Purify your inner life. Quit playing the field. Hit bottom, and cry your eyes out. The fun and games are over. Get serious, really serious. Get down on your knees before the Master; it’s the only way you’ll get on your feet.” (James 4:7-10 MSG)

“It is essential to give people a chance of acting on the truth of God.” (Chambers) After the pastor, husband, wife, boss or friend has had their say, in any situation or conflict, the responsibility must be left with the individual. You cannot, and are incapable, of acting for him or her and they must be deliberate in responding in a Christlike manner to any situation. Sadly, when we refuse to act, as Jesus would prompt us through His Word, we become paralyzed and end up exactly as we were before. Have you ever met people who live their life stuck? There are some who refuse to grow up, others who dodge responsibility and others still who assign blame, to others, for their misfortune. If you know this type of person or find yourself here today then return to what James tells us and CHANGE IT!  When one acts, he or she is never the same. And when we act upon God’s Word He begins to work His perfect will in our life immediately!

Too many people play games, with their own lives, by wasting precious time living in stalled action. Once you find yourself repeating a failed behavior, negative thinking or destructive speech immediately let go and allow God to get into your circumstance. The moments we will truly live are the moments when we act with our whole will submitted to His plans and purposes.
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FINAL THOUGHT: IT TAKES TIME, SO ALLOW FOR SOME BREATHING ROOM. While most of today’s post has advocated a quick Biblical response to life’s challenges I would be remiss if I didn’t bring some balance to the topic. Like Jeannette’s needing time to process our disagreement most people do require some breathing room. I personally believe all people would benefit from some time to “work it out.” However, this time needs to be well spent seeking Jesus and allowing His truth to walk us toward His resolution. “Never allow a truth of God that is brought home to your soul to pass without acting on it, not necessarily physically, but in will.” (Chambers)

In every part, or role in life, we play we will always be faced with the truth of God. When we confess we are wrong, but go back again; then we come up to it again, and go back; we are hopefully learning the valuable life lesson that tells us we have no business returning to an old failed way of living and thinking. God’s truth is not a negative reality that is meant to hurt or rob you rather His truths are the finest words of redemption in which Jesus transacts the business of drawing us back to Him. The final step we need to take is to go to Him; and everyone who responds to His invitation lives a life where the supernatural power of God invades and changes them instantly. If you truly want to be free from the burdensome power of the world, your weak flesh and your adversary, understand they are not paralyzed by your words or your actions of self! But the stumbling blocks and barriers will always be halted by your action, and will, that is linked to Jesus and His redemptive power!

Grace and Peace



images“Through your faithful prayers and the generous response of the Spirit of Jesus Christ, everything he wants to do in and through me will be done. I can hardly wait to continue on my course. I don’t expect to be embarrassed in the least. On the contrary, everything happening to me in this jail only serves to make Christ more accurately known, regardless of whether I live or die. They didn’t shut me up; they gave me a pulpit! Alive, I’m Christ’s messenger; dead, I’m his bounty. Life versus even more life! I can’t lose.” Phil. 1:20 (MSG)

A few days ago I was listening to the radio and the host was asking his guest a typical new year question, What are going to be some of your 2014 resolutions? Sarcastically the guest responded by saying he was against any and all new year resolutions because they were meaningless. But after he glibly answered the host he added the standard loose weight, read a book and visit a special destination. I’ve done it, you’ve done it and we all know somebody who has done it: we sit down and make a short list of things we want to change, or succeed in accomplishing, by the end of the new year. Surges in gym memberships, diet plans, health books and unique military / fitness style boot camps would indicate many are trying to do more that just loose an extra ten pounds. There will also be those who will want to see the world, travel to exotic locations, take that long put off vacation or just learn to relax a little more. Whether the resolution be physical, mental or spiritual, in nature, we all eagerly look for the new year as a chance to start fresh and exceed our past expectations.

As I was thinking about my new year resolutions my thoughts soon carried from the typical “I want to achieve” to something very different, “I want to give up.” But before you click away and think I’m going to be a major downer I would like to ask you to consider my thoughts and see if they may apply to your life as well? Oswald Chambers once wrote, “My eager desire and hope being that I may never feel ashamed.” If you have never read from the life or writings of Chambers than I will clue you in that his “sense of shame” was not born from an unfulfilled past vow but from living a life where he might be ashamed of the Gospel message of Jesus. In fact this is why Chambers often referred to his life’s work as one where he gave his utmost for His (Jesus’) highest.

The will of men can be a tricky thing. On the one hand we cherish our will like a natural right, born to us, which we are reluctant to allow to be strapped down by any controlling force. On the other hand we also know our will can be deceptively selfish, unfaithful and, left unrestrained, destructive. Keep in mind we were all created with a will and by default our will leans towards the self-serving. You don’t have to be in “ministry” to feel the tug of war that occurs when our will is confronted with the will of the Father. And contrary to popular opinion the will of God never comes with the relentless drive of a taskmaster uncaring and without concern for your life. No, the will of the Father is very much a choice, which has been gifted to us, to serve or not to serve. St. Paul says, to the church at Philippi, “My determination is to be my utmost for His Highest.” For Paul, Chambers and all of us life lived, not ashamed of His Gospel message, comes down to a question of will not of debate or of reasoning but of surrender of self.

Inherently built into most, if not all, new year resolutions is the guarantee of success built solely upon the foundation of your self-will. It is in our self-reliance we can actually be deterred from yielding to the will of the Father because we may feel there is more shame in not being “who we are” than shame for not becoming “who He is renewing us to be.” Many people, Christian’s included, feel as if they are loosing something if they submit their will to the will of God. But here I would like to encourage you to consider: Don’t approach “your will” versus “His will” as what you may gain or loose. Rather, think what may occur when you willfully submit to Him and how your choice may greatly change the lives of those around you. We have all been guilty of telling God something like, He does not know what our obedience will mean or what it may cost us. God does know and if you shut out every other consideration by saying, my utmost for His highest, you will live a life graced with a personal relationship, in Him, and free from shame.

“Whether that means life or death, no matter!” (v. 21) St. Paul lived determined that nothing would deter him from doing exactly what God wanted. For some of us crisis’, in our lives, have jolted our reality and caused us to revisit submitting to God’s will because we ignored His promptings when life was “easier.” Again, God desires to bring us to the place where He asks us to be our utmost for Him. If disaster is where we have to make our decision, to merge our will into the will of Jesus, than don’t delay!
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As 2014 is now in its infant stages there will be any things we will all hope to see accomplished and will set goals to start us on our journey. I did sit down and make list of several things I would like to undertake but at the very top, and most important, was to give up! It may sound like a recipe for a failed year, to some, but I disagree. 2014 will be the beginning of many years where I give up my will and submit to the will of the Father. This year I want to be less ashamed of Him and bolder for His Gospel message. Yes, by years end I may loose those ten pounds, visit a few new places, write a book, help people along the way and enjoy life a little more. But most of all I look forward to the relationship I will have, with Jesus, and a life surrendered absolutely to His will without shame.

Happy New Year!

Grace and Peace


Final Thought…I hope today’s post both encourages and challenges you. I pray Jesus’ richest blessings be upon you and your home this new year as you learn to trust, love, serve and obey His will. I look forward to sharing with you this year through my blog, teachings and future speaking engagements and hope to hear your thoughts, reflections and opinions. Thanks for reading, sharing and praying!