Tag Archives: traffic


guidanceNear my house there is a lot of construction going on. Not more than a block from my front door a new subdivision of homes are being built up and a few blocks down the other end a major section of the road is being widened. It seems no matter which way I turn there is a detour or a road worker directing traffic. A few mornings back I was sitting in a long car line, bringing my son to school, when I finally came to a place of turning. While the traffic light was red the road worker was waving me to pass through the intersection. What do I do? Do I follow the traffic rules, and lights, or the man wearing the red suit with his arms waving me on? Well, a car honk later, my son saying, Dad…Go! and the road worker pointing directly at me to move, was enough motivation to continue on trusting he (the road worker was right).

My little slice of life, at a busy intersection, is not too different than everyday life for any of us. Honestly, I was very uncomfortable sandwiched between traffic, years of driving rules and some guy in the middle of the road; and in this instance I was very much the amateur. What about you? What happens when your life has pressure behind you, common sense in front of you and God waving His hands trying to get your attention? For some of us it takes a long time to realize we can become a real danger to ourselves, and others, by remaining amateurs. Returning to my road story imagine what may have happened if I just stopped? Traffic would have increased, frustration would have mounted and uncertainty may have developed into fear the next time the light switched. And so, looking to the man in the middle of the road I decided not to interfere with his directions. Likewise, we should behave this way with God. When God is directing you, even in an uncertain situation, do no retreat into safe assumptions that place your will straight in front of God’s permissive will.

Perhaps the hardest place to trust God’s will, over our desires, is experienced when we are living with people in our community of faith or loved ones? Most people see the hurt, harm or fear, of others, and instantly want to intervene with the desire to help, heal or prevent it. But what if God is saying to us, What are YOU doing in this situation? What if God has allowed circumstances to unfold, in such a way, where He desires to bring the “in need” into a reality of needing Him and not you? We may be well intentioned in desiring to ease the suffering of people but unless we are led by the Holy Spirit, and supported by His Word, way may be advising people to have faith in us and not God. If our role, in the life of others, is to bring them unto ourselves then we are also interfering in the life of another; proposing things we have no right to propose and advising when we have no right to advise. When the opportunity opens, for you to give advice or aide to another, God will advise through you with the direct understanding of His will. Our part is to be so in tune with God that His discernment comes through you and allows Him to be the true blessing for the person in need.

REMEMBER MY TRAFFIC STORY? At the intersection of traffic, construction and direction is very real life. We all reside and know people who are living in various stages of traffic, construction and needing direction yet too often we attempt, with amateur efforts, to solve or cure problems without allowing God the room to actually direct us. The results are seldom ideal and even more disastrous are the unintended consequences the follow our not waiting for God or allowing Him to direct His people in need. In short, GET OUT OF THE WAY OF GOD and allow Him the breathing room to give, those He loves, the proper cues to navigate dangerous situations. The man in the middle of the road knew the traffic situation and the potential dangers ahead; and when he waved me through the intersection I arrived safely through the circumstance.
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Today’s post is by no means a “free pass” to ignore the needs of others but rather, in seeing the need, we are to be carefully led by the Holy Spirit how to intervene and to what extent. Once we are led by Him then we can have the confidence that He (God) is using us to carry through His plans and purposes in the lives of others. At times you may find yourself doing little and in others seasons you may be called on to intervene in much. In either case be sure to stay out of God’s way and let Him be the main director because He alone see’s and knows the true extent of the circumstances and the people He cares for.

Grace and Peace