I love chips! Any type of crunchy, salty, spicy or sour chip I just seem to crave them. It, for me, is the ultimate “bad” food temptation I seldom try to resist. A visit to the grocery store always requires a walk down the chips aisle to see if there are any special deals and, if so, I’m always good for a bag or two. It’s easy to crave what we know is not good for us. Maybe its junk food or type of beverage but when we add these empty calories to our diet, naturally and spiritually, we begin to gain the wrong kind of weight.

Every person has a taste for what they like and don’t like. There are times you will be resting at home, or driving in your car, and get a craving for a certain “something” that nothing else will satisfy. Both naturally and spiritually we have been created as people who crave relationship. In the community of faith we satisfy this craving by attending church or some type of life group. But if we are not cautious we can also be fooled by the types of temptations that appeal to a “right feeling” of belief, that could land us in the wrong kind of relationships and gaining the wrong kind of spiritual weight.

Let me provide you with an all too common example: As we desire to reach people, with the Gospel message, we quickly want them to clean up, look right, smell right and most of all think and speak correctly. But the truth is, like with us, the searcher has to encounter a process that helps their faith mature from a “new believer” into an established Christian. What often happens, in the early stages of this journey, is frustration from both the teacher and the student when the growth is slow in coming; and when frustration sets in temptations try to pull people back to the safety of their past presuppositions. What is supposed to happen? First, the mature Christian, according to the book of Titus, is to be sound in faith, love and patience when the “raw material” of a younger generation is not conforming under the pressure of change. Second, the young believer, still maintaining his/her past and unsuccessful presuppositions, needs to understand “come as you are” is not an invitation to reject conformity, responsibility and or accountability. The Conclusion? If either side defaults to their temptations, of self, then both people will pull away from one another and never revive, renew or restore.

Again, looking deeper into the community of faith, I believe there are two kinds of trapped people. The first trapped group are those locked in the “inside of the church.” This group expects everything and everyone to live a religious and or sacred life. Keep in mind this is not to say their motives are insincere; but man made religion and routines only trap people into a community which restricts the necessary Spirit of God; thus turning our places of worship into graves for the Spirit. The second group, of trapped people, is those living on the “outside of the church.” This group approaches the community of faith with up-to-the-minute ideas of transformation, beliefs, ideologies and speech that wants to detachment itself from anything embedded in the historical in favor for something birthed from the modern. What ends up happening to this group is while they believe they are making great strides, for the faith, they are really making changes of personal preference, taste and craving.  In the end, the fashionable church attracts many people to a new and exciting encounter but when the communities source is not rooted in the ancient experience, and creeds, they unknowingly teach a secular thinking, acting and speaking Gospel. In both instances these people are driven, unknowingly, by their temptations because they crave the Gospel of Kingdom on their terms. Did you catch that? THEY CRAVE JESUS’ MESSAGE ON THEIR TERMS.

So what is the solution? Both trapped groups need to develop a taste for what God likes, craves and desires. What does God like and crave? Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father in heaven is perfect.” (Matthew 5:48) It may sound like a tall order but what do we think Jesus’ words are really challenging us with? Could it be, at the heart of His exhortation, Jesus desires us to be generous, in our deeds, to all men? Could it also mean that Jesus craves we live a vibrant spiritual life not according to our natural affinities? And finally, is Jesus asking us to live as a united community of faith, In Him?

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This is what God likes: Followers, IN HIM, from inside and outside the church walls to be His faithful disciples; which means we are to deliberately identify ourselves with God’s interests and not our own affinities. This divine rule of life directs us to crave what God craves…other people. “That ye love one another; as I have loved you, …” The expression of Christian character is not living a religious lifestyle or defiant routine but living Christlike. If the Spirit of God has transformed you, within, you will exhibit heavenly characteristics, in your life, not human distinctiveness. “The secret of a Christian is that the supernatural is made natural in him by the grace of God, and the experience of this works out in the practical details of life.” (Chambers)

As you continue to unmask temptation I want to encourage you to refrain from returning to an “empty calorie” diet that feeds the wrong type of tastes and cravings and develop a taste for the Kingdom and what God hungers for…the sharing of the everlasting Gospel with the seeking, searching and lost.

Grace and Peace