For the past five months I have been growing a beard and while I have always kept a “close shave” this is the first time I have allowed my beard to grow out. (For the record I am not trying to compete with Duck Dynasty)

As I looked back at the progress I noticed subtle changes along the way but after five months I have reached my goal of a healthy full length beard. Of course, I look little like the person of five months prior (for obvious reasons); but one thing my beard never did was change the inner being of Joshua Johnian. 

For better, or for worse, who I am on the inside still remains with or without a beard. If I am dealing a particular issue, struggling through a place of doubt, harboring anger or fear or even possessing great faith and allowing the HS to transform me daily my exterior image cannot change the inner man.

Too often we try to clean up or hide behind the exterior and with enough effort we can even trick ourselves into believing it is making some lasting and significant change. (Again, a good shave, trim, haircut and set of clothes go a long way in making you feel good) But any exterior change wears off, gets boring and given enough time also needs to be freshened up.

So, what’s the point?

The Promise of God brings with it the Promise of Lasting Inner Change. Certainly the outer image is important to God but we are all guilty of trying to trick God and fool ourselves with an outer “coat of paint” without allowing the HS to change what is in need of desperate repair and remodeling on the inside.

One more example: My wife loves the show “Fixer Upper” and we will watch the amazing rehab projects Chip and JoJo perform week after week. You know what I have noticed? While they will spend time fixing the outside the bulk of their energy, expertise and resources are spent totally remodeling every detail of the inside. With a careful attention every house is redone to perfection and with great joy to the future homeowner.

Often we hear mantra’s that tell us, “look within…” and I can’t help but wonder if I, or you, need to allow a “fixer upper” project on ourselves?

God created us with “great bones” and our bodies, like a natural home, are created to house God’s beautiful, and original intention, from the inside-out. The Promise of Inner Change, for me, is an enduring reminder I can’t get around what is needed most in my journey: Inner Change.

If we will allow God’s promise to actually be manifest in our lives then we will experience change both in and out. And, best of all, we will be living with an active Promise of God operating in our lives and positioning us for further blessing!

Today, ask the HS to start the remodeling process and trust God that He has the master design for you while Jesus reassures us the project of the inner you is much better than what you are working on today. – PASTOR JOSHUA

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“Read Jer. 31:31 for the promise of the New Covenant, and note that it involves an inner change of the heart. Read 2 Cor. 3 for additional light on this wonderful topic. The Old Covenant was written with the finger of God on tablets of stone, but the New Covenant is written by the Spirit on the human heart and mind. An external law can never change a person; it must become a part of the inner life if it is to change our behavior. See Deut. 6:6–9. This is the meaning of Rom. 8:4—“That the righteousness of the law might be fulfilled in us.” This is accomplished, of course, by the Holy Spirit, who enables us to obey God’s Word.”

Wiersbe, W. W. (1992). Wiersbe’s expository outlines on the New Testament (p. 698). Wheaton, IL: Victor Books.